Publication - Shortchanging Energy Access: A Progress Report on Multilateral Development Bank Finance

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Shortchanging Energy Access: A Progress Report on Multilateral Development Bank Finance
Oil Change International
Allison Lee & Oil Change International
Published in
October 2018
A new analysis of the energy finance provided by multilateral development banks (MDBs) from 2014 through 2017 shows that much work remains to properly finance the needs of the world’s poorest communities with the least access to reliable energy sources. Overall, the MDBs are not financing energy access at nearly a sufficient level to meet the needs of energy-poor communities. On a mostly positive note, the energy access finance that is being provided is being directed to many of the communities that need it most (though targeting could be improved even further). But even so, energy access is not reflected as a priority for the MDBs, despite their claims that they would like it to be so.
