Publication - Clean Cooking: Structuring Concessions for Displaced People

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Clean Cooking: Structuring Concessions for Displaced People
MECS and Energy 4 Impact
MECS and Energy 4 Impact
Published in
August 2021
Energy 4 Impact and MECS joined forces to launch a series of reports that showcase research into critical aspects of the intersecting clean cooking and modern energy landscapes. The reports tackle topics such as business models of cooking device manufacturers and distributors, investor types, pathways to technology scale-up and barriers to capital raising. The ultimate goal of the series is to generate more investment into the clean cooking sector by identifying strategies to expand the adoption of clean cooking solutions in sub-Saharan Africa. The first two reports in this series were launched in June, and focused on Scaling Up with Crowdfunding and Financing Appliances for End Users. Now the third report in the series, Clean Cooking: Structuring Concessions for Displaced People, seeks to update the concession concept, a market-based financial mechanism that has the potential to bring modern energy cooking solutions to refugee camps at an affordable level for the camp population. This report reviews recent developments in clean cooking in displacement settings and examines the attitudes of different stakeholders towards concessions. It brings a particular focus to the involvement of the private sector and how to incentivize companies to develop clean cooking solutions in displacement settings. It also looks at the opportunities for concessions in different locations, the key ingredients for success, the main risks and risk mitigation strategies, and contractual issues. Finally, it calls on donors to make interventions to develop the clean cooking concession further.
