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Biogas Portal on energypedia

Implementing Organizations


  • Fundacion Integral de Desarrollo - Planning and construction of biogas systems and anerobe waste water treatment C.
  • GIZ Proyecto Biogas UMSS (Castillo Co) - Planning and construction of biogas systems


  • Direction Generale de l'Eenergie (DGE) - Research and development advisory service



  • Shanghai Biogas Engineering Development - Planning and construction
  • Asia-Pacific Biogas Research and Training Centre - Research and development, training, mass dissemination of family plants
  • Bejing Municipal Research Institueof Environmental Protection - Research and development


  • BIOTEC Colombia S.A. - Planning and construction (waste water treatment)


  • TBW GmbH - Planning and construction of biogas plants and anaerobe technology


  • Centre for Environmental Studies Anna University - Research and development, waste water treatment
  • AIC Watson Consultants - Planning and construction, waste water treatment


  • Indonesian Chamber of Commerce &Industry - Waste water treatment
  • Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology BPPT - Research, development, planning
  • Nusantara Water CentreIntercom Plaza - Planning (waste water treatment)


  • Scientific Research Council SRC - Coordination of anaerobe technology development


  • Renewable Energy Centre for Science,Technology and Environment (STENO) - Research and development


  • Standards & Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM)- Research and development


  • Programme Speciale Energie GTZ - Implementation, training, anaerobe technology and small scale farm plants
  • Centre de Developpement des Energies (CDER) - research and development


  • Kathmandu Brick Landfill Gas (P) LTD.
  • Managing Director Development Partners Nepal - research and development waste water treatment
  • DevPart Consult - Nepal Pvt. Ltd. - private consulting construction of farm biogas systems


  • ENVIROASIA Corporation - Private consulting for planning and construction
  • Integrated Biogas Generation and Wastewater Treatment System Cubao - Planning and construction advisory services


  • Diretor of Department for International S&T Cooperation - Research and development


  • CAMARTEC Biogas Extension Service - Research and development advisory service
  • Arusha Bio-Constructors and Consultants - private consultancy for planning and construction
  • Biogas and Solar Co. Ltd. private consultancy for training, planning and construction


  • Biogas Advisory Unit Chiang Mai University - Planning, advisory services
  • RISE-AT Institute of Science and Technical Research & Development - Research and development advisory services
  • National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology BIOTEC - Research


  • Agence de Maitise de l'Energie - Research and development


  • CEFINEA Research&Training Center onWater & Environmental Technology
  • Renewable Energy Center - Planning and advisory services

Networks for Biogas and Anaerobic Digestion

Networks are built to share experiences on several issues, in this case on anaerobic digestion (AD) of agricultural and industrial biomass and communal and industrial wastes. Databases can cover AD experts and organizations, biogas plant design, research and funding organizations, literature and further information. The main objective of AD networks is information exchange on the performance of technically and commercially successful AD facilities and findings of scientific research on AD.


Focus Contact

  • Anaerobic digestion of agro-industrial wastes, less the generation of energy;
  • mainly network of users, producers in agriculture and agro-industry;
  • data-bank: agricultural plants; contacts
Herning Municipal Utilities
Enghavevey 10
DK 7400 Herning
Tel.: +45 99 26 82 11
Fax: +45 99 26 82 12
Email: hkvadm@post4.tele.dk

Dr. Pat Howes
Harwell Didcot
OX11 0RA
Tel.:+44 12 35 43 28 10
Fax: +44 12 35 43 39 90
Email: pat.howes@aeat.co.uk

  • Asociaciton Nacional de Entidades de Servicio de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado
  • Seminars on waste water treatment
Av. Villazon 1966 P-7
La Paz
AT Verband

  • Association of German NGOs and consultants active in the field of Appropriate Technology, also biogas technology;
  • promotion of socially and environmentally appropriate technologies
German AT-Association
Alexanderstr. 17
53111 Bonn
Tel.: +49 228 631421
Fax: +49 228 431427

  • Bremen Overseas Research and Development Association
  • Promotion of low-cost biogas systems in developing countries.
  • Newsletter: Biogas forum
Breitenweg 55
D-28195 Bremen
Tel: +49 421 13718
Fax: +49 421 165 5323

  • Centro Panamericano de Ingeniera Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente
  • dissemination of information, technical advice, promotion of regional programs, network of cooperation centers, education;
Los Pinos 259
Casilla Postal 4337
Lima 100
Tel.: +51 1 4377081
Email: scaporal@cepis.org.pe



  • European Sustainable Rural Environment and Energy Network
  • working groups: 'Bio-Mass for Energy and Environment', 'Environmental Aspects of Anaerobic Treatments'
  • publications: Newsletter; 13 volumes in FAO/REU Technical Series; organization of workshops, electronic mailing list on Anaerobic Technology
Rainer Krell
FAO/Regional Office for Europe
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
I - 00100 Rome
Email: rainer.krell@fao.org
(German Society for Sustainable Biogas and Bioenergy Utilisation)
  • Promotion and dissemination of biogas technology
<span style="text-decoration: underline;" />FnBB / Gerbio
Am Feuersee 8
D-74592 Kirchberg/Jagst

Tel: +49 7954 926203
Fax: +49 7954 926204
Email: info@fnbb.de
German Biogas Association ("Fachverband Biogas")
  • Promotion and dissemination of biogas technology as a sustainable technology link within the nutrient circle; organization of excursions, seminars, conferences, exhibitions; provision of know-how and experts - technology transfer;
  • working groups: public relations, safety standards, organic waste fermentation, agriculture
Biogas Association Germany
Angerbrunnenstraße 12
D-85356 Freising

Tel: +49 8161 984660
Fax: +49 8161 984670

(United Kingdom)
  • International Association on Water Quality
  • anaerobic digestion; operation and costs of large/small wastewater treatment plants; pretreatment of industrial waste-waters; pulp and paper industry waste-waters; water and waste technology and management strategies for developing countries
Chairman: Prof. E.R. Hall, Dept. of Civil Engineering;
University of British Columbia, CAN

Secretary: Prof. K.J. Kennedy,
Dept. of Civil Engineering,
University of Ottawa, CAN

  • Red Colombiana de Biotecnologa Ambiental
Olga Rojas
Ciudad Universitaria
Tel.: +57 2 3312175
Fax: +57 2 3392335
Email: olgaro@petecuy.univalle.edu.co
  • Regional Information Service - Center for South East Asia on AT
  • Focal point for expert network South East Asia on anaerobe technology
  • Biogas Advisory Unit
Institute for Science and Technology Research and Development (IST)
Chiang Mai University
P.O.Box 111
50202 Chiang Mai
Tel.: +66 53 892189
Fax: +66 53 892224
Email: cnxnsmwm@chiangmai.ac.th
Waste for Energy Network

  • objective: industrial exploitation of waste for energy
  • three sectors: wood & paper, household waste, biogas;
  • organization of seminars and workshops
Centro da Biomassa para a Energia,

(United Kingdom)
  • Water Engineering and Development Centre
  • countries; dissemination to practitioners and researchers; registration possible to receive regular information
Dr. Jeremy Parr
Loughborough University
Leicestershire LE11 3TU
Tel: +44 1509 222618
Fax: +44 1509 211079
Email: jeremy.parr@boro.ac.uk

Further Information
