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Welcome to the hydro section

recommended articles to read and/or edit
  • Turgo Turbines from China
  • Run-of-the-River; the natural flow and elevation drop of a river are used to generate electricity

Frequently asked Questions

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Here you will find information about ended programs related to MHP and additional information...
Project archive ended projects; proposals; outcome; impact; lessons learnt
Manuals Manuals on Hydro issues
Tender documents Tender docs from Nepal; Micro Hydropower debt fund
Further Information further information and links from inside EnDev

Hydro Discussion Group

The Hydro Discussion Group chose the format of an email-discussion-group also for participants beyond EnDev context. Contact Andreas Michel to join.


detailed information about the projects related to MHP...
Bolivia Cooking, Lighting and HH, Social Inf., Prod. Use - Approaches and Experiences;
mini-hydro power plant (MHP)s for remote areas
Ethiopia Grid, MHP, PV - Market Situation, Activities, Tech. Aspects Financial and socio-economic aspects - Outcome and Impact
Indonesia Lighting and HH, Social Inf., Prod. Use - Approaches and Experiences
Rwanda Lighting and HH, Social Inf., Prod. Use - Approaches and Experiences
Nepal brief description

External links

MHP Portal List of experts, organisations and manufacturers of MHPs in different countries; Manuals, books, and software to download; Case studies; Discussions.... and the option to participate

Hydro.jpg   run-of-the-river hydroelectricity

Hydro.jpg    MHP discussion group

Hydro.jpg   Training documents and project experience from Indonesisa can be found here. The Mini Hydro Power Project (MHPP) has published various helpful documents. Feel free to browse through them and get inspired.

Hydro.jpg    MHP Manuals

Hydro.jpg    Tender Documents