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== Hydropower ==
== Hydropower ==
There isn’t much of a hydropower potential in Mauritania. Nevertheless, the country imports hydropower electricity from [http://www.portail-omvs.org/infrastructure-regionale/barrages/barrage-manantali Manantali hydropower plant][[#_ftn1|[1]]]. This source can provide 30 MW to Mauritania, mostly for the cities of Boghé and Kaédi. Mauritania aims to increase the share of hydropower electricity to 30% by 2015. To do that, it will add to Manantali, the imported electricity from [http://www.eib.org/projects/pipeline/2003/20030347.htm Felou] (20 MW)[[#_ftn2|[2]]] and [http://demo.portail-omvs.org/infrastructure-regionale/barrages/projets-barrages Gouina][[#_ftn3|[3]]] (40 MW) hydropower plants.[[#_ftn4|[4]]]
There isn’t much of a hydropower potential in Mauritania. Nevertheless, the country imports hydropower electricity from [http://www.portail-omvs.org/infrastructure-regionale/barrages/barrage-manantali Manantali hydropower plant]. This source can provide 30 MW to Mauritania, mostly for the cities of Boghé and Kaédi. Mauritania aims to increase the share of hydropower electricity to 30% by 2015. To do that, it will add to Manantali, the imported electricity from [http://www.eib.org/projects/pipeline/2003/20030347.htm Felou] (20 MW)<ref name="Aménagement Hydroélectrique de Félou European Bank of Investment internet site http://www.eib.org/projects/pipeline/2003/20030347.htm">Aménagement Hydroélectrique de Félou European Bank of Investment internet site http://www.eib.org/projects/pipeline/2003/20030347.htm</ref> and [http://demo.portail-omvs.org/infrastructure-regionale/barrages/projets-barrages Gouina] (40 MW) hydropower plants.
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[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] Le barrage de Manantali - OMVS internet site [http://www.portail-omvs.org/infrastructure-regionale/barrages/barrage-manantali http://www.portail-omvs.org/infrastructure-regionale/barrages/barrage-manantali]
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[[#_ftnref2|[2]]] Aménagement Hydroélectrique de Félou European Bank of Investment internet site [http://www.eib.org/projects/pipeline/2003/20030347.htm http://www.eib.org/projects/pipeline/2003/20030347.htm]
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[[#_ftnref3|[3]]] Projets de barrages – OMVS internet site [http://demo.portail-omvs.org/infrastructure-regionale/barrages/projets-barrages http://demo.portail-omvs.org/infrastructure-regionale/barrages/projets-barrages]
</div><div id="ftn4">
[[#_ftnref4|[4]]] Financement d’une centrale hybride photovoltaïque/thermique à Kiffa et des réseaux électriques de la région de Kiffa – AFD – (2012)
== Solar Energy ==
== Solar Energy ==
Since 2013, OFID, IBD, ISFD and the Government of Mauritania funds have co-financed a project of rural electrification by solar energy[[#_ftn1|[1]]]. This project is delegated to Agency for the Promotion of Universal Access to Basic Services (APAUS) and will allow building a solar power plant in Aftout El Chargui area (Gorgol Wilaya). It aims to:
Since 2013, OFID, IBD, ISFD and the Government of Mauritania funds have co-financed a project of rural electrification by solar energy<ref name="Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone – IBD internet site PROCUREMENT NOTICE _ Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone http://www.isdb.org/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/tenderuser.TenderEndUser?Title=GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE _ Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone">Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone – IBD internet site PROCUREMENT NOTICE _ Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone http://www.isdb.org/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/tenderuser.TenderEndUser?Title=GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE _ Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone</ref>. This project is delegated to Agency for the Promotion of Universal Access to Basic Services (APAUS) and will allow building a solar power plant in Aftout El Chargui area (Gorgol Wilaya). It aims to:
*Supply electricity to 5,450 households in 30 localities ;
*Increase access to electricity in targeted rural areas by 7% by 2016 ;
*Reduce annual CO2 emissions by around 15,000 tons.
· Supply electricity to 5,450 households in 30 localities ;
In Nouakchott, a solar plant developed by [http://www.masdar.ae/en/media/detail/masdar-to-develop-15-mw-solar-plant-in-mauritania Masdar] adds 15 MW more to the supply of electricity. It is expected to deliver 10% of capital supply<ref name="Masdar to Develop 15 MW Solar Plant in Mauritania – Masdar internet site http://www.masdar.ae/en/media/detail/masdar-to-develop-15-mw-solar-plant-in-mauritania">Masdar to Develop 15 MW Solar Plant in Mauritania – Masdar internet site http://www.masdar.ae/en/media/detail/masdar-to-develop-15-mw-solar-plant-in-mauritania</ref>.
· increasing access to electricity in targeted rural areas by 7% by 2016 ;
[http://www.afd.fr/base-projets/downloadDocument.action;jsessionid=4241D5E70F94107AAE7388B1FF8261F7?idDocument=1406 A project] co-financed by Agence Française de Développement and the European Union in Kiffa started in 2013. It aims to build a hybrid central that should provide 2 MW of solar energy coupled with 5,6 MW of fuel energy. It should also connect the grid from Kiffa to Guérou<ref name="Financement d’une centrale hybride photovoltaïque/thermique à Kiffa et des réseaux électriques de la région de Kiffa – AFD – (2012)"> Financement d’une centrale hybride photovoltaïque/thermique à Kiffa et des réseaux électriques de la région de Kiffa – AFD – (2012)</ref>.
· reducing annual CO2 emissions by around 15,000 tons.
The Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (SNIM) has also developed its own project of a solar power plant with the development of a [http://www.snim.com/index.php/recherche-a-developpement/developpement/projets/67-la-centrale-solaire-de-zouerate.html 3 MW] solar plant in Zouérat<ref name="Centrale solaire à Zouerate – SNIM internet site http://www.snim.com/index.php/recherche-a-developpement/developpement/projets/67-la-centrale-solaire-de-zouerate.html">Centrale solaire à Zouerate – SNIM internet site http://www.snim.com/index.php/recherche-a-developpement/developpement/projets/67-la-centrale-solaire-de-zouerate.html</ref>.
In Nouakchott, a solar plant developed by [http://www.masdar.ae/en/media/detail/masdar-to-develop-15-mw-solar-plant-in-mauritania Masdar] adds 15 MW more to the supply of electricity. It is expected to deliver 10% of capital supply[[#_ftn2|[2]]].
[http://www.afd.fr/base-projets/downloadDocument.action;jsessionid=4241D5E70F94107AAE7388B1FF8261F7?idDocument=1406 A project] co-financed by Agence Française de Développement and the European Union in Kiffa started in 2013. It aims to build a hybrid central that should provide 2 MW of solar energy coupled with 5,6 MW of fuel energy. It should also connect the grid from Kiffa to Guérou.[[#_ftn3|[3]]]
== Biomass ==
The Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (SNIM) has also developed its own project of a solar power plant with the development of a [http://www.snim.com/index.php/recherche-a-developpement/developpement/projets/67-la-centrale-solaire-de-zouerate.html 3 MW] solar plant in Zouérat[[#_ftn4|[4]]].
<div id="ftn1">
[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone – IBD internet site [http://www.isdb.org/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/tenderuser.TenderEndUser?Title=GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE _ Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone http://www.isdb.org/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/tenderuser.TenderEndUser?Title=GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE _ Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone]
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[[#_ftnref2|[2]]] Masdar to Develop 15 MW Solar Plant in Mauritania – Masdar internet site [http://www.masdar.ae/en/media/detail/masdar-to-develop-15-mw-solar-plant-in-mauritania http://www.masdar.ae/en/media/detail/masdar-to-develop-15-mw-solar-plant-in-mauritania]
Biomass potential is mostly found in the south of Mauritania, next to the Senegal River in Assaba, Brakna, Gorgol, Guidimaka, Hodh El Charghi, Hodh El Gharbi, Trarza and Tagant. These regions can supply 100 000 m<sup>3</sup> per year<ref name="Enquête sur les consommations d'énergie domestique en Mauritanie – CILSS/PREDAS – (2005)">Enquête sur les consommations d'énergie domestique en Mauritanie – CILSS/PREDAS – (2005)</ref>.
</div><div id="ftn3">
[[#_ftnref3|[3]]] Financement d’une centrale hybride photovoltaïque/thermique à Kiffa et des réseaux électriques de la région de Kiffa – AFD – (2012)
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[[#_ftnref4|[4]]] Centrale solaire à Zouerate – SNIM internet site [http://www.snim.com/index.php/recherche-a-developpement/developpement/projets/67-la-centrale-solaire-de-zouerate.html http://www.snim.com/index.php/recherche-a-developpement/developpement/projets/67-la-centrale-solaire-de-zouerate.html]
In 2012, a [http://www.peracod.sn/?Programme-pour-l-Energie-de project] co-financed by European Union and GIZ was established to promote improved cookstoves in the rural and semi-urban areas of Guidimakha<ref name="Factsheet ProCEAO Mauritania – 2013">Factsheet ProCEAO Mauritania – 2013</ref>. This project aims to promote 5 000 improved cookstoves (ICS) through the following:
*Organizing media and proximity campaigns to promote ICS
*Sensitizing and training users to apply good practices of utilization
*Training producers of ICS in the production and marketing techniques and in SME management
*Supporting the introduction, implementation and marketing of ICS
*Supporting professional training and capacity development centers to add cleaner cooking stove production to their training programs.
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== Biogas ==
== Biomass ==
Biomass potential is mostly found in the south of Mauritania, next to the Senegal River in Assaba, Brakna, Gorgol, Guidimaka, Hodh El Charghi, Hodh El Gharbi, Trarza and Tagant. These regions can supply 100 000 m<sup>3</sup> per year.[[#_ftn1|[1]]]
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[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] Enquête sur les consommations d'énergie domestique en Mauritanie – CILSS/PREDAS – (2005)
In 2012, a [http://www.peracod.sn/?Programme-pour-l-Energie-de project] co-financed by European Union and GIZ was established to promote improved cookstoves in the rural and semi-urban areas of Guidimakha[[#_ftn1|[1]]]. This project aims to promote 5 000 improved cookstoves (ICS) through the following:
· Organizing media and proximity campaigns to promote ICS
· Sensitizing and training users to apply good practices of utilization
· Training producers of ICS in the production and marketing techniques and in SME management
· Supporting the introduction, implementation and marketing of ICS
· Supporting professional training and capacity development centers to add cleaner cooking stove production to their training programs.
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[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] Factsheet ProCEAO Mauritania – 2013
== Biogas ==
== Wind Energy ==
== Wind Energy ==
Recently, the National Assembly adopted a law that allows the acceptance of a FADES loan to construct a [http://assembleenationale-mr.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=483:-adoption-du-projet-de-loi-23913-et-24013&catid=3:newsflash&lang=en 30MW wind power plant][[#_ftn1|[1]]].
Recently, the National Assembly adopted a law that allows the acceptance of a FADES loan to construct a [http://assembleenationale-mr.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=483:-adoption-du-projet-de-loi-23913-et-24013&catid=3:newsflash&lang=en 30MW wind power plant].
SNIM has also developed a 4 MW [http://www.snim.com/index.php/news-a-media/news/10-inauguration-de-la-centrale-eolienne-de-la-snim.html wind power plant] in Nouadhibou that has been paid for with their own resources[[#_ftn2|[2]]].
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[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] Adoption du projet de loi 239/13 et 240/13 - National Assembly internet site [http://assembleenationale-mr.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=483:-adoption-du-projet-de-loi-23913-et-24013&catid=3:newsflash&lang=en http://assembleenationale-mr.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=483:-adoption-du-projet-de-loi-23913-et-24013&catid=3:newsflash&lang=en]
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[[#_ftnref2|[2]]] Inauguration de la centrale éolienne de la SNIM - SNIM internet site [http://www.snim.com/index.php/news-a-media/news/10-inauguration-de-la-centrale-eolienne-de-la-snim.html http://www.snim.com/index.php/news-a-media/news/10-inauguration-de-la-centrale-eolienne-de-la-snim.html]
SNIM has also developed a 4 MW [http://www.snim.com/index.php/news-a-media/news/10-inauguration-de-la-centrale-eolienne-de-la-snim.html wind power plant] in Nouadhibou that has been paid for with their own resources<ref name="Inauguration de la centrale éolienne de la SNIM - SNIM internet site http://www.snim.com/index.php/news-a-media/news/10-inauguration-de-la-centrale-eolienne-de-la-snim.html">Inauguration de la centrale éolienne de la SNIM - SNIM internet site http://www.snim.com/index.php/news-a-media/news/10-inauguration-de-la-centrale-eolienne-de-la-snim.html</ref>.
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== Geothermal Energy ==
== Geothermal Energy ==
Production of electricity principally comes from thermo power plants (76%). The last 24% is insured by the electricity importation coming from [http://www.portail-omvs.org/infrastructure-regionale/barrages/barrage-manantali Manantaly hydro power plant] based in Mali. In 2011, electricity production stood at 136 '''megawatts (MW)''' in Mauritania and was 100% from thermo power. Mauritania aims to increase and diversify its energy sources. For example, it has developed an electricity plant that will be [http://www.2b1stconsulting.com/tullow-to-reach-final-investment-decision-in-mauritania-gas-to-power/ alimented by Banda] gas[[#_ftn1|[1]]]. This facility should produce 350 MW in 2015 and will be connected to Nouakchott and Nouadhibou. Furthermore, the plant should produce 700 MW and [http://www.agenceecofin.com/electricite/2711-7760-mauritanie-son-surplus-d-electricite-pour-la-mali-et-le-senegal could export][[#_ftn2|[2]]] electricity to Senegal and Mali.[[#_ftn3|[3]]]
Production of electricity principally comes from thermo power plants (76%). The last 24% is insured by the electricity importation coming from [http://www.portail-omvs.org/infrastructure-regionale/barrages/barrage-manantali Manantaly hydro power plant] based in Mali. In 2011, electricity production stood at 136 '''megawatts (MW)''' in Mauritania and was 100% from thermo power. Mauritania aims to increase and diversify its energy sources. For example, it has developed an electricity plant that will be [http://www.2b1stconsulting.com/tullow-to-reach-final-investment-decision-in-mauritania-gas-to-power/ alimented by Banda] gas<ref name="To be first consulting internet site http://www.2b1stconsulting.com/tullow-to-reach-final-investment-decision-in-mauritania-gas-to-power/">To be first consulting internet site http://www.2b1stconsulting.com/tullow-to-reach-final-investment-decision-in-mauritania-gas-to-power/</ref>. This facility should produce 350 MW in 2015 and will be connected to Nouakchott and Nouadhibou. Furthermore, the plant should produce 700 MW and [http://www.agenceecofin.com/electricite/2711-7760-mauritanie-son-surplus-d-electricite-pour-la-mali-et-le-senegal could export] electricity to Senegal and Mali<ref name="Financement d’une centrale hybride photovoltaïque/thermique à Kiffa et des réseaux électriques de la région de Kiffa AFD – (2012)">Financement d’une centrale hybride photovoltaïque/thermique à Kiffa et des réseaux électriques de la région de Kiffa – AFD – (2012)</ref>.
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[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] To be first consulting internet site [http://www.2b1stconsulting.com/tullow-to-reach-final-investment-decision-in-mauritania-gas-to-power/ http://www.2b1stconsulting.com/tullow-to-reach-final-investment-decision-in-mauritania-gas-to-power/]
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[[#_ftnref2|[2]]] Mauritanie : son surplus d’électricité pour le Mali et le Sénégal Ecofin – (2012)
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[[#_ftnref3|[3]]] Financement d’une centrale hybride photovoltaïque/thermique à Kiffa et des réseaux électriques de la région de Kiffa – AFD – (2012)
== Fossil Fuels ==
== Fossil Fuels ==
Fuel potential is divided in two basins, Costal basin and Taoudeni basin. Fuel production is quite new in Mauritania. While exploration begun in 1960, exploitation is confined to two offshore fuel fields, Chinguiti (oil) and [http://www.tullowoil.com/index.asp?pageid=271 Banda][[#_ftn1|[1]]] (gas).[[#_ftn2|[2]]] Chinguiti field, which was originally exploited by Woodside has been sold to Petronas. Initially, it was expected to provide 76 000 '''barrels per day (bpd)''', but at the beginning of the exploitation it only produced 35 000 bpd and in 2013 this [http://www.agenceecofin.com/hydrocarbures/0809-1174-mauritanie-petronas-sort-le-petrole-de-chinguetti-au-compte-gouttes figure] dropped to 4 000 bpd. Fuel has also been found in Cormoran, Pelican, Faucon and Tevet fields but it is not already exploited. [[#_ftn3|[3]]]
Fuel potential is divided in two basins, Costal basin and Taoudeni basin. Fuel production is quite new in Mauritania. While exploration begun in 1960, exploitation is confined to two offshore[[File:Mauritania1.png|right|300px|alt=Mauritania1.png]]fuel fields, Chinguiti (oil) and [http://www.tullowoil.com/index.asp?pageid=271 Banda] (gas). Chinguiti field <ref name="Les enjeux du pétrole en Mauritanie - Benjamin Augé – L’année du Maghreb – (2007)">Les enjeux du pétrole en Mauritanie - Benjamin Augé – L’année du Maghreb – (2007)</ref>, which was originally exploited by Woodside has been sold to Petronas. Initially, it was expected to provide 76 000 '''barrels per day (bpd)''', but at the beginning of the exploitation it only produced 35 000 bpd and in 2013 this [http://www.agenceecofin.com/hydrocarbures/0809-1174-mauritanie-petronas-sort-le-petrole-de-chinguetti-au-compte-gouttes figure] dropped to 4 000 bpd. Fuel has also been found in Cormoran, Pelican, Faucon and Tevet fields but it is not already exploited <ref name="Mauritanie: Pétronas sort le pétrole de Chinguetti au compte-gouttes – Ecofin – (2011)">Mauritanie: Pétronas sort le pétrole de Chinguetti au compte-gouttes – Ecofin – (2011)</ref>y.
Taoudeni basin is still to be explored. Several companies are implicated in this exploration including as Total, Repsol, CNPCIM, and Wintershal.[[#_ftn4|[4]]]
Taoudeni basin is still to be explored. Several companies are implicated in this exploration including as Total, Repsol, CNPCIM, and Wintershal<ref name="Les enjeux du pétrole en Mauritanie - Benjamin Augé – L’année du Maghreb – (2007)">Les enjeux du pétrole en Mauritanie - Benjamin Augé – L’année du Maghreb – (2007)</ref>.
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[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] Tullow Oil internet site http://www.tullowoil.com/index.asp?pageid=271
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[[#_ftnref2|[2]]] Les enjeux du pétrole en Mauritanie - Benjamin Augé – L’année du Maghreb – (2007)
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[[#_ftnref3|[3]]] Mauritanie: Pétronas sort le pétrole de Chinguetti au compte-gouttes – Ecofin – (2011)
</div><div id="ftn4">
[[#_ftnref4|[4]]] Les enjeux du pétrole en Mauritanie - Benjamin Augé – L’année du Maghreb – (2007)
[[File:Mauritania1.png|left|300px]] [[File:Mauritania2.png|right|300px]]<br/>
= Key Problems of the Energy Sector =
= Key Problems of the Energy Sector =
The [http://www.afdb.org/fileadmin/uploads/afdb/Documents/Project-and-Operations/Mauritanie-DSPAR-2011-2015x fulldoc..pdf Oriented results country strategy document] for 2011-2015 indicates that the electrification rate stands at 50% in urban areas, 5% in semi urban areas and at 3% in rural areas[[#_ftn1|[1]]].
The [http://www.afdb.org/fileadmin/uploads/afdb/Documents/Project-and-Operations/Mauritanie-DSPAR-2011-2015x Oriented results country strategy document] for 2011-2015 indicates that the electrification rate stands at 50% in urban areas, 5% in semi urban areas and at 3% in rural areas<ref name="Mauritanie : document de stratégie pays axé sur les résultats (dspar) 2011-2015">Mauritanie : document de stratégie pays axé sur les résultats (dspar) 2011-2015</ref>.
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[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] Mauritanie : document de stratégie pays axé sur les résultats (dspar) 2011-2015
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== Specific Strategies ==
== Specific Strategies ==
In 2012, Mauritania’s Prime Minister adopted an environmental national action plan (PANE 2) for 2012-2016. This action plan was developed by Ministère délégué auprès du Premier Ministre en charge de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable to especially include a wood energy strategy. This strategy covers the wood energy value chain (production, exploitation, distribution, and consumption) [[#_ftn1|[1]]]
In 2012, Mauritania’s Prime Minister adopted an environmental national action plan (PANE 2) for 2012-2016. This action plan was developed by Ministère délégué auprès du Premier Ministre en charge de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable to especially include a wood energy strategy. This strategy covers the wood energy value chain (production, exploitation, distribution, and consumption)<ref name="Plan d’Action Nationale pour l’Environnement 2 (PANE 2) – (2012)">Plan d’Action Nationale pour l’Environnement 2 (PANE 2) – (2012)</ref>.
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[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] Plan d’Action Nationale pour l’Environnement 2 (PANE 2) – (2012)
= Institutional Set-up in the Energy Sector =
= Institutional Set-up in the Energy Sector =
The Electricity sector is under the care of [http://www.economie.gov.mr/economiques/home Ministère des Affaires économiques et du Développement], [http://www.petrole.gov.mr/MinesIndustrie/Left/Presentation/structure.htm Ministère du Pétrole de l'Energie et des Mines], [http://www.finances.gov.mr/Finances/home Ministère des Finances], and is regulated by [http://www.are.mr/index.php/fr/electricite Autorité de Régulation]. Due to the failure of the privatization process, there is a unique operator, the government-owned electricity utility in Mauritania, [http://www.somelec.mr/ la Société Mauritaneinne d'Electricité].
The Electricity sector is under the care of [http://www.economie.gov.mr/economiques/home Ministère des Affaires économiques et du Développement], [http://www.petrole.gov.mr/MinesIndustrie/Left/Presentation/structure.htm Ministère du Pétrole de l'Energie et des Mines], [http://www.finances.gov.mr/Finances/home Ministère des Finances], and is regulated by [http://www.are.mr/index.php/fr/electricite Autorité de Régulation]. Due to the failure of the privatization process, there is a unique operator, the government-owned electricity utility in Mauritania, [http://www.somelec.mr/ la Société Mauritaneinne d'Electricité].
Implementation of rural electrification government policies is led by [http://www.riaed.net/?Agence-de-developpement-de-l l'Agence de Développement et d'Electrification Rurale] et l’[http://www.acces.mr/ Agence de Promotion de l’Accès Universel aux Services].
= Activities of Donors and Implementing Agencies<br/> =
Implementation of rural electrification government policies is led by [http://www.riaed.net/?Agence-de-developpement-de-l l'Agence de Développement et d'Electrification Rurale] et l’[http://www.acces.mr/ Agence de Promotion de l’Accès Universel aux Services]. [[#_ftn1|[1]]]
<div id="ftn1">
[[#_ftnref1|[1]]] Financement d’une centrale hybride photovoltaïque/thermique à Kiffa et des réseaux électriques de la région de Kiffa – AFD – (2012)
= Activities of Donors and Implementing Agencies<br/> =
= Further Information =
= Further Information =

Revision as of 11:55, 5 September 2013

Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Mauritania Flag.png


Nouakchott (18°09′N 15°58′W)

Official language(s)



Islamic republic


Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz

Prime Minister

Moulaye Ould Mohamed Laghdaf

Total area

1,030,700 km2


3,291,000 (2009 estimate)

GDP (nominal)

$3.029 billion

GDP Per capita



Ouguiya (MRO)

Time zone

CET (UTC+00)

Calling code



Mauritania was originally a nomad country, which for the last 50 years has evolved into a settled one. 65% of the population was nomad in 1965 compared to the 95% that has been settled in 2001. An urbanization process has been in place since the 70’s and the urbanization rate doubled between 1970 (22,7%) and 2000 (50%). Currently, the population growth is around 2,6% per year. All these transformations in Mauritania are affecting the energy consumption necessitating an evolution in the energy supply. Mauritania is mostly dependent on non-renewable resources (fossil fuels) and the access rate to the grid is pretty low. Some projects are emerging to benefit from solar, wind and biomass resources and to increase the access rate to the grid.

Energy Sources


There isn’t much of a hydropower potential in Mauritania. Nevertheless, the country imports hydropower electricity from Manantali hydropower plant. This source can provide 30 MW to Mauritania, mostly for the cities of Boghé and Kaédi. Mauritania aims to increase the share of hydropower electricity to 30% by 2015. To do that, it will add to Manantali, the imported electricity from Felou (20 MW)[1] and Gouina (40 MW) hydropower plants.

Solar Energy

Since 2013, OFID, IBD, ISFD and the Government of Mauritania funds have co-financed a project of rural electrification by solar energy[2]. This project is delegated to Agency for the Promotion of Universal Access to Basic Services (APAUS) and will allow building a solar power plant in Aftout El Chargui area (Gorgol Wilaya). It aims to:

  • Supply electricity to 5,450 households in 30 localities ;
  • Increase access to electricity in targeted rural areas by 7% by 2016 ;
  • Reduce annual CO2 emissions by around 15,000 tons.

In Nouakchott, a solar plant developed by Masdar adds 15 MW more to the supply of electricity. It is expected to deliver 10% of capital supply[3].

A project co-financed by Agence Française de Développement and the European Union in Kiffa started in 2013. It aims to build a hybrid central that should provide 2 MW of solar energy coupled with 5,6 MW of fuel energy. It should also connect the grid from Kiffa to Guérou[4].

The Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (SNIM) has also developed its own project of a solar power plant with the development of a 3 MW solar plant in Zouérat[5].


Biomass potential is mostly found in the south of Mauritania, next to the Senegal River in Assaba, Brakna, Gorgol, Guidimaka, Hodh El Charghi, Hodh El Gharbi, Trarza and Tagant. These regions can supply 100 000 m3 per year[6].

In 2012, a project co-financed by European Union and GIZ was established to promote improved cookstoves in the rural and semi-urban areas of Guidimakha[7]. This project aims to promote 5 000 improved cookstoves (ICS) through the following:

  • Organizing media and proximity campaigns to promote ICS
  • Sensitizing and training users to apply good practices of utilization
  • Training producers of ICS in the production and marketing techniques and in SME management
  • Supporting the introduction, implementation and marketing of ICS
  • Supporting professional training and capacity development centers to add cleaner cooking stove production to their training programs.


Wind Energy

Recently, the National Assembly adopted a law that allows the acceptance of a FADES loan to construct a 30MW wind power plant.

SNIM has also developed a 4 MW wind power plant in Nouadhibou that has been paid for with their own resources[8].

Geothermal Energy

Production of electricity principally comes from thermo power plants (76%). The last 24% is insured by the electricity importation coming from Manantaly hydro power plant based in Mali. In 2011, electricity production stood at 136 megawatts (MW) in Mauritania and was 100% from thermo power. Mauritania aims to increase and diversify its energy sources. For example, it has developed an electricity plant that will be alimented by Banda gas[9]. This facility should produce 350 MW in 2015 and will be connected to Nouakchott and Nouadhibou. Furthermore, the plant should produce 700 MW and could export electricity to Senegal and Mali[4].

Fossil Fuels

Fuel potential is divided in two basins, Costal basin and Taoudeni basin. Fuel production is quite new in Mauritania. While exploration begun in 1960, exploitation is confined to two offshore


fuel fields, Chinguiti (oil) and Banda (gas). Chinguiti field [10], which was originally exploited by Woodside has been sold to Petronas. Initially, it was expected to provide 76 000 barrels per day (bpd), but at the beginning of the exploitation it only produced 35 000 bpd and in 2013 this figure dropped to 4 000 bpd. Fuel has also been found in Cormoran, Pelican, Faucon and Tevet fields but it is not already exploited [11]y.

Taoudeni basin is still to be explored. Several companies are implicated in this exploration including as Total, Repsol, CNPCIM, and Wintershal[10].


Key Problems of the Energy Sector

The Oriented results country strategy document for 2011-2015 indicates that the electrification rate stands at 50% in urban areas, 5% in semi urban areas and at 3% in rural areas[12].

Policy Framework, Laws and Regulations

General Energy Policy, Energy Strategy

Important Laws and Regulations

Specific Strategies

In 2012, Mauritania’s Prime Minister adopted an environmental national action plan (PANE 2) for 2012-2016. This action plan was developed by Ministère délégué auprès du Premier Ministre en charge de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable to especially include a wood energy strategy. This strategy covers the wood energy value chain (production, exploitation, distribution, and consumption)[13].

Institutional Set-up in the Energy Sector

The Electricity sector is under the care of Ministère des Affaires économiques et du Développement, Ministère du Pétrole de l'Energie et des Mines, Ministère des Finances, and is regulated by Autorité de Régulation. Due to the failure of the privatization process, there is a unique operator, the government-owned electricity utility in Mauritania, la Société Mauritaneinne d'Electricité.

Implementation of rural electrification government policies is led by l'Agence de Développement et d'Electrification Rurale et l’Agence de Promotion de l’Accès Universel aux Services.

Activities of Donors and Implementing Agencies

Further Information


  1. Aménagement Hydroélectrique de Félou European Bank of Investment internet site http://www.eib.org/projects/pipeline/2003/20030347.htm
  2. Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone – IBD internet site PROCUREMENT NOTICE _ Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone http://www.isdb.org/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/tenderuser.TenderEndUser?Title=GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE _ Solar Rural Electrification Project in Aftout El Chargui Zone
  3. Masdar to Develop 15 MW Solar Plant in Mauritania – Masdar internet site http://www.masdar.ae/en/media/detail/masdar-to-develop-15-mw-solar-plant-in-mauritania
  4. 4.0 4.1 Financement d’une centrale hybride photovoltaïque/thermique à Kiffa et des réseaux électriques de la région de Kiffa – AFD – (2012) Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Financement d’une centrale hybride photovoltaïque/thermique à Kiffa et des réseaux électriques de la région de Kiffa – AFD – (2012)" defined multiple times with different content
  5. Centrale solaire à Zouerate – SNIM internet site http://www.snim.com/index.php/recherche-a-developpement/developpement/projets/67-la-centrale-solaire-de-zouerate.html
  6. Enquête sur les consommations d'énergie domestique en Mauritanie – CILSS/PREDAS – (2005)
  7. Factsheet ProCEAO Mauritania – 2013
  8. Inauguration de la centrale éolienne de la SNIM - SNIM internet site http://www.snim.com/index.php/news-a-media/news/10-inauguration-de-la-centrale-eolienne-de-la-snim.html
  9. To be first consulting internet site http://www.2b1stconsulting.com/tullow-to-reach-final-investment-decision-in-mauritania-gas-to-power/
  10. 10.0 10.1 Les enjeux du pétrole en Mauritanie - Benjamin Augé – L’année du Maghreb – (2007)
  11. Mauritanie: Pétronas sort le pétrole de Chinguetti au compte-gouttes – Ecofin – (2011)
  12. Mauritanie : document de stratégie pays axé sur les résultats (dspar) 2011-2015
  13. Plan d’Action Nationale pour l’Environnement 2 (PANE 2) – (2012)