Energypedia T-shirts - Power to the People

From energypedia
Revision as of 09:48, 14 November 2018 by ***** (***** | *****)

Support our work and wear an ultra-fashionable T-shirt!

We are proud to present our own energypedia T-shirt collection "Power to the people"! Buy a T-shirt and support free access to worldwide knowledge on renewable energy, energy access, and energy efficiency in developing countries. Our T-shirts are organic and fair trade.

Just write us an email ( with your order and address and we get in touch with you.
Please note that if the T-shirt does not suit you, you will have to return it at your own expense.

Female T-Shirts only 32,- €

Energypedia women's T-shirt.JPG

Male T-Shirts only 32,- €

Energypedia men's T-shirt.JPG

Kids T-Shirts only 23,- €

Get your energypedia T-shirt today and support free knowledge on energy access and renewables to achieve sustainable energy for all!