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|:Portal:Programme_Energies_Durables_(P.E.D.)|Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.)
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|:Group:Programme Energies Durables|Groupe de P.E.D.
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|:Category:Programme Energies Durables|Articles de P.E.D.
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= '''Programme Energies Durables''' =
<h1 style="color:rgb(0, 163, 173);">Bienvenues au Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.)</h1>
= '''(P.E.D.) au Sénégal''' =
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Le Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D) est un appui du Ministère fédéral allemand de la coopération économique et du développmement (BMZ) à l'Etat du Sénégal.. <span class="link3">[[P.E.D. Objectifs et Missions|En savoir plus...]]</span><br/>
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==Bienvenue !==
Le programme sénégalo-allemand « Programme Energies Durables » P.E.D II est placé sous la tutelle technique du Ministère du Pétrole et des Énergies (M.P.E). Il a comme objectif global de renforcer les capacités de réforme du ministère sénégalais du pétrole et de l´Énergie pour promouvoir des énergies durables et respectueuses du climat. La Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) appuie l’Etat du Sénégal dans le cadre du P.E.D II pour le compte du Ministère fédéral allemand de la coopération économique et du développement (BMZ).  
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| <div class="box-pag"><div style="background-color: rgb(0, 163, 173);">
[[file:SustainableEnergy teal.svg|35px|link=]] <span class="pag-header">'''Volet 1: Politique'''</span>
*<span class="link3">[[Rubrique 1|Rubrique 1]]</span>
<div class="width-1-1 card"> <!-- Cards in card 2 -->
*<span class="link3">[[Rubrique 2|Rubrique 2]]</span>
== <center>Volets P.E.D.</center> ==
*<span class="link3">[[Rubrique 3|Rubrique 3]]</span>
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<div class="width-1-3">
<center>[[file:icon-policy-framework.svg|120px|link=Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique|]]</center><br/>  
<center>[[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Cadre Politique|Volet 1: Cadre Politique]]</center>
<div class="box-pag"><div style="background-color: rgb(0, 163, 173);">
<div class="width-1-3">
[[file:WaterinAgriculture blue.svg|35px|link3=]]<span class="pag-header">'''Volet 2: Formation professionnelle'''</span>
<center>[[file:icon-energy-efficiency.svg|120px|link=Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Efficacité Énergétique|]]</center><br/>
<center>[[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Efficacité Énergétique|Volet 2: Efficacité Énergétique]]</center>
<div class="width-1-3">
*<span class="link3">[[Water Use in Agriculture|Water Use in Agriculture ]]</span>
<center>[[file:icon-productive-use-ped.svg|120px|link=Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Usages Productifs|]]</center><br/>
</div><div class="box-pag"><div style="background-color: rgb(0, 163, 173);">  
<center>[[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Usages Productifs|Volet 3: Usages Productifs]]</center>
[[file:Application blue.svg|30px|link3=]]<span class="pag-header">'''Volet 3: Efficacité énergétique'''</span>
*<span class="link3">[[Sustainable Energy for Pumping and Irrigation|Pumping and Irrigation]]</span>
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*<span class="link3">[[Sustainable Energy for Cooling|Cooling]]</span>
<div class="grid stretch-items"> <!-- Sub Row 2R -->
*<span class="link3">[[Sustainable Energy for Drying|Drying]]</span>
*<span class="link3">[[Sustainable Energy for Food Processing|Food Processing]]</span>
</div><div class="box-pag"><div style="background-color: rgb(0, 163, 173);">
<div class="width-1-2">
[[file:EnergySource blue.svg|30px|link=]] <span class="pag-header">'''Volet 4: Usages Productifs'''</span>
<center>[[file:icon-rural-electrification.svg|120px|link=Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Electrification Rurale|]]</center><br/>
<center>[[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Electrification Rurale|Volet 4: Electrification Rurale]]</center>
<div class="width-1-2">
<center>[[file:icon-promotion.svg|120px|link=Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Promotion des Énergies Renouvelables|]]</center><br/>
<center>[[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Promotion des Énergies Renouvelables|Volet 5: Promotion des Énergies Renouvelables]]</center>
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*<span class="link3">[[Solar Power as Energy Source in Agrifood Systems|Solar Power]]</span>
<div class="grid stretch-items"> <!-- Row 3 -->
*<span class="link3">[[Biomass and Biogas as Energy Source in Agrifood Systems|Biomass and Biogas]]</span>
<div class="width-1-1 card"> <!-- Specials section -->
*<span class="link3">[[Wind, Hydro and other Energy Sources in Agrifood Systems|Wind, Hydro and other Energy Sources]]</span>
== <center>Points forts</center> ==
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<div class="grid stretch-items"> <!-- Main content -->
[[file:ValueChain blue.svg|100px|link=]]<span class="pag-header">'''Volet 5: Electrification rurale'''</span>
<div class="width-1-3">
<center>[[Programme_Energies_Durables_(P.E.D.)_-_Usages_Productifs_-_Mise_en_Place_de_Projets_Pilotes_au_Senegal#Liste_et_descriptif_détaillé_des_projets_(à_voir_dans_le_tableau_ci-dessous)|Projets Pilotes]]</center>
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*<span class="link3">[[Sustainable Energy Use in the Dairy Value Chain|Dairy]]</span>
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*<span class="link3">[[Sustainable Energy Use in the Rice Value Chain|Rice]]</span>
<center>[[File:icon-tuewas-add.svg|center|50px|Browse|alt=Icon Add.png|link=Special:FormEdit/PED ProjectDB]]</center>
*<span class="link3">[[Sustainable Energy Use in Fruit and Vegetable Value Chains|Fruit and Vegetable]]</span>
<center>'''[[Special:FormEdit/PED ProjectDB|Ajouter des projets]]'''</center>
*<span class="link3">[[Sustainable Energy Use in the Fish Value Chain|Fish]]</span>
</div><div class="box-pag"><div style="background-color: rgb(0, 163, 173);">
[[file:EnergyEfficiency blue.svg|30px|link=]]<span class="pag-header">'''Energy Efficiency'''</span>
The world’s first fuel is energy efficiency, key to protect natural resources and the climate. Identifying and solving efficiency gaps is crucial for sustainable development.
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*<span class="link3">[[Energy Efficiency in Agrifood Systems|Energy Efficiency in Agrifood Systems]]</span>
</div><div class="box-pag"><div style="background-color: rgb(0, 163, 173);">
[[file:PoliciesRegulations blue.svg|30px|link=]]<span class="pag-header">'''Policies and Regulations'''</span>
The adoption of clean energy solutions can improve considerably when governmental action and regulations provide clear incentives and complement market development.
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*<span class="link3">[[Policies and Regulations for Sustainable Agrifood Systems|Policies and Regulations for Sustainable Agrifood Systems]]</span>
</div><div class="box-pag"><div style="background-color: rgb(0, 163, 173);">
[[file:Financingteal.svg|30px|link=]]<span class="pag-header">'''Financing and Business Models'''</span>
As financing is usually the main barrier to gain access to innovative sustainable technologies, both appropriate financial instruments and thoughtful business models are necessary to promote and finance sustainable innovations.
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*<span class="link3">[[Financial Instruments and Financing for Sustainable Agrifood Systems|Financial Instruments and Financing]]</span>
*<span class="link3">[[Business Models for Sustainable Agrifood Systems|Business Models]]</span>
</div><div class="box-pag"><div style="background-color: rgb(0, 163, 173);">
[[file:Crosscutting icon.svg|30px|link=]]<span class="pag-header">'''Cross-cutting Issues'''</span>
The linkages between water, energy and agriculture impact a multitude of cross-cutting issues, such as gender, health and land rights.
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*<span class="link3">[[Gender Aspects in Agriculture|Gender and Agriculture]]</span>
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*<span class="link3">[[Digitalisation in Agriculture|Digitalisation in Agriculture]]</span>
<center>[[File:icon-tuewas-browse.svg|center|50px|Browse|alt=Icon Add.png|link=Special:RunQuery/PED_DocumentDB_Search]]</center>
<center>'''[[Special:RunQuery/PED_DocumentDB_Search|Chercher des documents]]'''</center>
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[[file:blank icon.svg|30px|link=]]<span class="pag-header">'''Downloads and Links&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;'''</span>
All links for reports, case studies, innovations, tools and useful training material can be found here.
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<center>[[File:icon-tuewas-add.svg|center|50px|Add Entry|alt=Icon Add.png|link=Special:FormEdit/PED DocumentDB]]</center>
*<span class="link3">[[Climate-Smart Agrifood Systems: Publications|Publications]]</span>
<center>[[Special:FormEdit/PED DocumentDB|Ajouter des documents]]</center>
*<span class="link3">[[Climate-Smart Agrifood Systems: Links|Links]]</span>
*<span class="link3">[[Climate-Smart Agrifood Systems: Tools & Software|Tools & Software]]</span>
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<h4 style="color:rgb(0, 163, 173);">Contact the Team </h4>
<span style="font-size: 10pt;">[mailto:we4f@giz.de we4f@giz.de]</span>
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<h4 style="color:rgb(0, 163, 173);"> SPIS Newsletter </h4>
<div class="grid stretch-items"> <!-- Row 4 -->
<span style="font-size: 10pt;">[https://subscribe.newsletter2go.com/?n2g=7z7npd8n-asvc51dv-r6j Sign up for the SPIS newsletter!]</span>
<div class="width-1-1 card"> <!-- Content 3R -->
== Archive (Ancienne Phase du Programme P.E.D.) ==
<h4 style="color:rgb(0, 163, 173);"> SPIS Toolbox </h4>
<div class="grid stretch-items"> <!-- Sub Row 1R -->
<span style="font-size: 10pt;">[[Toolbox on SPIS|Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS)]]</span>
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<center>[[file:icon-professional-training.svg|90px|link=Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Formation Professionnelle|]]</center><br/>
<center>[[Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.) - Formation Professionnelle|Volet: Formation Professionnelle]]</center>
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== Contact ==
Adresse : Immeuble Isocèle (3ème étage), Rue de Diourbel x Piscine Olympique, Point E<br/>BP 3869 Dakar, Sénégal, Tel : + 221 33 859 27 70      Email : mame.diouf@giz.de                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        <br />
I : [https://www.giz.de www.giz.de]  
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<h4 style="color:rgb(0, 163, 173);"> News of the Month </h4>
<span style="font-size: 10pt;">[http://sip.africa.iwmi.org/ New tool to assess land suitability for irrigation using solar energy]</span>
<span style="font-size: 10pt;">[https://www.powerforall.org/resources/fact-sheets/fact-sheet-productive-uses-of-energy?utm_source=ZohoCRM+Contacts&utm_campaign=34141ee49c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_1_30_2018_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_7c3f1e0b60-34141ee49c-326791533 Fact Sheet: Productive uses of energy]</span>
<h4 style="color:rgb(0, 163, 173);">Latest Publications </h4>
[[File:Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) - Technology, Economy, Impacts.pdf|80px|Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) - Technology, Economy, Impacts]]
<h4 style="color:rgb(0, 163, 173);"> Events </h4>
{{#ask:[[Belongs to::Events]] [[Focus::~*Water and Energy for Food*]] [[Beginning::>{{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH}}-{{CURRENTDAY}}]] |?Event title |?Beginning |format=template |template=Event List Row |limit=3 |searchlabel= |offset=0 |sort=Beginning |link=none }}
<div class="more-link">[[:Category:Events|All Events]]</div>
<h4 style="color:rgb(0, 163, 173);">Start a Discussion </h4>
Have a query? Discuss it with the agriculture experts on energypedia '''<span class="link3">[[Group:Water_and_Energy_for_Food|here]]</span>'''!<br/>
<h4 style="color:rgb(0, 163, 173);"> Follow Us On </h4>
| [[File:Facebook icon for the PA portal.png|Facebook|35px|center|link=https://www.facebook.com/WaterEnergy4Food]]
| [[File:Twitter icon for PA portal.png|Twitter|35px|center|link=https://twitter.com/WE4FGCD]]
| [[File:Linkedin icon for the PA portal.png|35px|Linkedin|center|link=https://www.linkedin.com/company/water-and-energy-for-food-grand-challenge]]
| style="width: 549px;" rowspan="1" colspan="2" |
| style="width: 549px;" rowspan="1" colspan="2" |
<h3 style="color:rgb(0, 163, 173);"> Map of Pilot Projects </h3>
<div style="font-size: 90%;">'''Click on the regions to go to the respective regional overview pages and click <span class="link3">[[WE4F Database|here]]</span> for a list of all individual projects.'''</div>
{{PA map}}
[[Category:Programme Energies Durables|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Programme Energies Durables]]
[[Category:Productive Use]]
[[Category:Renewable Energy]]
[[Category:Energy Efficiency]]
[[Category:Formation Professionelle]]
[[Category:Cadre Politique]]
[[Category:Rural Electrification]]
[[Category:Usages Productifs]]
[[Category:Energie Renouvelable]]
[[Category:Efficacité Énergétique]]
[[Category:Electrification Rurale]]
[[Category:Coopération Allemande]]
[[Category:Promotion des Énergies Renouvelables]]
[[Category:Energie Solaire]]
[[Category:Solar Pumping]]
[[Category:Pompage Solaire]]
[[Category:Projet Pilote]]
[[Category:Projet Pilote Solaire]]

Latest revision as of 14:36, 23 October 2024


Programme Energies Durables

(P.E.D.) au Sénégal

Simple World Map - Author: Al MacDonald Editor: Fritz Lekschas License: CC BY-SA 3.0 ID: ISO 3166-1 or "_[a-zA-Z]" if an ISO code is not available

Bienvenue !

Le programme sénégalo-allemand « Programme Energies Durables » P.E.D II est placé sous la tutelle technique du Ministère du Pétrole et des Énergies (M.P.E). Il a comme objectif global de renforcer les capacités de réforme du ministère sénégalais du pétrole et de l´Énergie pour promouvoir des énergies durables et respectueuses du climat. La Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) appuie l’Etat du Sénégal dans le cadre du P.E.D II pour le compte du Ministère fédéral allemand de la coopération économique et du développement (BMZ).

Archive (Ancienne Phase du Programme P.E.D.)


Adresse : Immeuble Isocèle (3ème étage), Rue de Diourbel x Piscine Olympique, Point E
BP 3869 Dakar, Sénégal, Tel : + 221 33 859 27 70 Email : mame.diouf@giz.de
I : www.giz.de