Feasibility Studies for PV Self-supply in Chile

From energypedia

One of the main objectives of the project "Solar Energy for Electricity and Heat in Chile" is to identify economically viable market segments for the development of solar electric and thermal self-supply, with regard to generate replicable impacts in the regions under study. In the area of electrical self-supply, the project developed by the Ministry of Energy of Chile and supported by the GIZ GmbH has a portfolio of technical and economic pre-feasibility studies of photovoltaic systems developed for different size captive-use PV applications such as public buildings, chemistry industry, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), agribusiness sector, agriculture and supermarkets.

Public Buildings

Spa Club Providencia

The Spa Club Providencia is a sports hall belonging to the Municipality of Providencia in Santiago de Chile. It is suitable to install a PV power plant to generate 34.65 kWp on the roof of the Spa, which should be facing to the north at an angle between 20 to 30 degrees, and there is not possibility of feeding the grid.

Carport FV DAOM Providencia

This report presents the feasibility study of a photovoltaic carport which will generate enough electricity to meet the demand of 12 electric vehicles. The vehicles would be used during the day and charged overnight. The electricity generated during the day will be directly used by the building or to charge vehicle that are not been used; while at night time, the vehicles would be loaded using electricity from the grid. The carport need an installed capacity of 15.6 kWp to meet the demand of the vehicle fleet, despite the fact that most of the electricity generated by the panels will be used by the building. The reason is that the electricity consume by the building will serve as "offset” to the electricity to charge the vehicles.

Chemistry Industry

GIZ Chile and Gamma Ingenieros SA elaborated a technical and economic pre-feasibility study for the generation of photovoltaic solar energy for self-generation in a chemical adhesives industry: HB Fuller SA. This industry is a regulated consumer by the distribution company "Chilectra" with a AT 4.3 tariff and a power contracted of 238 kW.

The daily load profiles and its annual projection, its electricity tariff, the availability of physical surfaces for the installation of PV panels and of space for the installation of the necessary elements were analyzed. Two options for self-generation were analyzed technically and economically: 100% self-consumption and NetBilling with connection to the Central Interconnected System (SIC).

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Agua purificada San Sebastián 

The pre-feasibility study shows that the implementation of a photovoltaic plant with connection to the grid and preference for home consumption during daylight hours is technically and economically viable. A solar plant with a peak power of 18 KWp will produce daily 78 kWh/day (average annual value). This covers 54% of the total 24 hours consumption. The plant will be connected to the distribution system through a low voltage three-phase connection. The implementation of this PV plant requires an initial investment of approx. 30.5 million of chilean pesos. The economic evaluation present a specific electric power cost of 90 chilean pesos/kWh and a pay-back period of nine years.

Agribusiness sector<o:p></o:p>




