Publication - Rapid Diagnostic Assessment of Land and other Natural Resources Degradation in Areas Impacted by the South Sudan Refugee Influx in Northern Uganda - Technical Report

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Rapid Diagnostic Assessment of Land and other Natural Resources Degradation in Areas Impacted by the South Sudan Refugee Influx in Northern Uganda - Technical Report

John Begumana, Laura D’Aietti, Arturo Gianvenuti, Inge Jonckheere, Eva Kintu, Erik Lindquist, Rebecca Tavani, Zuzhang Xia, Ross Hughes, Lesya Verheijen & Matthew Owen
Published in
October 2018
The ongoing refugee crisis in South Sudan has led to the establishment of some of the world’s largest refugee settlements over the border in northern Uganda. By March 2018, over a million South Sudanese refugees and asylum-seekers had migrated to Uganda, more than 350,000 of them in 2017 alone. Uganda is also hosting refugees from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia, making it the largest refugee host country in Africa (and second in the world), with a total of 1.4 million refugees and asylum-seekers.

The influx of refugees is reported to have had a range of environmental impacts and associated challenges, including land degradation and woodland loss, resulting in inadequate access to energy for cooking and competition with local people for water and other natural resources. Supporting more sustainable use of those resources, especially forests and other woodlands, could help address environmental degradation and improve energy access.

The World Bank commissioned the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to undertake a rapid assessment of natural resource degradation around the refugee settlements in northern Uganda, with a focus on forest resources, and to identify possible interventions to mitigate pressure on the environment and support energy access for both the refugee and host communities.

This Technical Report summarizes the main findings and recommendations of the assessment. These are

expected to guide World Bank support to the Government of Uganda – including the Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project (DRDIP) and an IDA disbursement window for refugee-affected countries – as well as providing information of wider strategic value to other agencies concerned with the impacts of refugees on natural resources in Uganda.
