Impact Studies Material
From energypedia
Revision as of 10:04, 27 January 2010 by ***** (***** | *****)
- EnDev 2 Impact Monitoring Tool Kit
- IA Guide by EnDev
- Cooking Energy Impacts, Observation Fields and Indicators
Stoves: Result based Monitoring in Kenya
- Impact Assessment 2007/2008
- Methodology paper
- Steps and Procedures for IA Kenya
- Selection Criteria for HH, SI, PU and producers IA Kenya
- Results Chain for IA Kenya
- Model List of Impacts, Observation fields and Indicators for IA Kenya
- Household Questionnaire
- Guiding questions for data analysis - HH
- Producer Questionnaire
- Guiding questions for data analysis - Producers
- Questionnaire SI (schools)
- Questionnaire PU (restaurants)
- Interview guide - local authority (chief)
- PRA Tools - Groups discussion
- TOR for consultant
Stoves: Result based Monitoring in Ethiopia
- Impact Assessment 2008
- Consumer Questionnaire IA Ethiopia
- Producer Questionnaire IA Ethiopia
- Producer Case Study Guide IA Ethiopia
- Results Chain Ethiopia
Stoves: Result based Monitoring Malawi (ProBEC)
- Impact Assessment 2008
- proposed Concept Impact Assessment ProBEC Malawi
- final Scope Impact Study ProBEC Malawi
- General HH Questionnaire Malawi
- Stove producer Questionnaire Malawi
Sustainability Study SHS Bangladesh