Energypedia User Survey - Results 2019

From energypedia
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The 2019 user survey was created using lime-survey. It was launched in June 27th, 2019 and closed in August 15th, 2019 (Full 49 days open for participants). During this period, the survey had a total of 95 full responses.

The survey was shared via the homepage, via both June & July newsletters, and 2-3 times a week (along the opening period) via all energypedia’s social media channels (Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn).

The survey structure consisted of 6 different sections, with each section consisting of 3-5 questions. The sections were: Personal Information – Usage and Knowledge – Content – Participation – Newsletter – Satisfaction. The results of each question in each section are shown and discussed in the following chapters.


This section was to have an impression of how far the users are satisfied with our content and services. Consequently, we want to get an idea of how much should be improved, what needs to be improved or if we can keep on our pace at the same level.

The majority seems to like energypedia: About 55 of the 95 respondents found the platform ‘satisfying’, 23 found it ‘very satisfying’. Only 11 found it ‘slightly satisfying’, and 6 could not estimate to which degree are they satisfied with it.