Category:Water-Energy-Food Nexus
From energypedia
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.
Pages in category "Water-Energy-Food Nexus"
The following 92 pages are in this category, out of 92 total.
- Affordable, High-Performance Solar Irrigation for Smallholder Farmers
- Application dans lAllimentation et lAgriculture
- Application in Food and Agriculture
- Aspects de genre dans l'agriculture
- Atelier: Les technologies de dessalement de l’eau en utilisant les énergies renouvelables pour le développement du secteur agricole en Tunisie
- Group:Eau et Energie pour lAllimentation
- Portal:Eau et Energie pour lAllimentation
- EE
- Efficacite energetique des systemes agroalimentaires
- Efficiancite Energetique
- Energie durable pour la transformation alimentaire
- Energie Durable pour lAlimentation
- Energie durable pour le pompage et lirrigation
- Energie durable pour le refroidissement
- Energie durable pour le sechage
- Energy Efficiency in Agrifood Systems
- Energy Needs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Agriculture
- Energy Needs in Smallholder Agriculture
- Energy Source for Food Production
- Eolien, hydroelectricite et autres sources denergie dans les systemes agroalimentaires
- Evaluation Nexus Tunisie
- Policies and Regulations
- Policies and Regulations for Sustainable Agrifood Systems
- Politiques et Reglementations
- Politiques et reglementations pour des systemes agroalimentaires durables
- Promotion du Photovoltaïque dans le secteur AGR/IAA en Tunisie
- Publication - Accelerating geothermal heat adoption in the agri-food sector: Key lessons and recommendations
- Publication - Energy for Food Security - 2019
- Solar Power as Energy Source in Agrifood Systems
- Solar Powered Irrigation Systems - Technology, Economy, Impacts
- Source dEnergie pour la Production Alimentaire
- SPIS Safeguard Water
- SPIS Toolbox - Further Resources
- SPIS Toolbox - Identify a Potential Market
- Sustainable Energy for Cooling
- Sustainable Energy for Drying
- Sustainable Energy for Food
- Sustainable Energy for Food Processing
- Sustainable Energy for Food Symposium
- Sustainable Energy for Pumping and Irrigation
- Sustainable Energy Use in Fruit and Vegetable Value Chains
- Sustainable Energy Use in the Dairy Value Chain
- Sustainable Energy Use in the Fish Value Chain
- Sustainable Energy Use in the Rice Value Chain
- Systemes agroalimentaires respectueux du climat : Liens
- Systemes agroalimentaires respectueux du climat : Publications
- Systemes agroalimentaires respectueux du climat :Outils et Logiciels
- Utilisation de leau dans lagriculture
- Utilisation de lEau en Agriculture
- Utilisation durable de l'énergie dans la chaîne de valeur du poisson
- Utilisation durable de lenergie dans la chaine de valeur du lait
- Utilisation durable de lenergie dans la chaine de valeur du riz
- Utilisation durable de lenergie dans les chaines de valeur des fruits et des legumes
- Water & Energy for Food (WE4F): A Grand Challenge for Development - FR
- Group:Water and Energy for Food
- Water and Energy for Food
- Portal:Water and Energy for Food
- Water Storage Tank Sizing for Solar Powered Irrigation
- Water Use in Agriculture
- Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Agrifood Business Cases
- WE4F Quiz
- Wind, Hydro and other Energy Sources in Agrifood Systems
Media in category "Water-Energy-Food Nexus"
The following 43 files are in this category, out of 43 total.
- 1.0 Modulo INFORMATE SPIS Toolbox Spanish.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 35 pages; 1.75 MB
- Atelier Dessalement Ben Salem IRESA.pdf 4,000 × 2,250, 20 pages; 0 bytes
- Atelier Dessalement ElKhazen ANME.pdf 3,000 × 1,687, 33 pages; 0 bytes
- Atelier Dessalement Fethi SONEDE.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 82 pages; 0 bytes
- Atelier Dessalement Gager GIZ.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 10 pages; 0 bytes
- Atelier Dessalement Hay GIZ.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 18 pages; 0 bytes
- Atelier Dessalement Tunisie.JPG 4,608 × 3,456; 0 bytes
- BROCHURE GABES-AR. WEB.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 3 pages; 0 bytes
- Costs and Benefits of Clean Energy Technologies in the Milk, Vegetable and Rice Value Chains.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 268 pages; 12.91 MB
- Evaluation Nexus TUN Démarrage Mission 180711.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 41 pages; 0 bytes
- Geothermal energy for agriculture.png 1,222 × 1,450; 103 KB
- GIZ HERA Energy-Water-Food Security Nexus in Poor Rural Regions (EN).pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 2 pages; 0 bytes
- GIZ logo.png 434 × 242; 0 bytes
- GIZ Rapport Impact Irrigation Solaire en Tunisie web.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 71 pages; 33.04 MB
- Government of the Netherlands.jpg 706 × 273; 0 bytes
- Icon - WE4F group.svg 440 × 640; 92 KB
- Interaction between SDG 7 and the other SDGs.png 778 × 400; 0 bytes
- Logo - WE4F.svg 440 × 550; 90 KB
- Logo Partner plus WE4F.png 2,208 × 277; 86 KB
- Opportunities for Agri-Food Chains to become Energy-Smart.pdf 2,550 × 3,300, 214 pages; 8.21 MB
- OV-Invitacion-FVN6-Riego-Centroamerica-Nexus-2.pdf 2,550 × 3,300; 0 bytes
- Overview of Solar Seawater Desalination in the MENA Region.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 21 pages; 0 bytes
- PoweringAg MOOC FactsheetResults.pdf 2,479 × 3,508, 2 pages; 470 KB
- Rapport Evaluation Nexus Démarrage.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 8 pages; 0 bytes
- Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) - Technology, Economy, Impacts.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 212 pages; 0 bytes
- Start a discussion.png 1,326 × 232; 26 KB
- Strategie de mobilisation des ressources en eau en Tunisie.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 26 pages; 0 bytes
- Sustainable Energy for Food Documentation.pdf 2,480 × 3,507, 60 pages; 0 bytes
- Sweden Sverige.jpg 706 × 206; 0 bytes
- Technology Management & Innovation.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 29 pages; 0 bytes
- Techsheet A3 solar ice maker V3.0.pdf 5,135 × 3,682; 0 bytes
- USAID logo.jpg 706 × 212; 0 bytes
- Value Chain Energy Mapping Description of Method GIZ Powering Agriculture.pdf 2,480 × 3,508, 11 pages; 1.26 MB
- Water and Energy for Food logo.svg 782 × 285; 26 KB
- WE4F logo - version1.png 937 × 1,206; 117 KB
- WE4F logo - withouttext1.png 756 × 982; 78 KB
- WE4F logo.svg 440 × 522; 87 KB
- WE4F text.pdf 2,480 × 3,508; 13 KB
- WEF Nexus Validation Présentation Cadrage ANME-APIA 181030.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 8 pages; 0 bytes
- WEF Nexus Validation Présentation Cadrage GIZ 181030.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 6 pages; 0 bytes
- WEF Nexus Validation Présentation Nexus GFA 181030.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 33 pages; 0 bytes
- WEF Nexus Validation Présentation SPIS GFA-FAO 181030.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 35 pages; 0 bytes
- Zusammenarbeit mit Wirtschaftsverbänden & Unternehmen.pdf 3,000 × 2,250, 23 pages; 0 bytes