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{{#ask:[[Category:Malawi cookstoves DB]] |?Name of Establishment=title |?Name of Establishment = Name of Establishment |?Type of cookstove activity = Type of cookstove activity |?Year establishment started business = Year establishment started business |?Technology = Technology| | showtitle= no | limit=500 }}
{{#ask:[[Category:Malawi cookstoves DB]] |?Name of Establishment = Name of Establishment |?Type of cookstove activity = Type of cookstove activity |?Year establishment started business = Year establishment started business |?Technology = Technology| | showtitle= no | limit=500 | mainlabel = - }}

Revision as of 10:34, 9 March 2016

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This webside provides information of the national cookstove activity in Malawi managed by the National Cookstove Steering Committee (NCSC).

The purpose of this webside is to provide an up-to date database of active production centres, retailers and implementers across the country including detailed geographic positioning (GPS), business details and photographs.

In case of missing establishments in this database, please follow the button below to enter new data.

Total sold systems in Malawi: 80,600

Name of EstablishmentType of cookstove activityYear establishment started businessTechnology
265 EnergyCommercial RetailerOther
FatchiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ADRA (Tsogolo Labwino Project)Projectunknown
AgCareManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
Action AidManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
Adamu Tcheu84Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Afrox LimitedCommercial Retailerunknown
AkhaphadwiwambaniProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Aleva Stove ProductionProjectAleva Stove
AlinafeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Area 22 warehouseCommercial Retailerunknown
Area 23 Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
Area 23 Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
Area 24 Chipiku StorCommercial Retailerunknown
Area 25 Chipiku Store-Commercial Retailerunknown
Bakelines LimitedProjectOther
Balaka ChipikuCommercial RetailerChitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Bangula chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Benga chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
BillyProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Bird Life Management project -Important Birds Area Component ProjectProjectunknown
Bird Life Management project -Important Birds Area Component ProjectProjectunknown
Bird Life Management project -Important Birds Area Component ProjectProjectunknown
BitilinyuProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Bitilinyu 2Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
BokoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Bolero Womens GroupProjectunknown
BvunjamtimakoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
CARD-Churches Action Relief and DevelopmentManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
CadecomManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
CareManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
Chakoma groupProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chaleta BProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChameraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chankhala ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChembeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chibothera Community Energy MalawiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChigangaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChigomezgoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chigomezgo ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChigwereProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chijero 1Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chijero 2Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chikhwawa chipiku storesCommercial Retailerunknown
Chikhwawa chipiku storesCommercial Retailerunknown
ChikololereProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chikomba (chikomba)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChikomeniProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChikondiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chikondi 2Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChikwapaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chilambula Chipiku plu-Commercial Retailerunknown
ChilengaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chilimba chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Chilumba chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
ChimduziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChimphangaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChimwalareProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChimwazaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChimwemweProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chinansi FoundationProduction centre (portable stoves)Other
Chindindi ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChindungwaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chingazi clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChionjezaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChipwayiraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChisomoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChisomoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChisomoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chisomo clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChisumbuProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chitawila pumaCommercial Retailerunknown
ChitekweProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chitetezo clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chithundu clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chitipa Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
ChitsaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChitukuProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chitukula Developement InitiativesProjectChitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChiwambaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chiwamba Production Stove groupProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChiwozaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChiyambiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChiyanjanoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ChizuliProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Chuma/KapalamulaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Clay Efficient Stove projectProjectunknown
Community Managed Disaster Risk Programmes -CMDRPProjectunknown
Cooking and Pneumonia Study (CAPS)Projectunknown
Cookstove projectProjectunknown
Cookstove projectProjectunknown
Cookstove projectProjectunknown
Cookstove projectProjectunknown
DAMRAManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
Davis(chitetezo mbaula)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Dedza Chipiku StoresCommercial Retailerunknown
DemeraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Demula(Mwala wa nkhanga)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
DinyeroProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Disaster Preparedness and Response ProjectProjectunknown
Disaster risk reductionProjectunknown
Discover-Cleaner Safe Cooking Using Less WoodProjectunknown
Dowa Chipiku StoresCommercial Retailerunknown
Dwangwa Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
Dziwani stove production groupProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
DzilimbireProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
DziwenjiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
DzooleProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
DzooleProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Eagles Relief and Development ProgrammeManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
Ekwendeni chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Ener-G-AfricaProjectRocket Stove
Energem area 36Commercial Retailerunknown
Enhanced Livelihood Through Gender EmpowermentProjectunknown
Enhancing Biodiversity Conservation Through Promotion of Non Forest Based ProductsProjectunknown
Enhancing Community Programme towards Climate ChangeProjectunknown
Enhancing Community Resilience Programme (ECRP)Projectunknown
Enhancing Water Management in Rural MalawiProjectunknown
Environmental and Educational Resources Development Trust(EERDT)Projectunknown
Euthini chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Evangelical Association of MalawiManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
Find Your FeetManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
Fisherman`s RestProjectOther
FombeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
FombeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Food Income and Market Programme(FIM)Projectunknown
Food Income and Markets ProjectsProjectunknown
Forest Management and Sustainable LivelihoodProjectunknown
Fred 2Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Fuel Switch projectProjectunknown
GawamadziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Ginnery corner chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Global Hope MobilizationProjectChitetezo Mbaula (Clay + Metal Frame)
GodfreyProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Golomoti chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
GundaniProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
GwembaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Heifer InternationalManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
Huwa(tikulane)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Improved Cookstove ProductionProjectunknown
Improving nutrition and economic opportunities for women and young children in Malawi (INEW)Projectunknown
Increasing Food Security Income and Resilience to Reliance to Climate Change in Central and Southern MalawiProjectunknown
Infinity EnergyProduction centre (portable stoves)Other
Jacaranda ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
James 1Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
JasiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
JastenProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Jenda Chipiku Store-Commercial Retailerunknown
Jesuit Centre for Ecology & DevelopmentProjectRocket Stove
JumbiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kabowa ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KabulikaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KachereProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KachereProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KachimangaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KachitsaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kadewere resource centreProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KadzuwaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KafulamaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KaiwaleProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KalataProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KalimbukaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kalindiza (Dedza East)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KalondeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KalumbiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kalyolyo Mbaula ManufacturesProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KampetaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kamwendo Chipiku store-Commercial Retailerunknown
KanduluProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KankwitaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KansiyaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KantuwanjeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KanyimbiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KanyunyaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KapenaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kapiri Chipiku StoresCommercial Retailerunknown
Kapiri chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Kapiri clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Karonga Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
KasakalaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kasamba clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KasongweProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kasungu Chipiku Store-Commercial Retailerunknown
ChikondiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KatangaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KatengezaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KatungaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kawalengenfilling stationCommercial Retailerunknown
Kawazamawe ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KazunguliProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
KazungulireProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Ken Steel EngineeringCommercial Retailerunknown
Ken Steel EngineeringCommercial RetailerOther
KenSteel EngineeringProduction centre (portable stoves)Other
Khamalipindula ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Khwima clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Korinto (Talandira)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kucheza Kwabwino (chimwanyani)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Kumudzi kuwaleCommercial Retailerunknown
KuweluzaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
LenoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
LidaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
LigombaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
LikalaweProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Likuni Chipiku Store-Commercial Retailerunknown
LilongwCity Chipiku StoresCommercial Retailerunknown
LimbikaniProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Limbikani clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
LimbikilaniProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Linguni youth clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
LiwondchipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Liyaya (Chingoli)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Lizulu chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Lumbadzi Chipiku StorCommercial Retailerunknown
LumwilaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Lundu (kawanula)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Lunzu chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
LusoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Luso lathu (Nyanyala)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MALEZAManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
MUA (Tiyesere)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
M`manga VNRMCProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Macheche (Mtendere)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Madisi Chipiku StoresCommercial Retailerunknown
Madziansatsi (Umodzi)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Madziayera ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MaeveCommercial Retailerunknown
MagangaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MakhambaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Makho clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MalapaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Malawi Lake Basin-We EffectManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
Maldeco chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
MaletaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MamboProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MandiradeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mangazolimba(chimwemwe)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mangochi chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
MangomboProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ManjomoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Maonga (Tadala)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mapanga CBOProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MasekeseProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MaseseProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay + Metal Frame)
MatanyaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MatekenyaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mayankho Stoves ProjectProjectOther
Mayiwaza(Tigwirizane)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mbaswa CCAP Women Choir GroupProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MbatamiraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mbedza ProjectManufacturer (fixed stoves)
MbiliziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MbiyaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MbothaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MchanjaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MchilikoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mchinji Chipiku Store-Commercial Retailerunknown
MeaveCommercial Retailerunknown
MganjaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MgawiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MgwirizanoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MgwirizanoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Milepa chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Miseza ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mitundu Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
Nkalo Resource CentreProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mkanda chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
MkangoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MkangoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MkawelaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MkumbiraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MkuwaziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MkwailaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mkwakwa ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MleziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MlondeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MlongotiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MluluProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mlulu BProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MmangaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MosesProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mount Mulanje Conservation TrustProjectChitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mpampha JCED Production GroupProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MpangetiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MphambaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MpherembchipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
MpheziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MphungaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mphwanye (Nokhera)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MpiringizoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mponela Chipiku Store-Commercial Retailerunknown
MsiyaphanjeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mtakataka chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
MtamboProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MtauchilaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MtelerekaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mtende clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MtengowamoyoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MtenjeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Aleva Stove ProductionProduction centre (portable stoves)Aleva Stove
Muuwa BwandeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mvera Chipiku StoresCommercial Retailerunknown
MvulaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MwalaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MwalinjaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MwanjowaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MwanzaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mwanza chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
MwayiwathuProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MwayiwathuProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mwayiwathu (chilingulo)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mwayiwathu clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mwayiwathu group (vethiwa)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mwenelondo (Goodlife support group)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
MweulaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Mzimba Chipiku Store-Commercial Retailerunknown
Mzuzu IntergratedProjectunknown
Mzuzu Luwinga Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
Mzuzu Town Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
NachimangoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Nambuma Chipiku StoresCommercial Retailerunknown
NamingaziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
NamitetchipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Namsale / LotiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Nankumba (Chisomo)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
NathenjChipiku Store-Commercial Retailerunknown
Nchalo-ChikwawaCommercial Retailerunknown
NdilandchipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
NdindiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ndindi(Kecocs)Production centre (portable stoves)unknown
Ngabu chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
NgoziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Ngwimbi (Tilimbike)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Njira ProjectProjectunknown
Nkhatabay Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
Nkhotakota Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
NkhweyaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
NsangulaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
NsanjchipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Nsenga ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
NsiyankhuniProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay + Metal Frame)
Nsunduzeni(Tiyamike)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
NsundwChipiku StoresCommercial Retailerunknown
Ntaja chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Ntcheu chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
Ntchisi chipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
NtisausaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Nunjira clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
NyamulaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
NyayikhaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Nzeruzatha ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
PanyambadwFilling StationCommercial Retailerunknown
Paseli shopCommercial Retailerunknown
PatalawoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
PaulosiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
PembaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
PhakaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Phinga ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Powered by NatureCommercial Retailerunknown
powered by natureCommercial Retailerunknown
Production and Marketing of Energy Efficient Stoves ProjectProjectunknown
Promoting Fuel Efficiency in Rural AreasProjectunknown
Promoting Improved Stoved in Rural HousesProjectunknown
Promoting the use of energy serving stovesProjectunknown
Promotion of Cleaner CookingCommercial RetailerOther
Promotion of Energy Saving StovesProjectunknown
Puma MboweCommercial Retailerunknown
Puma area 18Commercial Retailerunknown
PupuyilaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Ripple AfricaProjectOther
RodrickProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Rumphi Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown
RuviriProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
SangateteProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
SanthChipiku StoresCommercial Retailerunknown
Saopampeni GroupProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Save the ChildrenManufacturer (fixed stoves)unknown
Scaling Up Access to Improved Habitat for Rural Households in MalawiProjectunknown
SefasiProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ShopritPuma filling stationCommercial Retailerunknown
SikanadzeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
singwaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
SongweProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
St PatricksProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Stoves in Social Cash TransferProjectunknown
SupuniProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TadalaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tadala-ChitalaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tadala-ChitalaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TafikaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TakhazikikaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TalandiraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TalandiraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TalandiraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TalandiraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TalandiraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Taphunzira ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TapokeraProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TawinaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tawonga groupProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tayambapo ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TayamikaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tayanjana Mapiku groupProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tayanjana Mapiku groupProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
The Cooking and Pneumonia Study (CAPS): A cluster randomised controlled trialCommercial RetailerOther
ThembedzaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Thermo Electric GeneratorProjectunknown
ThethChipiku StoresCommercial Retailerunknown
Thundu clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TigwilizaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TigwirizaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TikondaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TikondaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TikondaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tikondane clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tikondane ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TilimbikeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TilimbikeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tilimbike clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TimvaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TimveraneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TinduleProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TinyadeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TithandizaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TitukuleProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TivesetsaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TivwiraneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tiwonge clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TiyamikeProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tiyamike (Namanolo)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tiyamike ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TiyanjaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TiyanjaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TiyanjaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TiyanjaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tiyendere PamodziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TiyeseProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TiyesenawoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TiyesenawoProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tiyesenawo ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tiyesere ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Tiyezge clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
TkondaneProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Total Land Car(TLC) GreenCommercial Retailerunknown
Total Land Care (TLC)ProjectOther
Total Land Care MalawiManufacturer (fixed stoves)Rocket Stove
Total filling station BiwiCommercial Retailerunknown
Trank Trading -Namiwawa Filling StationCommercial Retailerunknown
Tsogolo LabwinoProjectunknown
Tulipoka (kasisi club)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Twesa in Community and DevelopmentProjectChitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Twesa in Community and DevelopmentManufacturer (fixed stoves)Rocket Stove
Twiyule ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
UlongwchipikuCommercial Retailerunknown
UmodziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
UmodziProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
UmozaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Usiwawatha ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
VethiwaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Vi agroforestryProjectunknown
Wakuda Galamuka ClubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
WanyanyaProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Watson MalungaCommercial Retailerunknown
Welt Hunger HilfeProjectOther
Welthungerhilfe MalawiProjectChitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Wenela Filling StationCommercial Retailerunknown
Wildlife and Environmental Society of MalawiProjectRocket Stove
William (Nimu)Production centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Women arise projectProjectunknown
Yakho clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Zatonse clubProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
ZindawiloProduction centre (portable stoves)Chitetezo Mbaula (Clay)
Zomba Chipiku StoreCommercial Retailerunknown