Energypedia - Vision and Mission

From energypedia
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Some 1.4 billion people worldwide live without access to electricity. About 2.7 billion cook and heat traditionally with firewood or other biomass with negative consequences for household member's health and the environment. Without energy, no food can be cooked. Without lighting public life comes to a halt at dusk. Plants need energy to produce. Social facilities such as hospitals need energy to cool their medication. Granting people access to modern energy sources is therefore a key challenge of the 21st century.

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Our vision is a world of free knowledge exchange and mutual learning on renewable energies in which everyone has access to sustainable energy sources. Accessible, cleaner and more efficient technologies will foster human development and environmental protection worldwide. In accordance with this vision and following the UN Sustainable Energy For All Initiative, energypedia pursues the goal of providing universal access to modern energy services by strengthening a borderless global knowledge exchange.

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Consequently, our mission is to become a living platform on renewable energies and energy efficiency in the development sector by offering relevant, high-quality information and user-friendly knowledge sharing tools to all people engaged in the provision of sustainable energy services.

This vision, goal and mission are the basis for all of energypedia’s activities. Energypedia's vision and mission are derived from its charter which provides the basis for all of energypedia’s activities.