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<br/>In addtion, Egypt has 30 decentralized power plants, mostly diesel and gas turbine units which are not connected to the national grid. The combined installed capacities of these plants added up to 224 MW in 2012/2013. Approximately 234.5 GWh of electricity were supplied to local users including tourist resorts.<br/>Egypt is a net exporter of electricity, importing 77 GWh, while exporting 474 GWh of electricity in 2012. In 2012/2013, the average percentage network losses were 11.02%.<br/>Between 2001 and 2012, electricity production rose from 83,282 GWh to 164,364 GWh .The main source for the production of electricity is gas (66%) followed by hydro (18.2%) and oil (15.6%).<br/>
<br/>In addtion, Egypt has 30 decentralized power plants, mostly diesel and gas turbine units which are not connected to the national grid. The combined installed capacities of these plants added up to 224 MW in 2012/2013. Approximately 234.5 GWh of electricity were supplied to local users including tourist resorts.<br/>Egypt is a net exporter of electricity, importing 77 GWh, while exporting 474 GWh of electricity in 2012. In 2012/2013, the average percentage network losses were 11.02%.<br/>Between 2001 and 2012, electricity production rose from 83,282 GWh to 164,364 GWh .The main source for the production of electricity is gas (66%) followed by hydro (18.2%) and oil (15.6%).<br/>
=== Consumption<br/> ===
=== Consumption<br/> ===
<s>The main consumer of electricity in Egypt is the residential sector which accounts for 37 % of the total consumption, followed close by the industrial sector (35 %). A future average annual growth in electricity demand of 6.35 % is expected, partly due to rising living standards and very low electricity prices.</s> + Split up by sectors<br/>
The main consumer of electricity in Egypt is the residential sector which accounts for 42% of the total consumption, followed by the industrial sector (28%). The consumption of the residental sector has been steadily increasing in the recent years. According to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, this is due to two factors: the expansion of residential compounds and new communities as well as the the use of domestic appliances, air conditioners in particular, during hot weather. The development of the electricity consumption per sector is outlined in table 3.<br/>
<p style="text-align: center;"><u>Table 3: Electricity consumption by sector (GWh) 2008-2013</u> <ref>http://www.egelec.com/mysite1/pdf/report%20E.pdf</ref><br/></p>
{| style="width: 100%;" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"
| Sector
| 2008/2009
| 2009/2010
| 2010/2011
| 2011/2012
| 2012/2013
| colspan="6" | GWh
| Industries
| 37,273
| 38,916
| 40,702
| 42,098
| 39,887
| Agriculture
| 4,617
| 4,834
| 4,927
| 5,560
| 6,230
| Utilities
| 4,714
| 5,555
| 5,759
| 6,010
| 5,904
| Public lighting
| 6,982
| 7,050
| 6,186
| 6,537
| 6,210
| Governmental entities
| 5,563
| 5,443
| 5,977
| 6,385
| 7,664
| Residential
| 43,811
| 47,431
| 51,370
| 56,664
| 59,757
| Commercial & others
| 8,754
| 9,674
| 10,238
| 10,715
| 14,605
| colspan="6" | <br/>
| Total
| 111,714
| 118,903
| 125,159
| 133,969
| 140,257
=== Grid<br/> ===
=== Grid<br/> ===
In 2012/2013, the carrier grid consisted of 43,634 km total transmission lines and cables. The grid is subdivided into six geographical zones, namely Cairo, Canal, Delta, Alexandria and West Delta, Middle Egypt and Upper Egypt. The country’s entire territory is covered. The network is interconnected with the grids of Libya, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. There are ongoing studies<ref>http://www.egelec.com/mysite1/pdf/report%20E.pdf</ref> for interconnections with Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Conge, the Eastern Nile Basin (Sudan and Ethiopia) and Greece.<br/>
In 2012/2013, the carrier grid consisted of 43,634 km total transmission lines and cables. The grid is subdivided into six geographical zones, namely Cairo, Canal, Delta, Alexandria and West Delta, Middle Egypt and Upper Egypt. The country’s entire territory is covered. The network is interconnected with the grids of Libya, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. There are ongoing studies<ref>http://www.egelec.com/mysite1/pdf/report%20E.pdf</ref> for interconnections with Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Conge, the Eastern Nile Basin (Sudan and Ethiopia) and Greece.<br/>
=== Electricity prices<br/> ===
=== Electricity prices<br/> ===
The prices of electricity in Egypt range among the lowest in the world. The prices are fixed by the Egyptian and are highly subsidized. The tariff structure varies according to type of consumption (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial) and amount consumed. Since the tariff is higher for higher consumption, there is an incentive to consume less. The lowest category of the residential tariff, up to 50 KWh/month, has remained unchanged since 1993 at 5 piasters (approximately 0.60 €-ct) per KWh. Since 2007, the government has been trying cut costs for subsidies. In July 2014[BMG1] , electricity prices increased as part of a five-year plan which aims to start generating profits from electricity, which is currently sold for less than half its production cost <ref>http://english.alarabiya.net/en/business/2014/07/04/Minister-Egypt-raises-electricity-prices-.html</ref>.<br/><br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/>
The prices of electricity in Egypt range among the lowest in the world. The prices are fixed by the Egyptian and are highly subsidized. The tariff structure varies according to type of consumption (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial) and amount consumed. Since the tariff is higher for higher consumption, there is an incentive to consume less. The lowest category of the residential tariff, up to 50 KWh/month, has remained unchanged since 1993 at 5 piasters (approximately 0.60 €-ct) per KWh. Since 2007, the government has been trying cut costs for subsidies. In July 2014 , electricity prices increased as part of a five-year plan which aims to start generating profits from electricity, which is currently sold for less than half its production cost <ref>http://english.alarabiya.net/en/business/2014/07/04/Minister-Egypt-raises-electricity-prices-.html</ref>.<br/><br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/>
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Updated until here</span><br/>
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Updated until here</span><br/>
= Political Framework Conditions in the Energy Sector<br/> =
= Energy Policy<br/> =
Egypt has a national energy strategy, although only adopted at the level of the energy policy committee of the governing party. The strategy covers the diversification of the energy mix, higher energy efficiency, a reform of the electricity and the oil as well as natural gas markets and reduction of energy subsidies. The renewable energy strategy is a fundamental part of the national energy strategy.<br/><br/>The diversification of the energy mix in the electricity sector is one of the main goals of the energy strategy. It aims to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels while increasing the share of renewable energy sources and giving a new impulse to the nuclear electricity program suspended in the <span data-scaytid="158" data-scayt_word="1980s">1980s</span>. In February 2008, the government set a new ambitious target of 20 % renewable energy in electricity production by 2020 excluding existing large hydro power plants.<ref name="JCEE 2009 - Egyptian-German High Level Joint Committee for cooperation on renewable energy and energy efficiency and environmental protection http://www.jcee-eg.net Retrieved on 8th September 2009">JCEE 2009 - Egyptian-German High Level Joint Committee for cooperation on renewable energy and energy efficiency and environmental protection http://www.jcee-eg.net Retrieved on 8th September 2009</ref> Although no nuclear electricity generation targets have been set, the government launched a nuclear electricity plan in 2007. First steps to implement it have already been taken.<ref name="ESIS 2008 - Egypt State Information Service. Egypt on the Threshold of a Nuclear Age. (http://www.sis.gov.eg/En/Pub/magazin/winter2008/110235000000000015.htm) Retrieved on 10th September 2009; NPPA 2009 - Nuclear Power Plants Authority. Egyptian Nuclear Program. Technical meeting on invitation and evaluation of bids for nuclear power plants. (http://www.iaea.org/NuclearPower/...F/.../Egypt_Ali_Abd_El_Nabi.pdf) Retrieved on 8th September 2009">ESIS 2008 - Egypt State Information Service. Egypt on the Threshold of a Nuclear Age. (http://www.sis.gov.eg/En/Pub/magazin/winter2008/110235000000000015.htm) Retrieved on 10th September 2009; NPPA 2009 - Nuclear Power Plants Authority. Egyptian Nuclear Program. Technical meeting on invitation and evaluation of bids for nuclear power plants. (http://www.iaea.org/NuclearPower/...F/.../Egypt_Ali_Abd_El_Nabi.pdf) Retrieved on 8th September 2009</ref><br/><br/>Improving energy efficiency is a fundamental part of the strategy as well. It aims at tackling the fast growth of primary energy consumption, which tends to grow as rapidly as or even higher than real economic growth. Although numerous regulations exist for the main energy consuming sectors, implementation and enforcement is often quite low.<ref name="JCEE 2009 - Egyptian-German High Level Joint Committee for cooperation on renewable energy and energy efficiency and environmental protection http://www.jcee-eg.net Retrieved on 8th September 2009">JCEE 2009 - Egyptian-German High Level Joint Committee for cooperation on renewable energy and energy efficiency and environmental protection http://www.jcee-eg.net Retrieved on 8th September 2009</ref> The policy on energy subsidies has changed due to the reduction of oil reserves and the financial problems associated with the existing schemes. The domestic natural gas and electricity prices have been adjusted in 2008 in order to cover at least the cost of service. Subsidies are being reduced gradually, first in energy intensive industries, and second in the tourism sector, though energy subsidies for the average consumer are not expected to change significantly.<ref name="JCEE 2009; Marquer 2009. Egypt moves towards renewable energy. In: Business monthly, April 2009.">JCEE 2009; Marquer 2009. Egypt moves towards renewable energy. In: Business monthly, April 2009.</ref> With regard to the energy market, the adopted energy strategy aims to establish a fully competitive structure, where electricity production, transmission and distribution activities are fully unbundled. The strategy should also create <span data-scaytid="160" data-scayt_word="favourable">favourable</span> conditions to achieve the 20 % renewable energy in electricity production.<ref name="El-Salmawy 2009. Renewable Energy Strategy for 20/20 and Regulatory Framework. Egyptian Electric Utility and Customer Protection Regulatory Agency. (http://www.jcee-eg.net/libdetails.asp?typeID=4)">El-Salmawy 2009. Renewable Energy Strategy for 20/20 and Regulatory Framework. Egyptian Electric Utility and Customer Protection Regulatory Agency. (http://www.jcee-eg.net/libdetails.asp?typeID=4)</ref> <br/>
[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/>
== Framework Conditions for Renewable Energies<br/> ==
=== Strategy and Objectives for Renewable Energies<br/> ===
== General Information<br/> ==
Egypt’s renewable energy strategy was formulated in the early <span data-scaytid="162" data-scayt_word="1980s">1980s</span> as an integral part of the national energy planning. This strategy has been revised and adapted according to the changing financial, market and technological framework conditions. The target of a 20 % renewable electricity by 2020 (around 12 000 MW) is highly ambitious compared to the previous target set in 2000 of 14 % RE-E by 2021/22.<ref name="El-Salmawy 2004. Egyptian Power Sector Reform and New Electricity Law. EEUCPRA.">El-Salmawy 2004. Egyptian Power Sector Reform and New Electricity Law. EEUCPRA.</ref><br/><br/><br/>
Overview and recent debates (e.g. coal)<br/>
=== Legal conditions and support Schemes for renewable Energies<br/> ===
Within the context of the new energy strategy and the ambitious renewable energy targets, recently, there has been some effort to create a more competitive electricity market in order to attract investors from the private sector. The draft of the new Electricity Law, which is currently in the process of ratification by the People’s Assembly, is supposed to establish a <span data-scaytid="226" data-scayt_word="liberalised">liberalised</span> electricity market, regulated by the Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency <span data-scaytid="224" data-scayt_word="eeucpra">EEUCPRA</span>. Article 20 – 22 of the draft law addresses the replacement of the current Single Buyer Model and allows for third party access to the electricity grid. The access to the electricity grids will be based on published tariffs and <span data-scaytid="228" data-scayt_word="longterm">longterm</span> electricity purchase agreements. Moreover, the government states that it plans to remove all energy subsidies by 2017.<br/>
<u>To implement the strategy, a two phase policy is planned:</u><br/><br/><br/>
[[Egypt_Energy_Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/>
== Renewable Energy Policy<br/> ==
Egypt’s renewable energy strategy was formulated in the early <span data-scaytid="162" data-scayt_word="1980s">1980s</span> as an integral part of the national energy planning. This strategy has been revised and adapted according to the changing financial, market and technological framework conditions. The target of a 20 % renewable electricity by 2020 (around 12 000 MW) is highly ambitious compared to the previous target set in 2000 of 14 % RE-E by 2021/22.<ref name="El-Salmawy 2004. Egyptian Power Sector Reform and New Electricity Law. EEUCPRA.">El-Salmawy 2004. Egyptian Power Sector Reform and New Electricity Law. EEUCPRA.</ref><br/>
The most important instrument to implement the energy strategy is the New Electricity Law, which is currently in the process of ratification by the People’s Assembly. The new law will<ref name="JCEE 2009; Ministry of Electricity and Energy. Strategic Plan in the Electricity Sector in Egypt. Prequalification Developers’ Meeting of BOO Wind Power Project 250 MW. Cairo 2009.">JCEE 2009; Ministry of Electricity and Energy. Strategic Plan in the Electricity Sector in Egypt. Prequalification Developers’ Meeting of BOO Wind Power Project 250 MW. Cairo 2009.</ref>:<br/>
*Establish a liberalized electricity market with various market participants, regulated by <span data-scaytid="191" data-scayt_word="eeucpra">EEUCPRA</span>
*Improve the conditions for renewable energy, <span data-scaytid="193" data-scayt_word="cogeneration">cogeneration</span> and demand side management in the electricity sector
*Provide some rules for electricity consumption and includes measures to encourage renewable energy electricity production.
With regard to renewable energy electricity generation, the law foresees that the private sector builds, owns and operates the projects and sells the '''electricity to the transmission company (<span data-scaytid="197" data-scayt_word="eetc">EETC</span>)''' under long term Power Purchase Agreements (<span data-scaytid="200" data-scayt_word="ppa">PPA</span>). Non-renewable energy based '''[[Independent_Power_Producers_(IPPs)|Independent Power Producers (IPPs)]]''' conclude bilateral purchase agreements with eligible consumers.<br/>
To implement the strategy, a two phase policy is planned:<br/>
*Phase 1 will adopt competitive bids through issuing tenders requesting the private sector to supply electricity from renewable energy sources. A <span data-scaytid="164" data-scayt_word="ppa">PPA</span> agreement, mostly for 20 years, will be guaranteed. This competitive bidding is based on existing law, which also supports the existing <span data-scaytid="165" data-scayt_word="ipp">IPP</span>.
*Phase 1 will adopt competitive bids through issuing tenders requesting the private sector to supply electricity from renewable energy sources. A <span data-scaytid="164" data-scayt_word="ppa">PPA</span> agreement, mostly for 20 years, will be guaranteed. This competitive bidding is based on existing law, which also supports the existing <span data-scaytid="165" data-scayt_word="ipp">IPP</span>.
*In Phase 2, a feed-in-tariff will be implemented, in particular for medium and small size projects. This will be based on the new electricity law.<br/>
*In Phase 2, a feed-in-tariff will be implemented, in particular for medium and small size projects. This will be based on the new electricity law.<br/>
<br/>Further support instruments are the right of access and priority dispatching for electricity generation from renewable sources, which is already implemented, whenever they are available and the establishment of a Renewable Energy Fund. This fund will support the renewable energy activities of the <span data-scaytid="168" data-scayt_word="mee">MEE</span> and the <span data-scaytid="169" data-scayt_word="mop">MoP</span> covering the deficit between the renewable energy costs and market prices as well as providing financial support to pilot projects. It will be mainly financed through a levy on subsidized fossil fuel sales for electricity generation.<ref name="El-Salmawy 2009; JCEE 2009">El-Salmawy 2009; JCEE 2009</ref><br/><br/><u>'''Competitive bids'''</u><br/><u>It is planned to tender a total of 2 500 MW through five bids, divided in blocks of 250 MW. The framework criteria for the tenders include:</u><br/><br/><br/>
Further support instruments are the right of access and priority dispatching for electricity generation from renewable sources, which is already implemented, whenever they are available and the establishment of a Renewable Energy Fund. This fund will support the renewable energy activities of the <span data-scaytid="168" data-scayt_word="mee">MEE</span> and the <span data-scaytid="169" data-scayt_word="mop">MoP</span> covering the deficit between the renewable energy costs and market prices as well as providing financial support to pilot projects. It will be mainly financed through a levy on subsidized fossil fuel sales for electricity generation.<ref name="El-Salmawy 2009; JCEE 2009">El-Salmawy 2009; JCEE 2009</ref><br/><br/>'''Competitive bids'''<br/>It is planned to tender a total of 2 500 MW through five bids, divided in blocks of 250 MW. The framework criteria for the tenders include:<br/>
*Controlled increase of the renewable based electricity capacity according to the capacity of transmission system and the capacity of the market.
*Controlled increase of the renewable based electricity capacity according to the capacity of transmission system and the capacity of the market.
*Attracting highly qualified international developers with strong financial status and high capacity for technology transfer.<br/>
*Attracting highly qualified international developers with strong financial status and high capacity for technology transfer.<br/>
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*Achieving the lowest possible prices.<br/>
*Achieving the lowest possible prices.<br/>
*Reducing the financial risk for investors guaranteeing long term <span data-scaytid="170" data-scayt_word="ppas">PPAs</span> (mostly of 20 years). The first process has started with a prequalification tender for 250 MW in <span data-scaytid="171" data-scayt_word="gabal">Gabal</span> el <span data-scaytid="172" data-scayt_word="zeyt">Zeyt</span>. The last tender will be opened by 2017.<br/>
*Reducing the financial risk for investors guaranteeing long term <span data-scaytid="170" data-scayt_word="ppas">PPAs</span> (mostly of 20 years). The first process has started with a prequalification tender for 250 MW in <span data-scaytid="171" data-scayt_word="gabal">Gabal</span> el <span data-scaytid="172" data-scayt_word="zeyt">Zeyt</span>. The last tender will be opened by 2017.<br/>
<br/><u>'''Feed-in-tariff'''</u><br/>The system is supposed to offer incentives to install 2 500 MW of additional capacity. It is addressed to small and medium size projects up to 50 MW. The tariff will be probably set for 15 years, taking into consideration wind speed and installed capacity. The system is still under elaboration.<br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#Overview|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/><br/>
<br/>'''Feed-in-tariff'''<br/>The system is supposed to offer incentives to install 2 500 MW of additional capacity. It is addressed to small and medium size projects up to 50 MW. The tariff will be probably set for 15 years, taking into consideration wind speed and installed capacity. The system is still under elaboration.<br/>
=== Clean Development Mechanism (<span data-scaytid="175" data-scayt_word="cdm">CDM</span>)<br/> ===
[[Egypt_Energy_Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/>
Egypt’s Designated National Authority (DNA) was established in 2005, serving as the contact point for all <span data-scaytid="177" data-scayt_word="cdm-related">CDM-related</span> matters. Organizationally, it is part of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (<span data-scaytid="178" data-scayt_word="eeaa">EEAA</span>).<br/><u>Egypt’s current climate change mitigation policies, plans and measures relevant to <span data-scaytid="176" data-scayt_word="cdm">CDM</span> are contained in:</u><br/>1. The National Environmental Action Plan (2002 – 2017).<br/>2. Egypt’s Climate Change National Action Plan (<span data-scaytid="180" data-scayt_word="eccnap">ECCNAP</span>).<br/>3. Egypt’s National Strategy Study Program on <span data-scaytid="179" data-scayt_word="cdm">CDM</span>.<br/>4. Egypt’s National Energy Efficiency Strategy (<span data-scaytid="183" data-scayt_word="nees">NEES</span>)<br/><br/>Currently, four <span data-scaytid="182" data-scayt_word="cdm">CDM</span> projects are registered. Minor corrections have been requested for one project. In April 2009, 18 projects were in the DNA pipeline, of which nine were renewable energy<br/>projects. The <span data-scaytid="185" data-scayt_word="cdm">CDM</span> potential in Egypt has been estimated at 69.75 Mt <span data-scaytid="188" data-scayt_word="co2eq">CO2eq</span>, of which around 21 % is in the renewable energy sector.27 As shown in table 10, the total annual savings of the registered RE projects amounts to 0.62 Mt <span data-scaytid="189" data-scayt_word="co2eq">CO2eq</span>. This represents 5 % of the existing potential<br/>in the renewable energy sector and around 1 % of the whole potential.<ref name="Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Energy-policy Framework Conditions for Electricity Markets and RenewablefckLREnergies: 16 Country Analyses, Eschborn 2009, page 186.">Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Energy-policy Framework Conditions for Electricity Markets and RenewablefckLREnergies: 16 Country Analyses, Eschborn 2009, page 186.</ref><br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/>
== Energy Efficiency Policy<br/> ==
== Important Laws and Regulations<br/> ==
Information about EE etc. <br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/>
The most important instrument to implement the energy strategy is the New Electricity Law, which is currently in the process of ratification by the People’s Assembly. The new law will<ref name="JCEE 2009; Ministry of Electricity and Energy. Strategic Plan in the Electricity Sector in Egypt. Prequalification Developers’ Meeting of BOO Wind Power Project 250 MW. Cairo 2009.">JCEE 2009; Ministry of Electricity and Energy. Strategic Plan in the Electricity Sector in Egypt. Prequalification Developers’ Meeting of BOO Wind Power Project 250 MW. Cairo 2009.</ref>:<br/><br/><br/>
== Key Actors in the Energy Sector<br/> ==
*Establish a liberalized electricity market with various market participants, regulated by <span data-scaytid="191" data-scayt_word="eeucpra">EEUCPRA</span>
*Improve the conditions for renewable energy, <span data-scaytid="193" data-scayt_word="cogeneration">cogeneration</span> and demand side management in the electricity sector
*Provide some rules for electricity consumption and includes measures to encourage renewable energy electricity production.
With regard to renewable energy electricity generation, the law foresees that the private sector builds, owns and operates the projects and sells the '''electricity to the transmission company (<span data-scaytid="197" data-scayt_word="eetc">EETC</span>)''' under long term Power Purchase Agreements (<span data-scaytid="200" data-scayt_word="ppa">PPA</span>). Non-renewable energy based '''[[Independent Power Producers (IPPs)|Independent Power Producers (IPPs)]]''' conclude bilateral purchase agreements with eligible consumers.<br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/>
== Liberalization<br/> ==
Article 7 of Law No. 100 dating from 1996 stipulates that local and international investors can obtain concessions for building and operating electricity plants. A new investment law enacted in 1997<ref name="Spohn, Hans-Dieter et al. 2009: Egypt – Business Guide (http://www.ghorfa.de/pdf/BusinessGuide_Aegypten.pdf ) Retrieved on 16th October 2009">Spohn, Hans-Dieter et al. 2009: Egypt – Business Guide (http://www.ghorfa.de/pdf/BusinessGuide_Aegypten.pdf ) Retrieved on 16th October 2009</ref> includes various incentive mechanisms such as state guarantees for investors. At the time of contract negotiations concerning the supply of electricity from privately built power plants in the late <span data-scaytid="217" data-scayt_word="1990s">1990s</span>, an initial public offering of stock in all seven of Egypt’s state-owned monopolistic electricity providers was in preparation for the Egyptian stock exchange. However, due to lack of interest among investors, the plan was never implemented. The last significant step of reform took place in 2000, when the Egyptian Electricity Authority was restructured to become the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (<span data-scaytid="212" data-scayt_word="eehc">EEHC</span>). That conversion is regarded as a step towards a more entrepreneurial approach because, for example, <span data-scaytid="213" data-scayt_word="eehc">EEHC</span> is expected to finance future projects from its own budget without governmental intervention. The conversion also included the break-up of formerly vertically integrated utility companies into individual enterprises each of which is now an independent company with its own, autonomous management and separate accounting. <span data-scaytid="214" data-scayt_word="eehc">EEHC</span> was created as a new approach to the privatization of its subsidiaries, but no part of any state-owned enterprise has been privatized by now. Via <span data-scaytid="215" data-scayt_word="eehc">EEHC</span>, the Egyptian government still controls 90 % of all electricity production and is maintaining its monopoly on transmission and distribution. Until today three privately operated power plants with foreign investors have been built according to the build-own-operate (BOO) principle (<span data-scaytid="216" data-scayt_word="sidi">Sidi</span> <span data-scaytid="223" data-scayt_word="krir">Krir</span>, Suez and Port Said), representing approximately 10 % (2 049 MW) of the current installed generating capacity.<br/><br/>Within the context of the new energy strategy and the ambitious renewable energy targets, recently, there has been some effort to create a more competitive electricity market in order to attract investors from the private<br/>sector. The draft of the new Electricity Law, which is currently in the process of ratification by the People’s Assembly, is supposed to establish a <span data-scaytid="226" data-scayt_word="liberalised">liberalised</span> electricity market, regulated by the Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency <span data-scaytid="224" data-scayt_word="eeucpra">EEUCPRA</span>. Article 20 – 22 of the draft law addresses the replacement of the current Single Buyer Model and allows for third party access to the electricity grid. The access to the electricity grids will be based on published tariffs and <span data-scaytid="228" data-scayt_word="longterm">longterm</span> electricity purchase agreements. Moreover, the government states that it plans to remove all energy subsidies by 2017. [[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/>
= Institutional Set-up in the Energy Sector<br/> =
== Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Energy ==
== Governmental Bodies and Agencies<br/> ==
The first Ministry for Electricity and Energy was established in 1964. The Ministry supervises the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company as well as the '''New and Renewable Energy Agency (<span data-scaytid="230" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span>)''' and the '''Rural Electrification Authority (REA)'''. Next to supervising all activities related to energy projects, it suggests electricity prices and publishes data and statistics relating to electricity production. [[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/><br/>
The first Ministry for Electricity and Energy was established in 1964. The Ministry supervises the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company as well as the '''New and Renewable Energy Agency (<span data-scaytid="230" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span>)''' and the '''Rural Electrification Authority (REA)'''. Next to supervising all activities related to energy projects, it suggests electricity prices and publishes data and statistics relating to electricity production. <br/>
== Regulatory Authority <span data-scaytid="233" data-scayt_word="eeucpra">EEUCPRA</span><br/> ==
The '''Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (<span data-scaytid="234" data-scayt_word="eeucpra">EEUCPRA</span>)''' was established by decree in 1997 (Decree no. 326 of 1997: »Establishing the electric utility and consumer protection regulatory agency«).The regulatory authority is located in Cairo and came into formal existence in 1998.<br/><br/>The primary task of the regulatory authority is to balance the interests of electricity producers, electricity providers and end users. It is supposed to ensure a reliable <span data-scaytid="235" data-scayt_word="longterm">longterm</span> supply of electricity while promoting and supervising environmental protection and operational reliability in the energy sector. It is also responsible for licensing the construction and operation of electricity generation, transmission and distribution facilities as well as for electricity trading. One of the authority’s declared objectives is to create an enabling environment for market-based competition within the framework of existing laws and to prevent the formation of commercial monopolies in the energy sector. <span data-scaytid="238" data-scayt_word="eeucpra's">EEUCPRA's</span> Board of Directors is nominated by the Ministry of Electricity and Energy.<br/>
The '''Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (<span data-scaytid="234" data-scayt_word="eeucpra">EEUCPRA</span>)''' was established by decree in 1997 (Decree no. 326 of 1997: »Establishing the electric utility and consumer protection regulatory agency«).The regulatory authority is located in Cairo and came into formal existence in 1998.<br/><br/>The primary task of the regulatory authority is to balance the interests of electricity producers, electricity providers and end users. It is supposed to ensure a reliable <span data-scaytid="235" data-scayt_word="longterm">longterm</span> supply of electricity while promoting and supervising environmental protection and operational reliability in the energy sector. It is also responsible for licensing the construction and operation of electricity generation, transmission and distribution facilities as well as for electricity trading. One of the authority’s declared objectives is to create an enabling environment for market-based competition within the framework of existing laws and to prevent the formation of commercial monopolies in the energy sector. <span data-scaytid="238" data-scayt_word="eeucpra's">EEUCPRA's</span> Board of Directors is nominated by the Ministry of Electricity and Energy.<br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/>
The Ministry of Electricity and Energy established the '''New and Renewable Energy Authority (<span data-scaytid="241" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA)</span>''' in 1986 for the purpose of bundling activities aiming to promote both renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency. <span data-scaytid="242" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> is the operator of all wind power installations in Egypt, including the demonstration projects in <span data-scaytid="243" data-scayt_word="matrouh">Matrouh</span> administrative district (hybrid wind/diesel system) and <span data-scaytid="244" data-scayt_word="hurghada">Hurghada</span> (5.5 MW wind farm), as well as the grid connected <span data-scaytid="250" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span> wind farms on the Gulf of Suez (reaching 425 MW by mid 2009 and still expanding). With the new general orientation towards private sector involvement, <span data-scaytid="252" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> also engages in supporting private investment in wind energy by providing resource assessment, the necessary data for feasibility studies and technical support for potential project developers, and by being the partner in land use agreements. Moreover, the <span data-scaytid="256" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> has a central laboratory for testing and certifying apparatus and equipment for utilizing renewable energy resources. Finally, the <span data-scaytid="257" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> offers training and upgrading courses, <span data-scaytid="260" data-scayt_word="organises">organises</span> workshops and conducts studies – both on its own and in cooperation with international partner <span data-scaytid="261" data-scayt_word="organisations">organisations</span>.<br/>
== New and Renewable Energy Authority (<span data-scaytid="240" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span>)<br/> ==
The '''Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (<span data-scaytid="266" data-scayt_word="eeaa">EEAA)</span>''' was initially established in 1982 and restructured in 1994, according to Law 4/1994. The <span data-scaytid="267" data-scayt_word="eeaa">EEAA</span> serves as the executive arm of the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs (<span data-scaytid="272" data-scayt_word="msea">MSEA</span>). Its administrative council is composed of the Minister of Environmental Affairs, the Chief Executive Officer of the Agency and representatives from relevant ministries, Non-Governmental <span data-scaytid="273" data-scayt_word="organisations">Organisations</span> (NGOs), the public business sector, universities and research <span data-scaytid="276" data-scayt_word="centres">centres</span>. The Agency’s activities are financed by the Environmental Protection Fund (<span data-scaytid="277" data-scayt_word="epf">EPF</span>), which is funded by donations and grants by national and foreign organizations, as well as fines and compensation awarded by courts of law. Principal functions of the agency include the formulation of environmental policies, the development and monitoring of projects and the implementation of pilot projects. The agency is further the national authority in charge of promoting environmental topics between Egypt and third parties.<br/>
The Ministry of Electricity and Energy established the <span data-scaytid="241" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> in 1986 for the purpose of bundling activities aiming to promote both renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency. <span data-scaytid="242" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> is the operator of all wind power installations in Egypt, including the demonstration projects in <span data-scaytid="243" data-scayt_word="matrouh">Matrouh</span> administrative district (hybrid wind/diesel system) and <span data-scaytid="244" data-scayt_word="hurghada">Hurghada</span> (5.5 MW wind farm), as well as the grid connected <span data-scaytid="250" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span> wind farms on the Gulf of Suez (reaching 425 MW by mid 2009 and still expanding).<br/><br/>With the new general orientation towards private sector involvement, <span data-scaytid="252" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> also engages in supporting private investment in wind energy by providing resource assessment, the necessary data for feasibility studies and technical support for potential project developers, and by being the partner in land use agreements.<br/><br/>Moreover, the <span data-scaytid="256" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> has a central laboratory for testing and certifying apparatus and equipment for utilizing renewable energy resources. Finally, the <span data-scaytid="257" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> offers training and upgrading courses, <span data-scaytid="260" data-scayt_word="organises">organises</span> workshops and conducts studies – both on its own and in cooperation with international partner <span data-scaytid="261" data-scayt_word="organisations">organisations</span>.<br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/>
== Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (<span data-scaytid="265" data-scayt_word="eeaa">EEAA</span>)<br/> ==
The <span data-scaytid="266" data-scayt_word="eeaa">EEAA</span> was initially established in 1982 and restructured in 1994, according to Law 4/1994. The <span data-scaytid="267" data-scayt_word="eeaa">EEAA</span> serves as the executive arm of the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs (<span data-scaytid="272" data-scayt_word="msea">MSEA</span>). Its administrative council is composed of the Minister of Environmental Affairs, the Chief Executive Officer of the Agency and representatives from relevant ministries, '''Non-Governmental <span data-scaytid="273" data-scayt_word="organisations">Organisations</span> (NGOs)''', the public business sector, universities and research <span data-scaytid="276" data-scayt_word="centres">centres</span>. The Agency’s activities are financed by the '''Environmental Protection Fund (<span data-scaytid="277" data-scayt_word="epf">EPF</span>)''', which is funded by donations and grants by national and foreign organizations, as well as fines and compensation awarded by courts of law. Principal functions of the agency include the formulation of environmental policies, the development and monitoring of projects and the implementation of pilot projects. The agency is further the national authority in charge of promoting environmental topics between Egypt and third parties.<br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/>
== Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (<span data-scaytid="284" data-scayt_word="eehc">EEHC</span>) ==
The government-owned and operated '''Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (<span data-scaytid="285" data-scayt_word="eehc">EEHC</span>)''' coordinates, supervises and monitors the activities of its 16 (+1 - Includes <span data-scaytid="289" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> –actually a research institute – also presents itself as the operator of the <span data-scaytid="295" data-scayt_word="zaafarana">Zaafarana</span> wind farm-therefore included as a electricity production company) affiliated companies in the field of production, transmission and distribution of electric energy. The <span data-scaytid="296" data-scayt_word="eech">EECH</span> subsidiary <span data-scaytid="290" data-scayt_word="eetc">EETC</span> is responsible for the countrywide transmission of electricity to regional and local distributors. Next to the <span data-scaytid="291" data-scayt_word="eetc">EETC</span>, there are six generating and nine distribution companies. The <span data-scaytid="292" data-scayt_word="eehc">EEHC</span> is supervised by the Egyptian '''Ministry of Electricity and Energy (<span data-scaytid="293" data-scayt_word="mee">MEE</span>)'''.<br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/>
The government-owned and operated '''Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (<span data-scaytid="285" data-scayt_word="eehc">EEHC</span>)''' coordinates, supervises and monitors the activities of its 16 (+1 - Includes <span data-scaytid="289" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> –actually a research institute – also presents itself as the operator of the <span data-scaytid="295" data-scayt_word="zaafarana">Zaafarana</span> wind farm-therefore included as a electricity production company) affiliated companies in the field of production, transmission and distribution of electric energy. The <span data-scaytid="296" data-scayt_word="eech">EECH</span> subsidiary <span data-scaytid="290" data-scayt_word="eetc">EETC</span> is responsible for the countrywide transmission of electricity to regional and local distributors. Next to the <span data-scaytid="291" data-scayt_word="eetc">EETC</span>, there are six generating and nine distribution companies. The <span data-scaytid="292" data-scayt_word="eehc">EEHC</span> is supervised by the Egyptian '''Ministry of Electricity and Energy (<span data-scaytid="293" data-scayt_word="mee">MEE</span>)'''.<br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/>
== Egyptian Wind Energy Association (<span data-scaytid="305" data-scayt_word="egwea">EGWEA</span>)<br/> ==
== Others<br/> ==
The <span data-scaytid="306" data-scayt_word="egwea">EGWEA</span> is the umbrella <span data-scaytid="308" data-scayt_word="organisation">organisation</span>, representing the wind energy sector in Egypt. It assists interaction and co-operation between all relevant players with professional involvement in the field of wind energy. The <span data-scaytid="307" data-scayt_word="egwea">EGWEA</span> is <span data-scaytid="309" data-scayt_word="organised">organised</span> in a global network of wind associations. It aims at promoting and supporting the development of wind energy in Egypt by providing the means to facilitate the exchange of technical information, expertise and experience in the wind energy sector. It conducts studies, provides information on tenders and conferences and <span data-scaytid="303" data-scayt_word="organises">organises</span> workshops for interested parties. <span data-scaytid="311" data-scayt_word="iegwea">IEGWEA</span> is particularly interested in bringing forward wind energy interests of Egypt. However, the association is also engaged in the promotion of wind energy in developing countries in general.<br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/>
The '''Egyptian Wind Energy Association (<span data-scaytid="306" data-scayt_word="egwea">EGWEA)</span>''' is the umbrella <span data-scaytid="308" data-scayt_word="organisation">organisation</span>, representing the wind energy sector in Egypt. It assists interaction and co-operation between all relevant players with professional involvement in the field of wind energy. The <span data-scaytid="307" data-scayt_word="egwea">EGWEA</span> is <span data-scaytid="309" data-scayt_word="organised">organised</span> in a global network of wind associations. It aims at promoting and supporting the development of wind energy in Egypt by providing the means to facilitate the exchange of technical information, expertise and experience in the wind energy sector. It conducts studies, provides information on tenders and conferences and <span data-scaytid="303" data-scayt_word="organises">organises</span> workshops for interested parties. <span data-scaytid="311" data-scayt_word="iegwea">IEGWEA</span> is particularly interested in bringing forward wind energy interests of Egypt. However, the association is also engaged in the promotion of wind energy in developing countries in general.<br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/>
== International Donor Activities<br/> ==
== Energy Cooperation<br/> ==
Egypt is one of the priority partner countries of the German development assistance. In the last 50 years, Egypt has received approximately 5.5 billion € development aid. The current focus areas of the bilateral cooperation are water management, renewable energies (wind, solar and<br/>hydro power), energy efficiency and climate protection.<ref name="KfW. Landesinformation Ägypten. (http://www.kfwentwicklungsbank.de)Retrieved on 8th September 2009.">KfW. Landesinformation Ägypten. (http://www.kfwentwicklungsbank.de)Retrieved on 8th September 2009.</ref> <u>Within the framework of the German development cooperation, two initiatives to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency were launched in 2008:</u><br/><br/><br/>
Egypt is one of the priority partner countries of the German development assistance. In the last 50 years, Egypt has received approximately 5.5 billion € development aid. The current focus areas of the bilateral cooperation are water management, renewable energies (wind, solar and<br/>hydro power), energy efficiency and climate protection.<ref name="KfW. Landesinformation Ägypten. (http://www.kfwentwicklungsbank.de)Retrieved on 8th September 2009.">KfW. Landesinformation Ägypten. (http://www.kfwentwicklungsbank.de)Retrieved on 8th September 2009.</ref> <u>Within the framework of the German development cooperation, two initiatives to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency were launched in 2008:</u><br/>
*The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (<span data-scaytid="317" data-scayt_word="rcreee">RCREEE</span>), based in Cairo. Key development partners in setting up <span data-scaytid="318" data-scayt_word="rcreee">RCREEE</span> are Egypt, Germany, Denmark and the EU Commission. Besides Egypt, other Arab members of the <span data-scaytid="319" data-scayt_word="rcreee">RCREEE</span> are Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the Palestinian National Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. <span data-scaytid="320" data-scayt_word="rcreee">RCREEE</span> formulates and disseminates policies in support of RE and EE in the region and provides a platform for the regional exchange on policy issues and technological questions. In addition, <span data-scaytid="321" data-scayt_word="rcreee">RCREEE</span> encourages the participation of the private sector to promote the establishment of a regional RE and EE industry. The German development cooperation provides assistance for the establishment of the Center and the formulation of the initial work program by <span data-scaytid="322" data-scayt_word="gtz">GTZ</span>.<ref name="RCREEE 2009. -Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy. (http://www.rcreee.org/about.asp) Retrieved on 8th September 2009.">RCREEE 2009. -Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy. (http://www.rcreee.org/about.asp) Retrieved on 8th September 2009.</ref><br/>
*The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (<span data-scaytid="317" data-scayt_word="rcreee">RCREEE</span>), based in Cairo. Key development partners in setting up <span data-scaytid="318" data-scayt_word="rcreee">RCREEE</span> are Egypt, Germany, Denmark and the EU Commission. Besides Egypt, other Arab members of the <span data-scaytid="319" data-scayt_word="rcreee">RCREEE</span> are Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the Palestinian National Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. <span data-scaytid="320" data-scayt_word="rcreee">RCREEE</span> formulates and disseminates policies in support of RE and EE in the region and provides a platform for the regional exchange on policy issues and technological questions. In addition, <span data-scaytid="321" data-scayt_word="rcreee">RCREEE</span> encourages the participation of the private sector to promote the establishment of a regional RE and EE industry. The German development cooperation provides assistance for the establishment of the Center and the formulation of the initial work program by <span data-scaytid="322" data-scayt_word="gtz">GTZ</span>.<ref name="RCREEE 2009. -Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy. (http://www.rcreee.org/about.asp) Retrieved on 8th September 2009.">RCREEE 2009. -Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy. (http://www.rcreee.org/about.asp) Retrieved on 8th September 2009.</ref><br/>
*The Egyptian-German High Level Committee on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection <span data-scaytid="324" data-scayt_word="jcee">JCEE</span>, is a bilateral Egyptian-German initiative. The <span data-scaytid="325" data-scayt_word="jcee">JCEE</span> is a platform for energy policy discussion, for developing initiatives for investment as well as institutional projects, awareness and capacity building activities and establishing contacts and exchange between the two countries. The project is financed by the Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Energy and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (<span data-scaytid="326" data-scayt_word="bmz">BMZ</span>). The implementing partners of the cooperation are <span data-scaytid="316" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> and <span data-scaytid="323" data-scayt_word="gtz">GTZ</span>.<br/>
*The Egyptian-German High Level Committee on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection <span data-scaytid="324" data-scayt_word="jcee">JCEE</span>, is a bilateral Egyptian-German initiative. The <span data-scaytid="325" data-scayt_word="jcee">JCEE</span> is a platform for energy policy discussion, for developing initiatives for investment as well as institutional projects, awareness and capacity building activities and establishing contacts and exchange between the two countries. The project is financed by the Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Energy and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (<span data-scaytid="326" data-scayt_word="bmz">BMZ</span>). The implementing partners of the cooperation are <span data-scaytid="316" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> and <span data-scaytid="323" data-scayt_word="gtz">GTZ</span>.<br/>
In addition, financial assistance is provided by the German <span data-scaytid="330" data-scayt_word="kreditanstalt">Kreditanstalt</span> <span data-scaytid="331" data-scayt_word="für">für</span> <span data-scaytid="332" data-scayt_word="wiederaufbau">Wiederaufbau</span> (<span data-scaytid="333" data-scayt_word="kfw">KfW</span>). <span data-scaytid="334" data-scayt_word="kf">Kf</span> W provided a reduced interest loan to rehabilitate the hydro electricity plants at Aswan and additional loans for the construction of medium sized hydro electricity projects at the Nile River. In the wind energy sector, <span data-scaytid="335" data-scayt_word="kf">Kf</span> W provided loans to finance an important part of the wind farm in <span data-scaytid="328" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span> and is supporting a new wind farm in <span data-scaytid="329" data-scayt_word="gabal">Gabal</span> El <span data-scaytid="338" data-scayt_word="zeit">Zeit</span> through loans jointly with the European Investment Bank.<br/><br/>Apart from Germany, Denmark, Japan, Spain and Italy are the most important partners providing assistance for developing renewable energies.<br/><br/>At European level, a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance EU-Egypt energy cooperation was signed in December 2008. The priority areas covered are, among others, the development of the Egyptian energy strategy, including the market reform, the convergence of Egypt’s energy market with that of the EU, the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency, the development of energy grids as well as technological and industrial cooperation.<br/>These include the World Bank, the UN <span data-scaytid="344" data-scayt_word="organisations">organisations</span> <span data-scaytid="348" data-scayt_word="undp">UNDP</span>, <span data-scaytid="349" data-scayt_word="unido">UNIDO</span> and <span data-scaytid="345" data-scayt_word="unep">UNEP</span> as well as the African Development Bank. For instance, Egypt is one of the first countries to present a portfolio within the framework of the Clean Technology Fund established by the World Bank in 2008 to finance RE and EE projects. Egypt plans to use $300 million in concessional financing from the fund, blended with financing from the World Bank Group, the African Development Bank, bilateral development agencies, private sector and other sources to spur wind power development and introduce clean transport options. The projects include a transmission grid extension for transporting electricity from Gulf of Suez-based wind farms.<ref name="World Bank 2009. Egypt: Renewable Energy and Clean Transport Are Cornerstones of Low Carbon Growth. In: News and broadcast. June 5, 2009. (http://bit.ly/VllxVl) Retrieved on 10th September 2009.">World Bank 2009. Egypt: Renewable Energy and Clean Transport Are Cornerstones of Low Carbon Growth. In: News and broadcast. June 5, 2009. (http://bit.ly/VllxVl) Retrieved on 10th September 2009.</ref><br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/>
In addition, financial assistance is provided by the German <span data-scaytid="330" data-scayt_word="kreditanstalt">Kreditanstalt</span> <span data-scaytid="331" data-scayt_word="für">für</span> <span data-scaytid="332" data-scayt_word="wiederaufbau">Wiederaufbau</span> (<span data-scaytid="333" data-scayt_word="kfw">KfW</span>). <span data-scaytid="334" data-scayt_word="kf">Kf</span> W provided a reduced interest loan to rehabilitate the hydro electricity plants at Aswan and additional loans for the construction of medium sized hydro electricity projects at the Nile River. In the wind energy sector, <span data-scaytid="335" data-scayt_word="kf">Kf</span> W provided loans to finance an important part of the wind farm in <span data-scaytid="328" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span> and is supporting a new wind farm in <span data-scaytid="329" data-scayt_word="gabal">Gabal</span> El <span data-scaytid="338" data-scayt_word="zeit">Zeit</span> through loans jointly with the European Investment Bank.<br/><br/>Apart from Germany, Denmark, Japan, Spain and Italy are the most important partners providing assistance for developing renewable energies.<br/><br/>At European level, a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance EU-Egypt energy cooperation was signed in December 2008. The priority areas covered are, among others, the development of the Egyptian energy strategy, including the market reform, the convergence of Egypt’s energy market with that of the EU, the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency, the development of energy grids as well as technological and industrial cooperation.<br/>These include the World Bank, the UN <span data-scaytid="344" data-scayt_word="organisations">organisations</span> <span data-scaytid="348" data-scayt_word="undp">UNDP</span>, <span data-scaytid="349" data-scayt_word="unido">UNIDO</span> and <span data-scaytid="345" data-scayt_word="unep">UNEP</span> as well as the African Development Bank. For instance, Egypt is one of the first countries to present a portfolio within the framework of the Clean Technology Fund established by the World Bank in 2008 to finance RE and EE projects. Egypt plans to use $300 million in concessional financing from the fund, blended with financing from the World Bank Group, the African Development Bank, bilateral development agencies, private sector and other sources to spur wind power development and introduce clean transport options. The projects include a transmission grid extension for transporting electricity from Gulf of Suez-based wind farms.<ref name="World Bank 2009. Egypt: Renewable Energy and Clean Transport Are Cornerstones of Low Carbon Growth. In: News and broadcast. June 5, 2009. (http://bit.ly/VllxVl) Retrieved on 10th September 2009.">World Bank 2009. Egypt: Renewable Energy and Clean Transport Are Cornerstones of Low Carbon Growth. In: News and broadcast. June 5, 2009. (http://bit.ly/VllxVl) Retrieved on 10th September 2009.</ref><br/>
= Existing Projects =
'''Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)'''<br/>
Egypt’s Designated National Authority (DNA) was established in 2005, serving as the contact point for all <span data-scaytid="177" data-scayt_word="cdm-related">CDM-related</span> matters. Organizationally, it is part of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (<span data-scaytid="178" data-scayt_word="eeaa">EEAA</span>).<br/><u>Egypt’s current climate change mitigation policies, plans and measures relevant to <span data-scaytid="176" data-scayt_word="cdm">CDM</span> are contained in:</u><br/>1. The National Environmental Action Plan (2002 – 2017).<br/>2. Egypt’s Climate Change National Action Plan (<span data-scaytid="180" data-scayt_word="eccnap">ECCNAP</span>).<br/>3. Egypt’s National Strategy Study Program on <span data-scaytid="179" data-scayt_word="cdm">CDM</span>.<br/>4. Egypt’s National Energy Efficiency Strategy (<span data-scaytid="183" data-scayt_word="nees">NEES</span>)<br/><br/>Currently, four <span data-scaytid="182" data-scayt_word="cdm">CDM</span> projects are registered. Minor corrections have been requested for one project. In April 2009, 18 projects were in the DNA pipeline, of which nine were renewable energy<br/>projects. The <span data-scaytid="185" data-scayt_word="cdm">CDM</span> potential in Egypt has been estimated at 69.75 Mt <span data-scaytid="188" data-scayt_word="co2eq">CO2eq</span>, of which around 21 % is in the renewable energy sector.27 As shown in table 10, the total annual savings of the registered RE projects amounts to 0.62 Mt <span data-scaytid="189" data-scayt_word="co2eq">CO2eq</span>. This represents 5 % of the existing potential in the renewable energy sector and around 1 % of the whole potential.<ref name="Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Energy-policy Framework Conditions for Electricity Markets and RenewablefckLREnergies: 16 Country Analyses, Eschborn 2009, page 186.">Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Energy-policy Framework Conditions for Electricity Markets and RenewablefckLREnergies: 16 Country Analyses, Eschborn 2009, page 186.</ref><br/>
== Wind Energy Projects<br/> ==
[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]
Egypt has passed the stage of initial resource assessment and demonstration projects (<span data-scaytid="353" data-scayt_word="hurghada">Hurghada</span> wind farm) towards the planning and implementation of large scale grid connected projects (<span data-scaytid="354" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span> and Gulf of El <span data-scaytid="358" data-scayt_word="zayt">Zayt</span>). A series of large-scale wind energy projects have been built in Egypt, resulting in a total installed wind capacity of 390 MW at the end of 2008.<br/>So far, large scale wind projects were established mainly at <span data-scaytid="360" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span>, with a total capacity of 360 MW by end of 2008. In cooperation with Germany, Denmark and Spain, the farm has been constructed and operated in stages since 2001. A partnership with Japan in 2008 added 55 MW. In the fiscal year 2007/2008, approximately 840 <span data-scaytid="362" data-scayt_word="gwh">GWh</span> of electricity were generated by the <span data-scaytid="361" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span> wind farm with an average capacity factor of 35.5 %, saving 466 000 tons of CO<sub>2</sub>.<br/><br/><span data-scaytid="367" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> has precise plans for wind farm development at the two sites <span data-scaytid="368" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span> and Gulf of <span data-scaytid="373" data-scayt_word="el-zayt">El-Zayt</span>. While at <span data-scaytid="369" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span> a capacity of 600 MW on 150 <span data-scaytid="374" data-scayt_word="km2">km<sup>2</sup></span> is planned, total capacity at <span data-scaytid="623" data-scayt_word="el-zayt">El-Zayt</span> will reach 720 MW on 200 km<sup>2</sup>. Between both areas, 1 300 <span data-scaytid="624" data-scayt_word="km2">km<sup>2</sup></span> have been designated to private investors, which are supposed to generate up to further 6 000 MW. Projections for <span data-scaytid="625" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span> between 2009 and 2010 include additional 75 MW in co-operation with Japan, and additional 120 MW in cooperation with Denmark. In total, <span data-scaytid="626" data-scayt_word="zafarana">Zafarana</span> will host 555 MW of grid connected wind power, rendering it the largest wind farm in Middle East and Africa.<br/>At the Gulf of El <span data-scaytid="385" data-scayt_word="zayt">Zayt</span>, various projects have been developed and will add up to 720 MW. 720 MW are expected in three stages: 200 MW in cooperation with Germany, 220 MW in cooperation with Japan, and 300 MW in cooperation with Spain. In addition, a number of private companies have expressed interest in developing large-scale wind projects at the Gulf of El <span data-scaytid="386" data-scayt_word="zayt">Zayt</span>. Among them, the Italian company <span data-scaytid="389" data-scayt_word="italcementi">Italcementi</span> signed a <span data-scaytid="390" data-scayt_word="mou">MoU</span> with the Egyptian government in 2006 to install 120 MW with the possibility for extension to up to 400 MW. The output is supposed to partly generate electricity for auto-consumption in the cement factories in the Suez area.<ref name="WEI 2009/2010. World Wind Association: Wind Energy International 2009/2010, World Wind Association, Bonn, 15.09.2009">WEI 2009/2010. World Wind Association: Wind Energy International 2009/2010, World Wind Association, Bonn, 15.09.2009</ref><br/>On 2 August 2009, authorities have approved the designation of 1.5 million acres of state-owned land, located on the east and west of the Nile River for the implementation of wind farms, which are supposed to contribute 30 000 MW.<ref name="MEES 2009. Ministry of Electricity and Energy. Strategic Plan in the Electricity Sector in Egypt. Prequalification Developers’ Meeting of BOO Wind Power Project 250 MW. Cairo 2009.">MEES 2009. Ministry of Electricity and Energy. Strategic Plan in the Electricity Sector in Egypt. Prequalification Developers’ Meeting of BOO Wind Power Project 250 MW. Cairo 2009.</ref> One-third of this land will be developed for wind energy production by <span data-scaytid="391" data-scayt_word="nrea">NREA</span> and multinational <span data-scaytid="392" data-scayt_word="organisations">organisations</span>, whereas two-thirds will be offered to the private sector by bid-procedure.<br/>[[Egypt Energy Situation#toc|►Go to Top]]<br/><br/>
== Egypt Green Economy National Initiative<br/> ==
Egypt recently faces several challenges: first, there is a widening gap in meeting basic needs of the population (food, health, education, housing and decent and secure jobs); second, its global and regional leadership in political and economic terms is called into question; third, Egypt has to win the race against time before water, energy and food scarcity become national security risks, and, forth, its export market share and investment in <span data-scaytid="397" data-scayt_word="21st">21<sup>st</sup></span> century technologies, growth sectors and industries is contested<ref name="Abouleish, H. (23 January 2011). Egypt Green Economy National Initiative. Sustainable and Green Growth: A Main Pillar of the Egyptiona National Competitiveness Strategy.[[Media:GENI_ENCC_HA_20110123.pdf|Egypt Green Economy National Initiative]]">Abouleish, H. (23 January 2011). Egypt Green Economy National Initiative. Sustainable and Green Growth: A Main Pillar of the Egyptiona National Competitiveness Strategy.[[Media:GENI_ENCC_HA_20110123.pdf|Egypt Green Economy National Initiative]]</ref>. Therefore, the [http://www.encc.org.eg/(S(00wpi2mondh25145qgkweh45))/default.aspx Egyptian National Competitiveness Council] in cooperation with in cooperation with the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs and the United Nations Environment <span data-scaytid="400" data-scayt_word="programme">Programme</span> launched the " [http://www.encc.org.eg/(S(00wpi2mondh25145qgkweh45))/news_details.aspx?mediaId=25 Egypt Green Economy National Initiative] " on January 23, 2011.<br/>'''Egypt's Competitiveness Strategy (<span data-scaytid="401" data-scayt_word="ecs">ECS</span>)''' is one part of the initiative. It focuses on human development, green transformation and innovation.<br/><u>These goals shall be reached by the <span data-scaytid="402" data-scayt_word="ecs">ECS</span> by the following:</u><br/><br/><br/>
*Human Development: Create a globally competitive and productive workforce in an efficient <span data-scaytid="403" data-scayt_word="labour">labour</span> market with a special focus on a modern educational and training system that equips them with skills, critical thinking and technologies to adapt to a constantly changing environment.
*Green Transformation: To build a model of growth based on a Green Transformation of the economy assuring a modern, efficient, competitive and low-carbon economy that uses the unique availability of abundant renewable energy resources and builds on its strength in tourism and logistics.
*Green Innovation: To establish an outcome driven innovation model that addresses the major societal challenges and strengthen Egypt's leadership in key potential technologies: renewable energy, <span data-scaytid="405" data-scayt_word="agri-business">agri-business</span> and communication technology.
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Revision as of 16:00, 17 February 2015

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26.0000° N, 30.0000° E

Total Area (km²): It includes a country's total area, including areas under inland bodies of water and some coastal waterways.


Population: It is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship--except for refugees not permanently settled in the country of asylum, who are generally considered part of the population of their country of origin.

112,716,598 (2023)

Rural Population (% of total population): It refers to people living in rural areas as defined by national statistical offices. It is calculated as the difference between total population and urban population.

57 (2023)

GDP (current US$): It is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is calculated without making deductions for depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural resources.

395,926,075,163 (2023)

GDP Per Capita (current US$): It is gross domestic product divided by midyear population

3,512.58 (2023)

Access to Electricity (% of population): It is the percentage of population with access to electricity.

100.00 (2022)

Energy Imports Net (% of energy use): It is estimated as energy use less production, both measured in oil equivalents. A negative value indicates that the country is a net exporter. Energy use refers to use of primary energy before transformation to other end-use fuels, which is equal to indigenous production plus imports and stock changes, minus exports and fuels supplied to ships and aircraft engaged in international transport.

-7.39 (2014)

Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption (% of total): It comprises coal, oil, petroleum, and natural gas products.

97.93 (2014)

Source: World Bank


The Arab Republic of Egypt is located in North Africa and borders with Libya in the East, Sudan in the South and Palestine Territories and Israel in the East. Its population is mainly concentrated along the river Nile, as the rest of the country's territory is largely desert. Most parts of the country have has a hot desert climate with extreme heat occuring during summer. An exception is the northern Mediterranean coast which receives more rainfall during winter and has a generally more moderate climate.

Energy Situation

Energy Data

Primary Energy Supply

Egypt is a resource rich country. According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA)[1], it is the largest non-OPEC oil producer in Africa and the second largest dry natural gas producer on the continent. However, primary energy production in Egypt has been steadily declining since 2009 and in 2012 reached 82,046 ktoe[2]. This is due to shortages in natural gas supply and oil production being able to keep up with the energy demand. The shortages have led to frequent electricity blackouts in the country as well as decreasing exports. In attempt to increase power generation, the Egyptian government has approved the industrial use of coal in April 2014.


Final energy consumption in Egypt in 2012 added up to 55,879 ktoe. The share of the individual sectors is shown in table 1.

Table 1: Final energy consumption in Egypt in 2012 (ktoe) [3]
Total Final Energy Consumption

ktoe %
Industry sector 13,357 23.90
Transport sector 16,980 30.39
Other sectors 18,479 33.07
of which Residential 11,910 21.31

Commercial and public services 2,913 5.21

Agriculture/ Forestry 2,841 5.08

Non-Specified 814 1.46
Non-energy use 7,062 12.64
Total 1622 100

Import and Export

Egypt is a net exporter of crude oil and natural gas. In addition, it has a strategic position in oil transfer because of its operation of the Suez Canal and Sumed (Suez-Mediterranean) Pipeline, two major routes for the transfer of Persian Gulf oil. However, the combination of increasing consumption and declining production has led to a decline in natural gas exports since 2009. In order to satisfy domestic demand, the government has been diverting natural gas supplies from exports. In terms of coal and peat, Egypt is a net importer. Coal imports are expected to increase in the short- and medium term, since the Egyptian government has approved the industrial use of coal in April 2014 and in the same year signed a construction deal for the first coal-fired power in the country.


In 2013, the Egyptian government spent 120 billion Egyptian pounds on fuel subsidies, which equals 7 % of the GDP [4]. These costs in combination with economic stagnation have contributed to the increasing deficit, which reached about 12 % of GDP in 2013. In order to alleviate this burden, the Egyptian government announced spending cuts on energy subsidies in June 2014. The Financial Times reported that these subsidies are going to be cut by almost a third [5].
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Renewable Energy

In 2012, electricity production renewable energy sources reached 14,855 GWh [6], which is a share of 9.04% of the total electricity production. While 13,358 GWh (8.13%) were produced by hydropower installations, wind power contributed another 1,260 GWh (0.77%) and solar PV 237 GWh (0.14%).
The current installed wind capacity accounts for 550 MW (2012 [7]). Egypt is endowed with abundant wind energy resources. Particularly in the coastal regions, high and stable wind speeds are frequent (up to an average of 10.5 m/s in the Gulf of Suez). Furthermore, the country’s large deserts and abundant thinly populated areas are well suited for the construction of large wind farms.
Solar energy use is still in its infancy, with only 15 MW of solar PV installed capacity so far. Additionally, there is one solar thermal project, an integrated solar combined-cycle power plant. Here, the solar power partially replaced fossil fuel. The plant has an overall capacity of 140 MW of which the solar input is 20 MW.
The total installed capacity from hydropower accounted for 2,800 MW in 2012, most of it being produced by large dam projects on the Nile: the High Dam, Aswan I and Aswan II.


Installed Capacity and Generation

Between 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, the total installed capacity increased about 6 %, reaching 30,803 MW, due to added thermal plants. The installed capacity development by type of generation is outlined in table 2.

Table 2: Installed capacity development by type of generation (in MW) 2008-2013 [8]

2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013
Renewables 425 249 687 687 687
Steam 11,458 11,458 12,859 12,684 13,808
Hydro 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800
Combined Cycle 7,178 7,137 9,327 10,077 10,080
Gas 1,641 2,841 1,376 2,826 3,428

Total 23,502 24,762 27,049 29,074 30,803

In addtion, Egypt has 30 decentralized power plants, mostly diesel and gas turbine units which are not connected to the national grid. The combined installed capacities of these plants added up to 224 MW in 2012/2013. Approximately 234.5 GWh of electricity were supplied to local users including tourist resorts.
Egypt is a net exporter of electricity, importing 77 GWh, while exporting 474 GWh of electricity in 2012. In 2012/2013, the average percentage network losses were 11.02%.
Between 2001 and 2012, electricity production rose from 83,282 GWh to 164,364 GWh .The main source for the production of electricity is gas (66%) followed by hydro (18.2%) and oil (15.6%).


The main consumer of electricity in Egypt is the residential sector which accounts for 42% of the total consumption, followed by the industrial sector (28%). The consumption of the residental sector has been steadily increasing in the recent years. According to the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, this is due to two factors: the expansion of residential compounds and new communities as well as the the use of domestic appliances, air conditioners in particular, during hot weather. The development of the electricity consumption per sector is outlined in table 3.

Table 3: Electricity consumption by sector (GWh) 2008-2013 [9]

Sector 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013
Industries 37,273 38,916 40,702 42,098 39,887
Agriculture 4,617 4,834 4,927 5,560 6,230
Utilities 4,714 5,555 5,759 6,010 5,904
Public lighting 6,982 7,050 6,186 6,537 6,210
Governmental entities 5,563 5,443 5,977 6,385 7,664
Residential 43,811 47,431 51,370 56,664 59,757
Commercial & others 8,754 9,674 10,238 10,715 14,605

Total 111,714 118,903 125,159 133,969 140,257


In 2012/2013, the carrier grid consisted of 43,634 km total transmission lines and cables. The grid is subdivided into six geographical zones, namely Cairo, Canal, Delta, Alexandria and West Delta, Middle Egypt and Upper Egypt. The country’s entire territory is covered. The network is interconnected with the grids of Libya, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. There are ongoing studies[10] for interconnections with Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Conge, the Eastern Nile Basin (Sudan and Ethiopia) and Greece.

Electricity prices

The prices of electricity in Egypt range among the lowest in the world. The prices are fixed by the Egyptian and are highly subsidized. The tariff structure varies according to type of consumption (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial) and amount consumed. Since the tariff is higher for higher consumption, there is an incentive to consume less. The lowest category of the residential tariff, up to 50 KWh/month, has remained unchanged since 1993 at 5 piasters (approximately 0.60 €-ct) per KWh. Since 2007, the government has been trying cut costs for subsidies. In July 2014 , electricity prices increased as part of a five-year plan which aims to start generating profits from electricity, which is currently sold for less than half its production cost [11].

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Updated until here

Energy Policy

General Information

Overview and recent debates (e.g. coal)
Within the context of the new energy strategy and the ambitious renewable energy targets, recently, there has been some effort to create a more competitive electricity market in order to attract investors from the private sector. The draft of the new Electricity Law, which is currently in the process of ratification by the People’s Assembly, is supposed to establish a liberalised electricity market, regulated by the Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency EEUCPRA. Article 20 – 22 of the draft law addresses the replacement of the current Single Buyer Model and allows for third party access to the electricity grid. The access to the electricity grids will be based on published tariffs and longterm electricity purchase agreements. Moreover, the government states that it plans to remove all energy subsidies by 2017.
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Renewable Energy Policy

Egypt’s renewable energy strategy was formulated in the early 1980s as an integral part of the national energy planning. This strategy has been revised and adapted according to the changing financial, market and technological framework conditions. The target of a 20 % renewable electricity by 2020 (around 12 000 MW) is highly ambitious compared to the previous target set in 2000 of 14 % RE-E by 2021/22.[12]
The most important instrument to implement the energy strategy is the New Electricity Law, which is currently in the process of ratification by the People’s Assembly. The new law will[13]:

  • Establish a liberalized electricity market with various market participants, regulated by EEUCPRA
  • Improve the conditions for renewable energy, cogeneration and demand side management in the electricity sector
  • Provide some rules for electricity consumption and includes measures to encourage renewable energy electricity production.

With regard to renewable energy electricity generation, the law foresees that the private sector builds, owns and operates the projects and sells the electricity to the transmission company (EETC) under long term Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). Non-renewable energy based Independent Power Producers (IPPs) conclude bilateral purchase agreements with eligible consumers.
To implement the strategy, a two phase policy is planned:

  • Phase 1 will adopt competitive bids through issuing tenders requesting the private sector to supply electricity from renewable energy sources. A PPA agreement, mostly for 20 years, will be guaranteed. This competitive bidding is based on existing law, which also supports the existing IPP.
  • In Phase 2, a feed-in-tariff will be implemented, in particular for medium and small size projects. This will be based on the new electricity law.

Further support instruments are the right of access and priority dispatching for electricity generation from renewable sources, which is already implemented, whenever they are available and the establishment of a Renewable Energy Fund. This fund will support the renewable energy activities of the MEE and the MoP covering the deficit between the renewable energy costs and market prices as well as providing financial support to pilot projects. It will be mainly financed through a levy on subsidized fossil fuel sales for electricity generation.[14]

Competitive bids
It is planned to tender a total of 2 500 MW through five bids, divided in blocks of 250 MW. The framework criteria for the tenders include:

  • Controlled increase of the renewable based electricity capacity according to the capacity of transmission system and the capacity of the market.
  • Attracting highly qualified international developers with strong financial status and high capacity for technology transfer.
  • Promotion of local manufacturing. In the evaluation of the proposals, advantages will be given to those offers having higher share of locally manufactured components.
  • Achieving the lowest possible prices.
  • Reducing the financial risk for investors guaranteeing long term PPAs (mostly of 20 years). The first process has started with a prequalification tender for 250 MW in Gabal el Zeyt. The last tender will be opened by 2017.

The system is supposed to offer incentives to install 2 500 MW of additional capacity. It is addressed to small and medium size projects up to 50 MW. The tariff will be probably set for 15 years, taking into consideration wind speed and installed capacity. The system is still under elaboration.
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Energy Efficiency Policy

Information about EE etc.
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Key Actors in the Energy Sector

Governmental Bodies and Agencies

The first Ministry for Electricity and Energy was established in 1964. The Ministry supervises the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company as well as the New and Renewable Energy Agency (NREA) and the Rural Electrification Authority (REA). Next to supervising all activities related to energy projects, it suggests electricity prices and publishes data and statistics relating to electricity production.
The Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (EEUCPRA) was established by decree in 1997 (Decree no. 326 of 1997: »Establishing the electric utility and consumer protection regulatory agency«).The regulatory authority is located in Cairo and came into formal existence in 1998.

The primary task of the regulatory authority is to balance the interests of electricity producers, electricity providers and end users. It is supposed to ensure a reliable longterm supply of electricity while promoting and supervising environmental protection and operational reliability in the energy sector. It is also responsible for licensing the construction and operation of electricity generation, transmission and distribution facilities as well as for electricity trading. One of the authority’s declared objectives is to create an enabling environment for market-based competition within the framework of existing laws and to prevent the formation of commercial monopolies in the energy sector. EEUCPRA's Board of Directors is nominated by the Ministry of Electricity and Energy.
The Ministry of Electricity and Energy established the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) in 1986 for the purpose of bundling activities aiming to promote both renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency. NREA is the operator of all wind power installations in Egypt, including the demonstration projects in Matrouh administrative district (hybrid wind/diesel system) and Hurghada (5.5 MW wind farm), as well as the grid connected Zafarana wind farms on the Gulf of Suez (reaching 425 MW by mid 2009 and still expanding). With the new general orientation towards private sector involvement, NREA also engages in supporting private investment in wind energy by providing resource assessment, the necessary data for feasibility studies and technical support for potential project developers, and by being the partner in land use agreements. Moreover, the NREA has a central laboratory for testing and certifying apparatus and equipment for utilizing renewable energy resources. Finally, the NREA offers training and upgrading courses, organises workshops and conducts studies – both on its own and in cooperation with international partner organisations.
The Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) was initially established in 1982 and restructured in 1994, according to Law 4/1994. The EEAA serves as the executive arm of the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs (MSEA). Its administrative council is composed of the Minister of Environmental Affairs, the Chief Executive Officer of the Agency and representatives from relevant ministries, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), the public business sector, universities and research centres. The Agency’s activities are financed by the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF), which is funded by donations and grants by national and foreign organizations, as well as fines and compensation awarded by courts of law. Principal functions of the agency include the formulation of environmental policies, the development and monitoring of projects and the implementation of pilot projects. The agency is further the national authority in charge of promoting environmental topics between Egypt and third parties.
The government-owned and operated Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) coordinates, supervises and monitors the activities of its 16 (+1 - Includes NREA –actually a research institute – also presents itself as the operator of the Zaafarana wind farm-therefore included as a electricity production company) affiliated companies in the field of production, transmission and distribution of electric energy. The EECH subsidiary EETC is responsible for the countrywide transmission of electricity to regional and local distributors. Next to the EETC, there are six generating and nine distribution companies. The EEHC is supervised by the Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MEE).
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The Egyptian Wind Energy Association (EGWEA) is the umbrella organisation, representing the wind energy sector in Egypt. It assists interaction and co-operation between all relevant players with professional involvement in the field of wind energy. The EGWEA is organised in a global network of wind associations. It aims at promoting and supporting the development of wind energy in Egypt by providing the means to facilitate the exchange of technical information, expertise and experience in the wind energy sector. It conducts studies, provides information on tenders and conferences and organises workshops for interested parties. IEGWEA is particularly interested in bringing forward wind energy interests of Egypt. However, the association is also engaged in the promotion of wind energy in developing countries in general.
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Energy Cooperation

Egypt is one of the priority partner countries of the German development assistance. In the last 50 years, Egypt has received approximately 5.5 billion € development aid. The current focus areas of the bilateral cooperation are water management, renewable energies (wind, solar and
hydro power), energy efficiency and climate protection.[15] Within the framework of the German development cooperation, two initiatives to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency were launched in 2008:

  • The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), based in Cairo. Key development partners in setting up RCREEE are Egypt, Germany, Denmark and the EU Commission. Besides Egypt, other Arab members of the RCREEE are Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the Palestinian National Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen. RCREEE formulates and disseminates policies in support of RE and EE in the region and provides a platform for the regional exchange on policy issues and technological questions. In addition, RCREEE encourages the participation of the private sector to promote the establishment of a regional RE and EE industry. The German development cooperation provides assistance for the establishment of the Center and the formulation of the initial work program by GTZ.[16]
  • The Egyptian-German High Level Committee on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection JCEE, is a bilateral Egyptian-German initiative. The JCEE is a platform for energy policy discussion, for developing initiatives for investment as well as institutional projects, awareness and capacity building activities and establishing contacts and exchange between the two countries. The project is financed by the Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Energy and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The implementing partners of the cooperation are NREA and GTZ.

In addition, financial assistance is provided by the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). Kf W provided a reduced interest loan to rehabilitate the hydro electricity plants at Aswan and additional loans for the construction of medium sized hydro electricity projects at the Nile River. In the wind energy sector, Kf W provided loans to finance an important part of the wind farm in Zafarana and is supporting a new wind farm in Gabal El Zeit through loans jointly with the European Investment Bank.

Apart from Germany, Denmark, Japan, Spain and Italy are the most important partners providing assistance for developing renewable energies.

At European level, a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance EU-Egypt energy cooperation was signed in December 2008. The priority areas covered are, among others, the development of the Egyptian energy strategy, including the market reform, the convergence of Egypt’s energy market with that of the EU, the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency, the development of energy grids as well as technological and industrial cooperation.
These include the World Bank, the UN organisations UNDP, UNIDO and UNEP as well as the African Development Bank. For instance, Egypt is one of the first countries to present a portfolio within the framework of the Clean Technology Fund established by the World Bank in 2008 to finance RE and EE projects. Egypt plans to use $300 million in concessional financing from the fund, blended with financing from the World Bank Group, the African Development Bank, bilateral development agencies, private sector and other sources to spur wind power development and introduce clean transport options. The projects include a transmission grid extension for transporting electricity from Gulf of Suez-based wind farms.[17]
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
Egypt’s Designated National Authority (DNA) was established in 2005, serving as the contact point for all CDM-related matters. Organizationally, it is part of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA).
Egypt’s current climate change mitigation policies, plans and measures relevant to CDM are contained in:
1. The National Environmental Action Plan (2002 – 2017).
2. Egypt’s Climate Change National Action Plan (ECCNAP).
3. Egypt’s National Strategy Study Program on CDM.
4. Egypt’s National Energy Efficiency Strategy (NEES)

Currently, four CDM projects are registered. Minor corrections have been requested for one project. In April 2009, 18 projects were in the DNA pipeline, of which nine were renewable energy
projects. The CDM potential in Egypt has been estimated at 69.75 Mt CO2eq, of which around 21 % is in the renewable energy sector.27 As shown in table 10, the total annual savings of the registered RE projects amounts to 0.62 Mt CO2eq. This represents 5 % of the existing potential in the renewable energy sector and around 1 % of the whole potential.[18]
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Further Information


  1. http://www.eia.gov/countries/country-data.cfm?fips=EG
  2. http://www.iea.org/statistics/statisticssearch/report/?year=2011&country=EGYPT&product=Balances
  3. http://www.iea.org/statistics/statisticssearch/report/?year=2012&country=EGYPT&product=Balances
  4. http://www.iisd.org/GSI/sites/default/files/ffs_egypt_update_august_2014.pdf
  5. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/9da3cb08-007d-11e4-a3f2-00144feab7de.html#axzz3PwcopOCd
  6. http://www.iea.org/statistics/statisticssearch/report/?year=2012&country=EGYPT&product=ElectricityandHeat
  7. http://www.rcreee.org/sites/default/files/egypt_fact_sheet_re_print.pdf
  8. http://www.egelec.com/mysite1/pdf/report%20E.pdf
  9. http://www.egelec.com/mysite1/pdf/report%20E.pdf
  10. http://www.egelec.com/mysite1/pdf/report%20E.pdf
  11. http://english.alarabiya.net/en/business/2014/07/04/Minister-Egypt-raises-electricity-prices-.html
  12. El-Salmawy 2004. Egyptian Power Sector Reform and New Electricity Law. EEUCPRA.
  13. JCEE 2009; Ministry of Electricity and Energy. Strategic Plan in the Electricity Sector in Egypt. Prequalification Developers’ Meeting of BOO Wind Power Project 250 MW. Cairo 2009.
  14. El-Salmawy 2009; JCEE 2009
  15. KfW. Landesinformation Ägypten. (http://www.kfwentwicklungsbank.de)Retrieved on 8th September 2009.
  16. RCREEE 2009. -Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy. (http://www.rcreee.org/about.asp) Retrieved on 8th September 2009.
  17. World Bank 2009. Egypt: Renewable Energy and Clean Transport Are Cornerstones of Low Carbon Growth. In: News and broadcast. June 5, 2009. (http://bit.ly/VllxVl) Retrieved on 10th September 2009.
  18. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Energy-policy Framework Conditions for Electricity Markets and RenewablefckLREnergies: 16 Country Analyses, Eschborn 2009, page 186.

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