Transparency as Precondition for Reforming Subsidies
GTZ Position (Subsidies….A Think Piece; Fuel Price Index; Access for All – Illusions and Solutions; REN21 etc.): Mehr Transparenz über Kosten und Preise ist die Voraussetzung für eine vermehrte Diskussion/Partizipation und kann zum Abbau von Subventionen führen. Es gibt zwar viele Lobbygruppen, die ein Interesse an Intransparenz haben. Dennoch nutzt die Transparenz der Politik letztlich, weil sie damit zusätzliche Argumente für den Abbau von Subventionen erhält. In DE wurde mit dem 20. Subventionsbericht (2003) ebenfalls eine Neuabgrenzung der Finanzhilfen vorgenommen, die den Regelungen der EU-Energiesteuerrichtlinie (RiLi 2003/96/EG) entspricht und für mehr Transparenz sorgt.
Siehe dazu auch: GSI/UNEP, April 2010: “Gaining Traction: The importance of transparency in accelerating the reform of fossil-fuel subsidies” <o:p></o:p>
Aus dieser Studie:
Transparency as a foundation for reform
Transparency can influence reform in at least four ways (Hale, 2008):
1. by institutionalizing public discourse: the act of disclosure starts a dialogue between the discloser and
interested parties;
2. by compelling actors to tell the truth, making it difficult for discourse to be manipulated by one “loud,”
deceitful actor;
3. by cutting through the flood of information and often contradictory claims to focus attention on facts;
4. by promoting self-reflection within the organization or government, compelling actors to comply with
their own standards and norms.
In considering the extent to which improving transparency could assist reform, the key consideration appears
to be one of ensuring its relevance. For transparency to be useful, information users and providers must desire
disclosure of the information and see how such transparency can help meet their objectives.
Improved information about fossil-fuel subsidies, in particular, can help governments meet their reform
objectives. At the simplest level, information about the subsidy and its effects facilitates an assessment of its
costs and benefits and, therefore, of the implications of reform. Making this information publicly available
increases awareness of the effects of existing policies and allows public input to decision-making (Wolfe and
Helmer, 2007).
Many governments understand the economic, social and environmental problems created by subsidies, but
are under political pressure to maintain them. Transparency can expose those winners and losers created by
subsidies and therefore help to broaden support for reform (Victor, 2009)....
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