Financing Source: Minimum Subsidy Tender (MST)

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Last edited on 10/03/2023 by Hector Alfaro
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Key facts
Total of US$70 million dollar assigned. The MST componment is implemented in two phases. Electrification of pre-selected communities (identified by REA/NEP). In first phase the communities will be packaged into lots, by state. The remaining sites will be tendered in the second phase. The grant amount will be determined competitively through the tender. The disbursement of the grant will be done upon verification that customers have been successfully connected to the network and have been provided satisfactory service. Under the NEP, channeled by REA
Type of financing
Technology scope
Target beneficiaries
Geographical scope
By REA/NEP pre-selected communities with high economic growth potential though a competitive tender -> 100+ sites across: Abia, Anambra, Bauchi, Cross River, Kano, Niger, Ondo, Ogun, Plateau and Sokoto states
Further information