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Guidelines for the Country Energy Situation Pages on energypedia
- Please follow the structure propsed and make sure your entries answer the guiding questions.
Guide to updating 'Country Energy Situation' Articles
Guiding questions
1 Introduction
- Give a short introduction of the country's energy situation, status quo including energy supply and consumption. If this is too much information, split into sub headings
- What is the overall situation? What is the energy access situation like?
- What are the “hot topics of energy policy in the country? What is the common mood about security of supply, energy prices and competition?
- include a map to visualize
- 3-6 paragraphs
2 Energy Situation
- general data on energy production, installed capacity, supply / consumption, energy mix (historical background; current situation; future scenarios)
- How does the energy transition look like?
- What ́s the energy demand of the different sectors and what is their primary energy source? What is known about the load profiles of different customers?
- Rural electrification situation vs urban situation
- Energy subisdies; Energy security;
- Rather present the data in figures & tables, than long texts
3 Renewable Energy 3.1 Biomass 3.2 Solar Energy 3.3 Hydropower 3.4 Wind Energy 3.5 Geothermal Energy
- What are the most important renewable energy sources? What is the status of renewables in different sectors? To what % do they contribute to energy supply/use? What is their potential?
4 Fossil Fuels [not mandatory]
e.g. LPG, coal
5 Key Problems of the Energy Sector
- Please list the biggest Issues and Bottlenecks = key challenges
- Preferably in bullet points
6 Policy Framework, Laws and Regulations
- General Energy Policy, Energy Strategy
- Important Laws and Regulations
- Specific Strategies
- Is there a General Energy Policy / Strategy, Renewable Energy strategy? what are the main points?
- Are there targets for RE? Are there targets for SDG7? Are there targets for rural eelctrification/energy access? What policies and framework conditions support the extended use of renewable? What support scheme is in use and how does it support the different renewables? (How would you design an adequate support scheme?)
- Are there specific strategies / policies for different technologies? List all. (e.g. Biomass, Renewable Energies, Rural Electrification, Energy Access Strategy, Poverty Reduction Strategy etc)
- Are there important laws and regulations, e.g. to support renewables?
- Is energy part of Poverty reduction strategy papers, NDCs, etc?
- structured by year or by technology
7 Institutional Set up in the Energy Sector
- Who is in-charge of energy policy (ministers, authorities etc.) and how are responsibilities split amongst them? What is their focus, and what is their attitude towards renewables? (governmental bodies and agencies)
- Private sector: who is involved? Utilities?
- list agencies, abbreviation, web links, and roles (in a table)
8 Other Key Actors / Activities of Donors, Implementing Agencies, Civil Society Organisations
- Are there any associations for certain energy topics and companies? Since when? What role do they take?
- Development cooperation: Who are the major players in the field? What is their share in contributing? What type of activities do they do?
- Are there important research institutions?
9 Further Information
- List of other energypedia articles; other external links
10 References
- Please make sure to always cite relevant sources!
- e.g. IEA, WB, ESMAP, CIA factbook, UNEP, etc.
Guide to creating a new 'Country Energy Situation' Article:
Other Information
- Create a new page and name it as follows: 'Country' Energy Situation'
- Copy the TEMPLATE below by clicking on edit. Paste the template into your new page ('Country' Energy Situation').
- Upload the country flag and the map to use it in your page.
- Save the Flag as Flag of 'Country'.svg and the map as Location 'Country'.png
- Categorize the page with the according country name, according world region and the category 'Country Energy Situation'.
- You can add additional information/headlines to your page if you think it is useful.
Have fun!
TEMPLATE: Copy the following template...
Energy Situation
Renewable Energy
Bioenergy (Biomass, Biogas)
Solar Energy
Wind Energy
Geothermal Energy
Fossil Fuels
Key Problems of the Energy Sector
Policy Framework, Laws and Regulations
General Energy Policy, Energy Strategy
Important Laws and Regulations
Specific Strategies
Institutional Set up in the Energy Sector
Governmental Bodies and Agencies
Activities of Donors and Implementing Agencies
Further Information