Chikololere (Cookstove DB)

From energypedia
Revision as of 07:28, 5 July 2016 by ***** (***** | *****) (CSV import)

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Energypedia is a wiki platform similar to Wikipedia. Energypedia provides 11,856 articles about renewable energies and experiences in the context of development cooperation. These articles are and will be updated continuously with everyone’s (at the moment 12,790  users) collaboration (collective intelligence)! Furthermore you can jointly organize discussion processes and groups. Energypedia will optimize the exchange of knowledge and the joint work amongst energy experts around the world.






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Establishment/Project Data

ID: 42978
Type: Production centre (portable stoves)
Start: Year establishment started business 2015
Technology: unknown
ICS produced: 586 ICS sold: 561 Date: 09.02.2016
Employees (total): 0|.|,}} Female: 0|.|,}} Male: 0|.|,}}
Programme: Programme under which establishment is active Concern Universal / Discover


Cookstove default.png

Location Data

District: Dedza
No gps coordinates available.
TA: Kachindamoto
GVH: Chikololere
Village: chokololere
Road: Accessibilty/Road (Distance in KM to primary road) 0 km
District information
Area in sq. Km: 3,624 km²
Population: 830,512
Tree cover (%): 8 %


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The following coordinate was not recognized: -,346.000.000.000.