Opportunity - Call for Interest by GBE Côte d’Ivoire – Social Infrastructures

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Call for Interest by GBE Côte d’Ivoire – Social Infrastructures

Green Energy for Citizens (GEFC) promotes the dissemination of solar energy technologies in off-grid rural areas of Côte d'Ivoire. Particular emphasis is placed on the use of these technologies by social infrastructures in these decentralised areas.

Thus, the project is currently seeking to identify private institutions: (i) health and/or (ii) socio-educational (school, vocational training centre...) and/or (iii) religious social centres, and/or agricultural cooperatives or apex organisations located in rural areas beyond the reach of the electricity grid and wishing to invest in the acquisition of off-grid electrical solutions.

The expression of interest is therefore addressed to all commercial companies, non-profit associations, cooperative societies or faith-based organisations that manage existing private social infrastructures or those under construction during 2021.

Any centre interested in this call is requested to contact us no later than 10 September 2021 at gbe_civ@giz.de with the subject "Mapping of private social infrastructure" and specifying the following information

  • Name of the social infrastructure
  • Nature of the infrastructure (school, training centre, health centre, etc)
  • Address of the centre (Department - Commune - Village)
  • Services provided by the social facility (e.g. maternity, vaccination, canteen, youth centre, etc.)
  • Name and contact a number of a reference person.