Portal:Water and Energy for Food

Sustainable Energy for Food
Agriculture is both one of the main energy consuming sectors and one of the most affected sectors by the effects of climate change. Understanding the nexus between energy and food is essential to develop climate-smart solutions in the agricultural sector.
Water Use in Agriculture
Around 70 percent of global freshwater withdrawals go into agriculture. Sustainable water management is pivotal in order to increase water use efficiency and ensure food and nutrition security.
Application in Food and Agriculture
Sustainable energy can be applied in a large variety of agricultural activities, ensuring electricity supply in remote areas while increasing farmers’ incomes by saving costs on energy provision from traditional sources.
Energy Source for Food Production
Depending on the geographical location, some energy sources are more suitable for agricultural production and processing steps than others. Adapting to local conditions is essential to improve energy efficiency.
Value Chain
The implementation of sustainable energy can be found among all steps of different value chains. Depending on production requirements and local conditions, technical innovations can improve farmers’ livelihoods considerably.
Energy Efficiency
The world’s first fuel is energy efficiency, key to protect natural resources and the climate. Identifying and solving efficiency gaps is crucial for sustainable development.
Policies and Regulations
The adoption of clean energy solutions can improve considerably when governmental action and regulations provide clear incentives and complement market development.
Financing and Business Models
As financing is usually the main barrier to gain access to innovative sustainable technologies, both appropriate financial instruments and thoughtful business models are necessary to promote and finance sustainable innovations.
Cross-cutting Issues
The linkages between water, energy and agriculture impact a multitude of cross-cutting issues, such as gender, health and land rights.
Downloads and Links
All links for reports, case studies, innovations, tools and useful training material can be found here.
Further Information
External Websites
Saving water and energy in agriculture and food production - giz.de Home | Nexus - The Water, Energy & Food Security Resource Platform Digital Exhibition | WE4F innovators in the East African Region
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