Solar Battery Charging Stations

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An operator of a solar battery charging station in Mali connects a battery to the charging terminal

Rural Electrification by Battery Charging Stations

In rural areas of developing countries many households do not have access to electricity and power their radios with dry cell batteries or use candles and kerosene lamps for domestic lighting. Some employ car batteries that are charged in battery charging stations for lighting and entertainment.

Battery charging stations are usually not the first choice for rural electrification, but they can be viable in remote areas were no other alternatives exist and the income of the population is too low to invest in other solutions as for example solar home systems. Battery charging stations provide services for a low energy demand and therefore, are a temporary solution until other energy resources are available. Until then, however, many years may pass.

In electrified areas grid-based battery charging stations can be seen as indirect grid densification as those that have no direct connection in their home profit indirectly from the existing electricity infrastructure.

Lead-acid wet cell car batteries are often used for providing a minimum of electricity services for the local population in many developing countries. They are usually available on the market, in some countries also produced locally and the most common type in use to cover basic energy needs. They are the least cost option, but have a low allowable depth of discharge and a short life time compared to deep-cycle batteries designed to provide a steady amount of current over a long period.

The use of electricity from car batteries can improve the living conditions of its users to a large extent. Battery powered lamps not only improve domestic working conditions at night in particular for women but also enhance studying conditions for children because they provide brighter light than kerosene lamps and candles. Furthermore, they do not emit noxious pollutants accounting for a healthier indoor air.

Battery-driven radios and TVs are highly valued for information and entertainment. Small radios are often powered by expensive dry cell batteries which are thrown into the nature after being used. Power from batteries charged in a battery charging station is an environment-friendlier option if their disposal and recycling, after a lifetime of up to three years, is guaranteed.

The possibility to recharge mobile phones is crucial for the access to modern communication and can help people in rural areas to obtain information and facilitate commercial operations.

To a smaller extent, the provision of battery charging facilities gradually contributes to raising incomes derived from small businesses and handicraft, especially in communal market towns. Shop owners, for example, can open their shops in the evenings, and thus not only might raise their income, but also deliver an improved service to the community. Usually car batteries are transported to the nearest grid, diesel or solar-based battery charging station where they are connected and recharged for a fee. In addition to the fee, users pay transport costs according to the distance to the next station. Depending on the household’s income, energy demand, battery quality and size, batteries are recharged between two to four times a month.

Diesel generators can charge a limited number of batteries at a time, and service costs highly depend on diesel costs. Grid based charging stations are usually less subject to quantity restrictions and changing diesel prices, but might be located far from the rural population.

Solar battery charging stations (SBCS) constructed in rural areas are an alternative solution to provide the local population with energy for basic needs and reduce the time and expenses required for travelling.

Those stations consist of

  • at least one photovoltaic panel and
  • a charge controller to prevent batteries from overcharging.

The size of a SBCS and the number of PV panels installed vary according to insolation (solar radiation energy received on a given surface area at a given time) and energy demand (number of batteries to be charged). SBCS can be operated in different ways.

They can be

  • property of the municipality
  • privately owned.

The users may pay

  • a fee per charge
  • a monthly fee
  • for the recharge of their own batteries or
  • for renting a recharged battery owned by the operator.

SBCS can simply offer recharge service or include a shop selling other solar and electric equipment.

Example ‘Energising Development’ Mali

Mali's power grid covers only a few urban areas and more than 97 % of the rural population live without access to electricity. In order to enhance living conditions of the population photovoltaic battery charging stations were installed in seven rural municipalities as a part of the Malian Communal Electrification Programme ‘Électrifcation Communale’ (ELCOM) which is a unit of the Local Government Support Programme (‘Programme d’Appui aux Collectivités Territoriales’ (PACT)) and forms an integral part of the ‘Energising Development’ (EnDev) initiative, a German-Dutch partnership.

ELCOM’s objective is to provide access to electricity in rural areas of Mali, not only by constructing SBCS for local people, but also by installing communal solar power systems for key public buildings (health centres, schools, town halls) and solar street lights.

The SBCS are property of the municipality and the operation is delegated to a private service provider who runs them on a fee-for-service basis. The fee is used to cover the maintenance and upgrade costs of the SBSC as well as the maintenance costs for the communal PV systems installed in schools, health centres and town halls.

From the beginning of 2008 until the beginning of 2009, 26 SBCS were constructed. The municipalities contributed to the expenses in cash and in kind (labour by the villagers) with an average proportion of 10 to 20 % of the initial investment costs. The remaining costs were covered by EnDev funding

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