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SE4JOBS Good Practice Case Study Brazil


Due to its huge hydroelectric power capacities, Brazil is already as of now one of the largest producers of renewable electricity worldwide. Similarly, given its favourable natural conditions, the country is a major producer of biomass and biofuels. These types of RE will not be in the focus of the study, as they depend on natural conditions that are (abundantly) present in the case of Brazil, but not in the large majority of partner countries in which GIZ works and which form the reference group of the SE4JOBS (Sustainable Energy for Jobs ) project. In the framework of this study, the focus will therefore lie on RE markets and employment from wind power and solar energy as well as energy efficiency.

About the Publication

Title: SE4JOBS : Case Study: Brazil

Authors: Prof. Klaus Jacob, Holger Bär

Published Date/Place : 2016, Berlin 

Sector: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the MENA region

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Further Information

This publication is part of the series of publications in the scope of Sustainable Energy for Jobs (SE4JOBS) project by the RE-ACTIVATE (“Employment Promotion through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Middle East and North Africa”) project. Also check out the following case studies:

  • SE4JOBs Toolbox
  • SE4JOBS Good Practice Case Study China
  • SE4JOBS Good Practice Case Study India
  • SE4JOBS Good Practice Case Study Mexico
  • SE4JOBS Good Practice Case Study South Africa
  • SE4JOBS Good Practice Case Study Turkey
  • SE4JOBS Discussion Paper: Global Findings, Concrete Implications for MENA


This article is part of the RE-ACTIVATE project. RE-ACTIVATE “Promoting Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the MENA Region” is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).