Financing Source: CAP Financial Innovation Challenge

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Last edited on 20/03/2023 by Kimberly Fahsold
(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)

Key facts
Innovation Challenge from the UNDP with an award up to US$40,000 to develop a feasability study (over a period of 4 months) for an Innovative Financial Aggregation Structure or Model. Development of Innovative Financial Aggregation Structures and Models. Funding First-of-a-kind solutions or existing and proven approaches adapted to a new market/sector, geography, or context.
Type of financing
  • Grant
Technology scope
  • SHS
  • Minigrid
  • Other
Target beneficiaries
SME, banks, investors, financial intermediaries, digital and crowdfunding platforms, FinTech, government agencies, research institutions, industry associations, credit rating agencies, etc.
Geographical scope
East Africa, including at least one project in Uganda and Rwanda each
Application window
Further information