Cooking Project Archive

From energypedia
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feasibilty studies
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Implementation Documents
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outcomes, impacts, general lessons learned and other 
Cost & benefit of institutional stoves Malawi (1200KB) Economic evaluation of the component "Promotion of efficient institutional cook stoves" of ProBEC 2004-2007
Experiences from Malawi – Mulanje District (1300KB) ProBEC – Programme for Biomass Energy Conservation - Impact Assessment at Local Level

further Documents
Kenya - Brown Bag Lunch (375KB)
25 years of Improved Stove Activities in Kenya
Uganda - Brown Bag Lunch (2002KB)
A Stove Rockets Uganda
Burkina Faso - Brown Bag Lunch (2557KB) Marketing campaigns pay off
Bangladesh - Brown Bag Lunch (794KB)
Promotion of Improved Cook Stove in Bangladesh
Ethiopia - Brown Bag Lunch (2332KB) Job Creation Trough Stove Promotion
observation fields and Indicators regarding Energy for Cooking (99KB) Table with direct and inderect results and MDG relevance

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