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► International Quality Standards and Quality Assurance Mechanisms for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Training <br>
► International Quality Standards and Quality Assurance Mechanisms for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Training <br>
► Normes de qualité et mécanismes d’assurance qualité pour la formation en énergies renouvelables et en efficacité énergétique <br/>
► Normes de qualité et mécanismes d’assurance qualité pour la formation en énergies renouvelables et en efficacité énergétique <br/>
► Training Sector Mapping for RE-ACTIVATE Focus Countries </br>
► Training Sector Mapping for RE-ACTIVATE Focus Countries <br/>
► Regional Cluster Screening MENA <br/>
► Regional Cluster Screening MENA <br/>
► Cluster Country Analyses MENA <br/>
► Cluster Country Analyses MENA <br/>

Revision as of 12:35, 9 March 2017

Promoting Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the MENA Region

Template:Test ranisha2► Back to RE-ACTIVATE Program


RE-ACTIVATE’s publications dealing with RE/EE employment effects and potentials in MENA countries can be subdivided into three main types of publications:

  • Country-level studies dealing with RE/EE in MENA
  • Studies dealing with specific RE/EE sectors or technologies in MENA
  • Studies dealing with specific RE/EE market actors and institutions in MENA

Country-level studies

RE-ACTIVATE has commissioned two studies so far that take a comprehensive look at the socio-economic effects; especially at the local job and value creation achieved through RE/EE (all technologies and sectors confounded) at the country level: one for Tunisia (completed in 2016) and one for Egypt (to be completed in 2017). Both studies aim to carry out a quantitative as well as a qualitative assessment of the aforementioned impacts of RE/EE, in addition to calculating capacity building needs of the partner country and providing practice-oriented recommendations to the policy makers.

► The socio-economic impacts of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Tunisia: Employment, qualification and economic effects
► The socio-economic impacts of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Egypt: Employment, qualification and economic effects

Sector- or technology-specific studies

REACTIVATE has in addition to the above mentioned publications, also commissioned a number of studies that look more deeply into the local job and value creation effects that have been or could be achieved in specific RE and/or EE sectors or through specific RE and/or EE technologies. Special attention has been paid to those applications that require an over-average amount of local labor, or those sectors in which concrete market opportunities for local value creation can already be detected. As with the country-level studies, both quantitative and qualitative aspects of RE/EE employment creation have been covered, and on the basis of these findings the capacity building needs of the partner countries have been calculated, and practice-oriented recommendations are produced for policy makers.

Etat des lieux: les énergies renouvelables et l’efficacité énergétique dans le secteur du bâtiment au Maroc: emploi, valeur locale, qualification et effets économiques
Etat des lieux: les énergies renouvelables et l’efficacité énergétique dans les secteurs de l'agriculture (AGR) et de l'agroalimentaire (IAA) au Maroc: applications technologiques, conditions cadres et opportunités d'emploi
Etude d'impact socio-économique en matière de création d'emploi des énergies renouvelables et de l’efficacité énergétique dans le secteur de l'agriculture en Tunisie
Étude de l’effet sur l‘emploi d’un régime d’autoproduction avec facturation nette d’électricité (Loi 13-09 et loi 58-15) issue d’installations photovoltaïques connectées au réseau de basse tension au Maroc

Actor- or institution-specific studies

RE-ACTIVATE has also unveiled a number of studies that address the potential role and contribution of specific actors or institutions for a locally driven and job-intensive rollout of RE/EE in MENA. This concerns a wide array of relevant topics, including new market opportunities for specialized RE/EE service providers (bureaux de contrôle, bureaux d’études), new forms of self-organization of relevant markets actors (e.g. RE/EE clusters and cluster-like organizations), and quality assurance and quality control in the field of RE/EE training and service provision.

► Analyse de faisabilité: Introduction des bureaux de contrôle dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables en Tunisie
► Standards de qualité pour les bureaux d’études dans le secteur des énergies renouvelables en Tunisie
► International Quality Standards and Quality Assurance Mechanisms for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Training
► Normes de qualité et mécanismes d’assurance qualité pour la formation en énergies renouvelables et en efficacité énergétique
► Training Sector Mapping for RE-ACTIVATE Focus Countries
► Regional Cluster Screening MENA
► Cluster Country Analyses MENA


This article is part of the RE-ACTIVATE project. RE-ACTIVATE “Promoting Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the MENA Region” is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).