Event - Aid for Trade Global Review 2022: Unlocking Sustainable Development with Clean Cooking

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Aid for Trade Global Review 2022: Unlocking Sustainable Development with Clean Cooking
Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA)
Online Seminars
  • Cooking

2022/07/28 06:30AM ET
2022/07/28 08:00AM ET
  • Worldwide
Online (Zoom)
The affordability of modern stoves and fuels is a key access enabler to clean cooking for many vulnerable and poor communities around the world. Trade can be part of the solution to this issue. The reduction or elimination of tariffs and non-tariff barriers on such goods and the use of appropriate trade policies and international standards has the potential to energize trade in this sector, reducing costs to consumers and accelerating access to cleaner solutions and technologies.

The affordability of modern stoves and fuels is a key access enabler to clean cooking for many vulnerable and poor communities around the world. Trade can be part of the solution to this issue. The reduction or elimination of tariffs and non-tariff barriers on such goods and the use of appropriate trade policies and international standards has the potential to energize trade in this sector, reducing costs to consumers and accelerating access to cleaner solutions and technologies.

This session, co-hosted by the Clean Cooking Alliance and the WTO Environment & Trade Division, with support from the UK and Netherlands trade delegations, will give an overview of the challenge, the solutions and why reduction of trade barriers is important to increase access to clean cooking globally and achieve sustainable development, environment and climate goals.

Register here: https://unfoundation.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Gky5Uo7PQi2FUWd4azQDQA