ACCESS Productive Uses

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Questions? Comments?

Please feel free to contact us and ask any questions! Please start a discussion on this Talk:ACCESS Productive Uses. All your comments and suggestions are very welcome in order to collect all gaps and ultimately fill this knowledge portal.

What: definition, context, and current obstacles/knowledge gaps

Cso icon productive use.png

Productive uses of energy can be defined as the use of energy to power activities that result in income for the community and its individuals. In this case, the source of electricity or thermal energy will ideally be from a sustainable source, specifically relating to decentralized energy systems that have proven to be a more feasible solution to energy access than grid extension. There are many categories and definitions of productive uses; therefore this portal helps readers gain exposure to the possibilities and extent of productive uses.


Knowledge Gaps

  • Community uses of energy (schools, health centers, etc.)
  • Skills required on the ground, Entrepreneurs (and how CSOs can partner with the right implementers), market linkages (how do we ensure there is a market for the goods produced, how do we partner with livelihood NGOs etc.)

How: required actions considering existing best practices

Who: outline of active contributors in the sector and current multi-stakeholder analysis