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Launch of the PPOE 2016

Launch of the Poor People’s Energy Outlook: Reshaping energy planning in developing countries


02.02.2017, 17:30-19:00


Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik / German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn, Germany, Großer Hörsaal


DIE in cooperation with GIZ & Energising Development Programme (EnDev)

Sparking discussions about energy planning

Energy access is hallowed as an important component of the Paris Agreement on climate change. In addition, recognition of its fundamental role in achieving other global essentials, such as gender equality, economic empowerment, abolishment of indoor air pollution and deforestation, and water and food security, has led to universal energy access being stressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG7). Yet, despite the increased attention by development organisations on energy access in the past decade, much energy planning, whether through the United Nations’ Sustainable Energy for All initiative (SE4All) or nationally driven policy processes, is still dominated by large-scale, top-down, centralised energy infrastructure development. Even where there is an intention to deliver off-grid energy access at scale, uncertainty about which options will be the most appropriate still prevails.

The Poor People’s Energy Outlook (PPEO) therefore presents evidence and methods on putting energy poor people’s (i.e. customers’) needs, rather than government assumptions, at the centre of energy planning. The PPEO is published yearly by the NGO Practical Action, which was just awarded the renowned Zayed Future Energy Prize of the United Arab Emirates at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi. The German PPEO launch on 02 February in Bonn aims to spark a discussion illustrating that current practices have been unable to deliver on global priorities and that 21st century methods and technologies are required to address the 21st century issues and promises outlined in the SDGs and Paris Accord. We warmly welcome registrations from civil society, academia, policy making, international organisations and the media.

According to conservative estimates, producing food and getting it to the table accounts for around 30 per cent of energy consumed worldwide. With the demand for food on the increase and energy re-sources in limited supply, experts in science, business, civil society and development cooperation who work in the energy and/or food sector all face the same challenge: how can we produce more food using as little energy as possible while increasing the share of renewable energy? This GIZ-DIE symposium will show where the various stakeholders currently stand on this issue. It will also examine which energy-smart solutions exist in our agri-food systems and debate how to accelerate their broad-based roll-out.


Presentations will be available after the event; please click on the respective session highlighted in blue.

17:30 – 17:40


Anna Pegels (DIE)

17:40 – 18:10

Launch of PPEO 2016 Aaron Leopold (Practical Action)

18:10 – 18:20


Anja Rohde (GIZ)

18:20 – 18:55

Panel Discussion

Moderation: Vera Scholz (GIZ)


  • Aaron Leopold (Practical Action)
  • Dolf Gielen (IITC)
  • Christoph Bals (Germanwatch)
  • Tania Rödiger-Vorwerk (BMZ)

18:55 – 19:00

Wrap-up and Closure

Anna Pegels(DIE)