Solar Pumping System for Women Farmers

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Solar Pumping System for Women Farmers Association to Foster Productive Use in Senegal

Last edit made by Helen Mengs on 2024-05-07. This is a wiki, do not hesitate to update information by clicking on "Edit with form".

Key Data

Le Partenariat
August 2022 - July 2023
Project Description
The project promotes the productive use of renewable energies within the NAFOORE economic association of women farmers. Therefore, a solar system with a water pump is installed in Mboumba. It replaces the previous diesel generator and enables the women’s group to irrigate around ten hectares of land. To ensure technical sustainability, a local technician monitors the performance data of the pump closely and sends regular reports to the implementing organisation. During multiple training sessions, the women are sensitized with regards to climate change, renewable energies and the optimal use of the solar pumping system. A sustainable financial operating system is established, wherein the women pay a monthly contribution to the maintenance and upkeep of the installations. Overall, the project approach aims to (1) reduce irrigation costs for the NAFOORE women farmers group, (2) increase their agricultural harvests thanks to an alternative pumping system, and, finally, (3) change the primary energy source used, thereby promoting the environmental and climatic resilience of agricultural practices in the Podor department.

The project approach focuses specifically on women farmers as vulnerable members of Senegalese society. It provides them with access to clean technologies and strengthens their ownership through a self­management approach. This has a consolidating effect on the sustainability of the project.
GBE Component
Small Projects Fund
  • Productive Use
  • Gender
  • Community-based Approaches

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Country SPF
Geographic coordinates of project site
16° 39' 9.76" N, 14° 57' 31.21" W
Latitude            Longitude

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