ToR for Energy Audit of Water and Wastewater Utilities

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ToR for Energy Audit of Water and Wastewater Utilities

Title of Document ToR for Energy Audit of Water and Wastewater Utilities
Abstract The ToR describes consultancy services for a Energy Audit of Water and Wastewater Utilities.

The objective of the energy audits is to estimate/measure the present consumption of all kinds of energy in selected canals; to indicate the approximate potential for improving the energy balance; and to suggest a tentative list of investments which will cover not only the rehabilitation and optimization of plants and processes, but also:

  • Studies to identify network rehabilitation priorities and subsequent rehabilitation works to reduce the level of physical losses.
  • Water management campaigns to reduce water wastage (including internal leakages) both among residential and non-residential customers.
  • Awareness campaigns (if considered relevant) regarding water wastage.
  • Capacity building programs at the utility level, relevant to the energy efficiency topic.
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English: ToR for Energy Audit of Water and Wastewater Utilities.docx

Original Source
Language(s) English
Document Type Terms of Reference - Audits and Verification Services

Sector Waste and Wastewater

<ul><li>Property "EEPRC abstractsearch" (as page type) with input value "ßthe tor describes consultancy services for a energy audit of water and wastewater utilities.the objective of the energy audits is to estimate/measure the present consumption of all kinds of energy in selected canals; to indicate the approximate potent" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "EEPRC abstractsearch2" (as page type) with input value "ßpotential for improving the energy balance; and to suggest a tentative list of investments which will cover not only the rehabilitation and optimization of plants and processes, but also: * studies to identify network rehabilitation priorities and sub" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>