Opportunity - Call for Papers: All African Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation 2023

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Call for Papers: All African Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation 2023
The International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP)
Call for Papers/Abstracts
  • Climate Change
  • Worldwide
The International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP) https://www.haw hamburg.de/en/ftz-nk/programmes/iccirp/ in cooperation with various universities, research centers, and international organizations, is organizing on 23rd November 2023 the "All African Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation", as an on-line scientific event.

As the title suggests, the Symposium will provide an opportunity for researchers based in Africa and/or working on climate change issues in African countries, to present their work, studies, research, practical projects, and other scholarly initiatives on the subject matter of climate change adaptation.


Consistent with the need for more cross-sectoral interactions among the various stakeholders working in the field of climate change adaptation in Africa, the aims of the "All African Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation" are as follows:

i. to provide research institutions, universities, NGOs, and enterprises all around Africa with an opportunity to display and present their works in the field of climate change adaptation and technologies that may help to mitigate climate change; ii. to foster the exchange of information, ideas, and experiences acquired in the execution of climate change adaptation projects, especially successful initiatives, and good practices; iii. to discuss methodological approaches and experiences deriving from case studies and projects, which aim to show how the principles of climate change adaptation may be implemented in practice;

iv. to network with the participants and provide a platform so they can explore possibilities for cooperation.