Opportunity - Invitation - Special Issue "Low Carbon Energy Transitions: Today and in the Future"

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Invitation - Special Issue "Low Carbon Energy Transitions: Today and in the Future"

Opportunity to submit a paper to the Special Issue "Low Carbon Energy Transitions: Today and in the Future" in Energies, impact factor 2.702. For more information see https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/Carbon_Transitions .

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 August 2021.


Climate change urgently needs to be mitigated. Limiting global atmospheric temperature increases to below 2 degrees by the end of the century, as per the Paris Agreement aims, can only be achieved through low carbon energy transitions. The aim of this Special Issue is therefore to outline state-of-the-art low carbon energy transitions, for today and for the future. Papers should analyze both present and future low carbon energy transitions to achieve the Paris Agreement targets.

Huge technical and economic improvements have been made in recent years with regard to transitions to low carbon energy, especially in solar, wind, hydropower, and biomass. In some countries, low carbon energy already plays a large role in the power sector, while the bottlenecks are the transportation sector and the industrial sector.

Aim of SI:

This Special Issue aims to analyze low carbon energy transitions in all sectors, the power sector, transport (by air, land, and water), industries, agriculture, services, and households (especially urban areas). The emphasis is on transitions to renewable energy (biofuels/biomass, geothermal energy, hydropower, marine energy, solar energy, wind energy), as well as nuclear energy, carbon capture and storage and negative emission technologies such as BECCS.

The Special Issue aims to address socio-technical transition pathways, taking into account the diffusion of innovation, how niche innovation can break through at the regime level, the relevance of business models, and the wider role of socioeconomic and political factors to achieve low carbon energy transitions. The Special Issue welcomes both qualitative and quantitative studies, as well as empirical and theoretical contributions, from a range of different disciplines and approaches.