Publication - Clean Cooking: Financing Appliances for End Users

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Clean Cooking: Financing Appliances for End Users
MECS and Energy4Impact
MECS and Energy4Impact
Published in
July 2021
The Financing Clean Cooking series aims to facilitate the transition

to clean cooking through financing and investment. The series is targeted at a diverse range of public and private stakeholders in clean cooking, including NGOs, donors, investors, and suppliers. Clean Cooking: Financing Appliances for End Users is the second report in the series and provides a snapshot of the state of end user financing for clean cooking. It looks at the pricing of different appliances and outlines how the current market is dominated by cash sales. It explains why consumer credit is important and examines emerging financing models such as automated payas-you-go and utility-led financing. Finally, it calls upon donors to make interventions to scale up appliance financing for clean

