Mini-grid Webinar Series

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Mini-Grids Webinar Series

Renewable energy mini grids are a widely discussed solution for cost-effective and reliable energy access. However, within the mini-grids dialogue micro (<100kW) and mini (<1MW) hydropower is often overlooked, despite the large number of beneficial projects operating globally, particularly in rural regions of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Many micro/mini hydropower systems originated as water mills that were upgraded to generate electricity (e.g. Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India). Some have transitioned from isolated mini-grids to grid-interconnected systems (e.g. Indonesia and Sri Lanka). As a proven technology with a long track record, micro/mini hydropower is in the focus of this webinar series, which will also analyze similarities and differences among other mini-grids technologies. read more

This webinar series will focus on the three highly relevant key topics: grid interconnection, productive end use of electricity (PUE) and the distinction between different types of mini-grid technologies.

Each webinar in the series will focus on a distinct and relevant topic, namely grid-interconnection, productive end use, and how to distinguish mini-grid technologies. The objectives of this webinar series include: a) to harness information from practitioners and other experts in the above mentioned key topics (mainly based on case studies) b) to create awareness on up-to-date developments, barriers and opportunities c) to strengthen the sector by supporting a fruitful exchange on the range of mini-grids technologies.

1st webinar:Grid Interconnections

Register for the Webinar 

As governments worldwide prioritize rural electrification, increasing number of mini grids built for rural communities are facing the “question” of what happens to the mini-grid when national grid arrives. Whether this is a serious problem or rather a big opportunity for the community will depend on a number of parameters.

This webinar will include examples from Indonesia and Sri Lanka where micro hydropower systems have been successfully connected to the national grid and even benefited the local community. For each of the two country cases, local experts will describe how micro hydropower developed in their country, their characteristics, what happened when the grid arrived as well as the current conditions for grid interconnection (e.g. feed-in tariff, technical requirements and economic aspects).

This webinar on grid-interconnection is the first in series of three webinars on mini-grids. Stay tuned for our second and third webinar on productive end use and distinction between mini-grid technologies.


will be announced soon

2nd webinar: Productive End Use of Energy

coming soon

3rd webinar: Mini-grid Types

coming soon



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