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ENSPOL Report on existing EEOs outside the EU

Title of Document ENSPOL Report on existing EEOs outside the EU
Abstract The ENSPOL project focusses on the existing and planned Energy Efficiency Obligation schemes (EEOs) and alternative policies in EU Member States (MS). ENSPOL analysis seeks to inform about the implementation of Article 7 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), which requires quantified improvements in energy efficiency in EU MS. There is significant experience of EEOs in several countries outside the EU. The objective of this report is to analyze relevant non-EU experience, including both design and results of EEO policies, and to draw relevant recommendations for MS considering EEOs as a means of implementing the Article 7 of the EED.

The report identifies the most likely non-EU jurisdictions to provide useful information for EU and MS stakeholders and policy makers, based on longevity of experience, scale and good evaluation of EEOs. Based on these criteria, the report examines two states of the USA – California and Massachusetts, one province of Canada - Ontario, one state of Australia – Victoria, and India. Results of the analysis for each are set out in more detail in the full report.

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English: ENSPOL Report on existing EEOs outside the EU.pdf

Original Source ENSPOL - Energy Saving Policies and Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes
Year 2015
Region/Country East Asia & The Pacific - China, Korea
North America - Canada, United States of America
South Asia - India
Language(s) English
Document Type Case Studies - Incentive Mechanisms

Sector Other

<ul><li>Property "EEPRC abstractsearch" (as page type) with input value "ßerror: string exceeds 1,000 character limit." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>"China, Korea" is not in the list (American Samoa, Australia, Cambodia, China, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, ...) of allowed values for the "EEPRC Country in East Asia and Pacific" property.</li> <!--br--><li>"Canada, United States of America" is not in the list (Canada, Mexico, United States of America, Other) of allowed values for the "EEPRC Country in North America" property.</li></ul>