The SPIS mainly consists of the following parts: Solar generator, control unit, storage tank, motor pump and the irrigation system. Some parts of the system can be modified, depending on different parameters such as solar irradiation, hydraulic lift or water output.
Solar generator
The solar generator converts sun energy (sunlight, including sun ultra violet radiation) directly into electricity.
The sizing depends of the power requirements of the motor pump and the solar irradiation: The higher the power requirements and the lower the solar irradiation, the sizing of the solar panels increases. Panels can be connected in parallel or in series in order to fulfill the specific power requirements.
The orientation and tilt angle depend on the construction site. In the southern hemisphere the panels should point north, while in the northern hemisphere they should point south. The panel’s tilt angle should be approximately equal to the site's latitude, taking into account the angle of the sun over the entire year. Sometimes it may be advantageous to tilt the PV panel at an angle that optimizes the performance in the winter, when solar radiation is likely to be the lowest.
Especially in dry regions, dust on the surface of the solar panels can lead to power losses up to 10 %. Panels have to be cleaned regularly in order to maximize the system efficiency (Mertens, 2015).
Other points which lead to power losses are shading and bad air circulation. Panels should be installed in a way that other objects (trees, buildings, …) don’t leave a shadow during the sun path. A good air circulation is important as the solar generator efficiency decreases with a rising temperature.
When installed away from buildings, theft of the solar panels or other components is a common problem, especially in rural areas. Constructions on a mounted structure, a surrounding fence or special screws are ways to raise the threshold and reduce the risk of theft.
Control unit
The pump controller is installed between the solar generator and the motor pump to regulate the power supply of the pump and the operation of the whole system.
During the day, different parameters vary, such as solar irradiation (especially on cloudy days), the water level in the well, the water level in the storage or the time and amount of irrigation.
Most control units have an integrated Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) which maximizes the power use from the PV generator under changing irradiation conditions to provide the required amount of power needed by the pump.
Connected sensors in well and tank measure the water level and prevent dry operation of the pump. The controller also ensures, that an adjusted amount of water is distributed to irrigate the crops at a given time (e.g. during the morning / evening where a low irradiation leads to fewer evaporation losses).
Motor pump
The pump moves the water by mechanical action. Water is lifted out of the water source into a tank or directly to the fields.
Surface pump: Shurflow 8000 (diaphragm pump )
Pumps can mainly be grouped into:
- submersible
- surface
- floating
as well as into their technology:
positive displacement (e.g. helical rotor, diaphragm )
with their own characteristics:
Pump Type
Pumping head
Volume flow
Positive displacement
While the pump type mainly depends on the water source, sizing is dependent of the pumping head (altitude between water level and tank) and the flow rate.
Maintenance of a Grundfos SQ Flex submersible pump (helical rotor pump)
Submersible pumps are mostly installed in (deep) wells. They push the water to the surface and have a high efficiency. Due to their subsurface installation they are safe from frost, dust or UV-radiation.
Surface pumps are installed on the ground and are mainly used for shallow sources as rivers, tanks or wells. They pull the water to the surface and push it further into a tank or to the irrigation site.
Floating pumps are mainly used for water sources with a strongly varying water level such as tanks or rivers. They float on the surface and pull/push the water to the tank or irrigation site.
For small and medium irrigation applications, water pumps are mostly direct current (DC) powered and can directly use the output of the solar generator. High-performance pumps often run with alternating current (AC) and therefore need a power inverter installed within the system.
While the flow rate is determined by the crop’s water need, the pumping head depends on the site conditions and construction:
The Total Dynamic Head (TDH) is the total equivalent height that a fluid is to be pumped, taking into account friction losses in the pipe:
Storage tank
The tank contains water pumped by the system and serves as energy storage and for a longer autonomy of the SPIS.
- The sizing depends of the days of autonomy required, a volume of three times the daily need is recommended.
- Closed or covered tanks decrease evaporation and contamination of the stored water.
- Sun resisting materials (examples) or a UV protection (examples) increase the tank‘s lifespan.
- Putting the tank on a higher level platform leads to a higher pressure when distributing the water.
- The tank serves as energy storage (like a battery), water can so be distributed despite cloudy days or within the night.
- Reservoirs can be used to mix in soluble fertilizers when used for crop irrigation only.
Irrigation system
There are various methods that can be used for irrigation, each method needs an experienced farmer to determine the quantity of water to apply and the timing of the irrigation.
Surface Irrigation is the application of water by gravity flow to the surface of the field. Either the entire field is flooded (basin irrigation as i.e. for cultivating paddy rice) or the water is fed into small channels (furrows) or strips of land (borders). Surface irrigation can be operated without any high-tech applications but is often more labor intensive than other irrigation methods.
Sprinkler Irrigation is a method of providing rainfall-like irrigation to the crops. Water is distributed through a system of pipes usually by pumping. Spray heads at the outlets distribute the water over the entire soil surface.
A typical sprinkler irrigation system consists of the following components: Pump unit; Mainline; Lateral lines; Sprinklers.
Drip irrigation involves dripping water onto the soil at very low rates. Water is applied close to plants so that only part of the soil in which the roots grow is wetted.
A typical drip irrigation system consists of the following components: Pump unit; Control head; Mainlines and sub-mainlines; Lateral lines; Emitters or drippers.
Application System
Irrigation Efficiency[1]
Drip Systems
90 %
Micro Sprinkler Systems
80 %
Permanent Sprinkler Systems
75 %
Moving Sprinkler Systems
80 %
Movable Quick Coupling Sprinkler Systems
70 %
Travelling Sprinkler Systems
65 %
Surface Irrigation Systems (Piped Supply)
80 %
Surface Irrigation Systems (Earth Channel Supply)
60 %
Irrigation Type
Initial costs
Land leveling
Adding of fertilizers
Labor requirements
Not requiered
Not requiered
Highly efficient
Based on : Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS)