ASEAN Hydropower Competence Centre

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With the rising costs of fossil fuel driven energy production, hydropower development is becoming an ever more feasible option for the generation of electricity, especially in less developed and emerging countries. Due to the abundant water resources in the region, most of the ASEAN countries have a high potential for the use of hydropower which, to a large extend, is not yet realized. The ASEAN Hydropower Competence Centre (HYCOM) is an ASEAN-wide competence centre promoting hydropower development and disseminating know-how in the sector. Thereby HYCOM aims to contribute to an enhanced use of this renewable and environmentally sound energy source, and thus to economic development in the ASEAN region. HYCOM is jointly operated and managed by the Indonesian consulting and engineering company PT Entecand the Technical Education Development Centre Bandung (TEDC). The setting up of HYCOM is supported by the Renewable Energy Support Programme for ASEAN (ASEAN-RESP), which is implemented by the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the German International Cooperation (GIZ) on behalf of ASEAN and the German government.

Background and Objectives


The ASEAN Hydropower Competence Centre (HYCOM) is an ASEAN-wide competence centre, offering training as well as facilitating research and development to the small-scale hydropower sector, thereby increasing thedevelopment of the region’s hydraulic potential in the small-scale sizerange (<1 MW).

In addition to a variety of targeted training activities, HYCOM supports the hydro industry in developing, testing and improving their products at national, regional and international level. HYCOM offers a basis to capitalise on existing experiences and know-howin the ASEAN countries, to introduce standardised technology packages to mini hydropower (MHP) manufacturers and engineers in order to enable regional and international technology transfer. By means of increasing the quality and reducing the costs of locally manufactured MHP components, HYCOM is concerned to make a tangible contribution to the viability and attractiveness of renewable energy projects based on mini hydropower.


HYCOM pursues the following goals:

  • Conduct customized training programs and implement research and technology development activities in accordance with the actual demands received from hydropower practitioners
  • Facilitate an ASEAN-wide platform to exchange knowledge on small-scale hydropower
  • Initiate and support regional networking amongst MHP practitioners and experts through the establishment of contacts between training participants
  • Support the introduction of hydropower technology as learning modules for vocational schools
  • Further develop the MHP market in the countries of the ASEAN region, as well as in other developing and emerging countries

Facility and Equipment

HYCOM is strategically established on the premises of the Technical Education Development Centre (TEDC) in Bandung, Indonesia. TEDC is well supplied with lecture facilities (educational infrastructure) and accommodation, which is ideal for trainings with large groups of participants. HYCOM is equipped with a high class Swiss hydraulic laboratory. The HYCOM building provides sufficient space for large groups of visitors and features class and meeting rooms. Moreover, its design allows good potential for future extension of the laboratory, such as the installation of further turbine types.

The laboratory equipment consists of following items:

  • One 11 kW Francis turbine which can be converted to a Kaplan turbine. This unit is equipped with a eddy current break and a control panel
  • One 11 kW Pelton turbine equipped with a DC- Generator brake and control panel
  • One 30 kW semi axial pump with pressure vessel, motor and control to operate the Francis/Kaplan turbine
  • One 30 kW radial centrifugal pump with motor and control panel to operate the Pelton turbine
  • One PC with lab view software to conduct measurements Several instruments required for flow, torque and pressure measurements

Furthermore, the laboratory will be upscaled with a cross flow turbine by the end of 2012.


In order to stimulate the exchange of know-how on small-scale hydropower and enhance expertise in planning and implementation of MHP projects, HYCOM provides an array of services. Those services are specifically designed to meet the needs of the target group, which can comprise of engineers, technicians, MHP operators and practitioners, policy makers, students, as well as other MHP-related professionals.

HYCOM offers the following services:

  1. Training activities
    • Standard trainings
    • Tailor-made trainings
    • Workshops/Seminars
    • Study tours
  2. Laboratory testing of MHP equipment with regard to reliability, safety and efficiency
  3. Support for the development of MHP sites
  4. Networking and exchange of MHP-related information

The training, research and development activities of HYCOM address problems and requirements of the small-scale hydropower sector, based on field experience gained through past and ongoing project implementations. The availability of local hydropower know-how and competence is a key element in increasing investments in the sector and in contributing to climate friendly RE technologies.

Depending on demand, HYCOM will extend the range of its activity to cover the following services:

  • Setting standards for professional qualification (e.g. for trainers in operation and maintenance, turbine producers) and MHP products in order to facilitate mutual recognition of qualifications between ASEAN member countries
  • Certifying products and services on the small-scale hydropower market to ensure a reasonable quality level of equipment and services (“HYCOM quality label”)
  • Establishing e-learning modules and/or a moderated question- and answer service to enable decentralized distance learning approaches
  • Developing a database of MHP sites and studies for investors, institutions and government institutions

Conducted Training

The first ASEAN Mini Hydropower training program was successfully held from 2 to 15 September 2012 at the ASEAN Hydropower Competence in Bandung Indonesia. The program addressed hydropower practitioners and provided insights into the most important technical and economic aspects of mini hydropower technology (<1 MW).

Hands on exercises on site identification, civil construction and financial management of mini hydropower plants completed the 2-week training. Furthermore, it addressed construction and development of community based mini hydropower project. At the end of the training an open forum discussion was organized and a questionnaire was filled by every participant.

In general the training was considered as full success. During the training discussion it was emphasized that :

  • The training was highly appreciated by all participants.
  • That the training covers almost every aspects of mini/micro hydro power (MHP) technology
  • The time duration of the present training however was very dense and did not cover the detail of the MHP technologies/aspect

Training on MHP at HYCOM.jpg
Field measurement training related to MHP at HYCOM.jpg

* Training on MHP at HYCOM

* Field measurement training related to MHP at HYCOM

More information on the training can be found here.

HYCOM has 7 (seven) different Training Modules to cover the specific needs for different focus and targets (for example Training for Operation and Maintenance, Training for Turbine Design, etc.).

Further Information
