Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture

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The FAO has compiled data regarding greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, forestry and other land use. Food Security and Agriculture have to face substantial challenges under climate change: Negative impacts on productivity are expected, while sectoral actions need to be implemented to limit global warming.

Nontheless, greenhouse gas emissions from farming, livestock-raising, fisheries and forestry continue to rise (though not as fast as emissions from other human activities). Data on agriculture's emissions can help countries identify opportunities for reducing emissions while addressing their food security, resilience and rural development goals. Further, better data can help countries to gain access to global funding to pursue them.

"The new FAOSTAT emissions database represents the most comprehensive knowledge base on agricultural greenhouse gas emissions ever assembled. Updated annually, it provides a global point of reference on emissions and mitigation opportunities in the sector. Emissions are measured in CO2 equivalent (CO2 eq) – a metric used to compare different greenhouse gases."

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture