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A variety of types of information material might be used in the framework of the promotion of energy efficient lighting.

  • Newspaper advertisment: To address a large target group, newspaper ads are an effective medium as it easily addresses many people (provided that it is common and affordable to read daily newspapers).
  • TV: Using TV for spots and product placement is a vital tool in countries with high TV coverage.
  • Borchures can be used to disseminate at retailers, during Open Day Events etc.
  • Fact Sheets to be distribute to partners, other interested TC measures
  • etc.

The selection of the type of information material and means of promotion plays a crucial role in determining how comprehensible and understandable a campaign for participants will be. A consistent communication approach that is reflected in the selected media supports the recognition of the campaign.


Key Words

Low carbon-cost-efficient-cosy
Efficient lighting for public buildings

The brochure highlights energy efficiency potentials and energy cost and greenhouse gas savings by applying intelligent energy efficient lighting systems in public buildings. Benefits are illustrated by means of two practical examples. 100px
Öffentliche Gebäude effizient beleuchten
Die Broschüre stellt Effizienzpotentiale, Energiekostenersparnis und Klimarelevanz des Einsatzes von intelligenten Beleuchtungskonzepten in öffentlichen Gebäuden vor. Anhand von zwei Praxisbeispielen werden Vorteile verdeutlicht.    100px
Quality pays off -
Efficient lighting in public buildings
The brochure provides information about differences in quality of energy saving lamps and gives helpful advice how to purchase quality products.  Quality pays off E.pdf
Qualität rentiert sich -
Öffentliche Gebäude effizient beleuchten
Die Broschüre informiert über Qualitätsunterschiede von Energiesparlampen und gibt Empfehlungen für den Einkauf von Qualitätsprodukten. Qualitaet rentiert sich D.pdf

Energy efficient lighting
Energy saving

The brochure provides energy saving tips for lighting for private households/users. It covers information to conventional lighting and energy efficient lighting, halogen and LEDs, energy efficiency grades, info to end-of-life treatment and tips to select appropriate lamps.
Dena EnergySaving Tipps.pdf 

Energy saving lamp

The brochure provides information to energy saving lamps: where and how to use, costs, environmental aspects, quality of light, how to differentiate energy saving lamps from conventional bulbs, and where to get further information.
ESV ESL-InfoHH 20080101.pdf 

Energy saving
Quality of light
Indoor lighting
Outdoor lighting

The brochure provides information how to achieve the right lighting in a home – indoors and outdoors. It also explains potentials to save energy for lighting and contains information to lighting sources, artificial and daylight, and luminaires.
Sparfonden Leaflet Good Light 20090101.pdf 

Fact Sheet
Energy efficient lighting
Public buildings

The fact sheet explains the lighting campaign to energy efficient lighting in households and public buildings in Kosovo. It provides information to objectives, impacts, partners, some statistics to lighting and briefly describes the measures.
Fact Sheet EE light Kosovo.pdf 

Fact Sheet
Energy efficient lighting
Indoor lighting requirements

The fact sheet provides information to parameters of different lamps, such as: luminance efficacy, nominal lifespan, European Standard EN 12462-1, comparison of GLS and CFL.
Fact sheet EElight alternativesHH.pdf 

Lighting terms
Training tools

The document contains a brief glossary with lighting terms and abbreviations.
Light terms abbreviation 20100601.pdf 



Picture of a CFL.