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The term ''Feasibility Study'' related to wind energy projects is used for assessments of very different extensiveness.  
The term ''Feasibility Study'' related to wind energy projects is used for assessments of very different extensiveness. Feasibility studies consider the results from wind measures (cp.[[Assessing wind potentials|assessing wind potentials]]). If the results from wind measures indicate that technical and economical operation of wind energy (projects) can be considered viable or at least expectable, a feasiblity study will be conducted.&nbsp;Based on the [[Assessing wind potentials|wind resource appraisal]] and other relevant inputs, the feasibility study shall be conducted to<br>
*Determine the optimum unit size of the wind turbines under the technical and transport infrastructure conditions of country
*Optimize the technical lay-out of the wind park site
*Assess the comparative economic and financial viability of the project and propose a decision for implementation
The European Wind Energy Association defines the main contents of a feasibility study as follows:
*The technical aspects already regarded during the pilot study are assessed in a more detailed manner, including on-site wind monitoring to determine a draft design and layout for the installation.<br>
*an economic assessment is conducted to establish the commercial viability of the project;<br>
*an appraisal and scoping exercise to identify specific environmental constraints and opportunities is implemented<br>
*possible planning constraints are assessed<ref>European Wind Energy Association (1999) European best practice guidelines for wind energy development, retrieved 19.7.2011 [[http://ec.europa.eu/energy/renewables/studies/doc/wind_energy/2002_best_practice.pdf]]</ref><br>
Especially the economic assessment of the wind park viability includes several large subtasks to determine all economic parameters and variables of a wind project:
should comply with criteria of international financing institutions. Guiding questions are as follows
*An energy production estimation to define expected financial returns
*A complete estimation of costs (investment, operation and maintenance, costs of project development)
*An economic assessment of the project benefits concerning economic development and welfare of the region or country. Influence on electricity prices and potential for poverty reduction are important aspects of these economic assessments.
*An assessment of financing options with focus on potential participation with the [[CDM and Baseline-Assessments for Wind Energy Projects|Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)]]
*A financial analysis based on the estimation of costs an including a cost-benefit analysis, which allows an exact statement concerning investment returns. Discussion and evaluation of different operation models have to be included.<br>
* Die Punkte, die bereits bei der Standortauswahl für die Windmessung berücksichtigt wurden, als da wären: Netzanbindung, transportinfrastrukturelle Anbindung, andere möglicherweise konfliktäre Nutzungen des Standortes und seiner Umgebung, etc. In der Machbarkeitsstudie sind diese Aspekte jedoch um einiges gründlicher und lückenfrei zu analysieren, mit dem Ziel, sämtliche Zweifel an der Umsetzbarkeit des Vorhabens auszuräumen. Im Zusammenhang mit der Anbindung an das Stromnetz ist insbesondere die Aufnahmekapazität des Netzes zu untersuchen. &gt;&gt;&gt;<br> * Weitere standortspezifische Fragen wie die Eignung verfügbarer Windenergieanlagen für möglicherweise extremes Klima am Standort (Hitze, Sand, etc.) oder möglicherweise große Höhen über dem Meeresspiegel. In Äthiopien z.B. befinden sich die geeigneten Standorte auf Höhen von ca. 2.400 m über dem Meeresspiegel. Die Zertifizierung der Anlagenhersteller gilt aber in der Regel nicht für diese Höhen. Solche Fragen sind frühzeitig gründlich zu klären, da sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt die Projektumsetzung gefährden oder verzögern können.<br> * Es ist die bei vordefinierter Fläche und unter Berücksichtigung verfügbarer Krankapazitäten (und der transportinfrastrukturellen Anbindung) optimale (wirtschaftlichste) Anlagengröße zu bestimmen. Sollten Kräne vor Ort nicht groß genug zur Errichtung der in Betracht kommenden Windenergieanlagen sein, so ist (abhängig von der Gesamtgröße des Projektes) der Kauf eines Kranes in Erwägung zu ziehen.<br> * Analyse derUmwelt- und Sozialverträglichkeit des Projektes anhand nationaler Leitlinien (falls vorhanden). Besonderes Augenmerk ist auf eventuell erforderliche Kompensationsmechanismen für die Bevölkerung in der Umgebung des Windparks zu richten. Es ist dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass eine für alle Betroffenen vorteilhafte Lösung gefunden wird (keine Zwangsumsiedlungen, ausreichende Entschädigung, etc.). Solche Lösungen sind ggf. auf gemeinsamen Workshops zu diskutieren und herbeizuführen.<br> * Einzelwirtschaftliche Analyse und ausführliche Diskussion alternativer Betreibermodelle (IPP oder staatlich, BOT, etc.)<br> * Ausführliche Darstellung alternativer Finanzierungsoptionen unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Finanzierungsprogramme und -bedingungen der wichtigsten internationalen Finanzierungsinstitutionen.<br> * Gesamtwirtschaftliche Analyse unter Berücksichtigung externer Effekte. Analyse der Wirkungen des Windparks in Hinblick auf Senkung der Strompreise und Armutsreduzierung <br>
The project appraisal related to environmental and social constraints should be based also on a dialogue with the local population and planning authorities.<br>  
Feasibilitiy Studies among others can imply the following: <br>
*macro-economic framework conditions<br>
*site specific conditions
*technical specifications<br>
*cost-benefit data, analysis of sensitivity <br>
*financing aspects <br>
Feasibility studies consider the results from wind measures (cp.[[Assessing wind potentials|assessing wind potentials]]). If the results from wind measures indicate that technical and economical operation of wind energy (projects) can be considered viable or at least expectable, a feasiblity study will be conducted.&nbsp;
Based on the [[Assessing wind potentials|wind resource appraisal and]] other relevant inputs, the feasibility study shall be conducted to<br>
*Determine the optimum unit size of the wind turbines under the technical and transport infrastructure conditions of country
*Optimize the technical lay-out of the wind park site
*Assess the comparative economic and financial viability of the project and propose a decision for implementation<br><br>
== Guiding questions / Kernfragen  ==
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Revision as of 10:58, 20 July 2011

The term Feasibility Study related to wind energy projects is used for assessments of very different extensiveness. Feasibility studies consider the results from wind measures (cp.assessing wind potentials). If the results from wind measures indicate that technical and economical operation of wind energy (projects) can be considered viable or at least expectable, a feasiblity study will be conducted. Based on the wind resource appraisal and other relevant inputs, the feasibility study shall be conducted to

  • Determine the optimum unit size of the wind turbines under the technical and transport infrastructure conditions of country
  • Optimize the technical lay-out of the wind park site
  • Assess the comparative economic and financial viability of the project and propose a decision for implementation

The European Wind Energy Association defines the main contents of a feasibility study as follows:

  • The technical aspects already regarded during the pilot study are assessed in a more detailed manner, including on-site wind monitoring to determine a draft design and layout for the installation.
  • an economic assessment is conducted to establish the commercial viability of the project;
  • an appraisal and scoping exercise to identify specific environmental constraints and opportunities is implemented
  • possible planning constraints are assessed[1]

Especially the economic assessment of the wind park viability includes several large subtasks to determine all economic parameters and variables of a wind project:

  • An energy production estimation to define expected financial returns
  • A complete estimation of costs (investment, operation and maintenance, costs of project development)
  • An economic assessment of the project benefits concerning economic development and welfare of the region or country. Influence on electricity prices and potential for poverty reduction are important aspects of these economic assessments.
  • An assessment of financing options with focus on potential participation with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
  • A financial analysis based on the estimation of costs an including a cost-benefit analysis, which allows an exact statement concerning investment returns. Discussion and evaluation of different operation models have to be included.

The project appraisal related to environmental and social constraints should be based also on a dialogue with the local population and planning authorities.


  1. European Wind Energy Association (1999) European best practice guidelines for wind energy development, retrieved 19.7.2011 [[1]]