Egypt: Improve Energy Efficiency

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Egypt: Improve Energy Efficiency

Title of Document Egypt: Improve Energy Efficiency
Abstract The objective of this report is to take stock of the past/ongoing energy efficiency initiatives and activities and to recommend a set of the principal strategic actions which could be undertaken by the GOE to promote and sustain EE improvements. The first part of the report presents the following topics: (i) a brief general overview of energy use in Egypt; (ii) an analysis of the current institutional framework for EE; (iii) a review of the main past, ongoing and future EE activities and programs implemented by different organizations; and (iv) an identification of the major barriers to EE. In the second part of the report, specific recommendations to further improve EE in Egypt are presented, supported by a review of some of the relevant international best practices and lessons learned from national and international experiences.
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English: Egypt Improve Energy Efficiency.pdf

Original Source World Bank
Year 2010
Region/Country Middle East & North Africa - Egypt
Language(s) English
Document Type Case Studies - Exploiting EE Potential, Incentive Mechanisms, Institutional and Regulatory Frameworks, Removal of Barriers

Sector Multisector