Guide to updating 'Country Energy Situation' Articles
Guiding questions
1 Introduction
- Give a short introduction of the country's energy situation, status quo including energy supply and consumption. If this is too much information, split into sub headings
- What is the overall situation? What is the energy access situation like?
- What are the “hot topics of energy policy in the country? What is the common mood about security of supply, energy prices and competition?
2 Energy Situation
- general data on energy production, installed capacity, supply / consumption, energy mix (historical background; current situation; future scenarios)
- How does the energy transition look like?
- What ́s the energy demand of the different sectors and what is their primary energy source? What is known about the load profiles of different customers?
- Rural electrification situation vs urban situation
- Energy subsidies; Energy security
- Percentage split of centralized and decentralized systems
- Rather present the data in figures & tables, than long texts
3 Renewable Energy 3.1 Biomass 3.2 Solar Energy 3.3 Hydropower 3.4 Wind Energy 3.5 Geothermal Energy
- What are the most important renewable energy sources? What is the status of renewables in different sectors? To what % do they contribute to energy supply/use? What is their potential?
4 Fossil Fuels [not mandatory]
e.g. LPG, coal
5 Key Problems of the Energy Sector [not mandatory]
- Please list the biggest Issues and Bottlenecks = key challenges
- Identify the main challenges to activating a market for the provision of electrification access
- Preferably in bullet points
6 Networks
- Overview of current and planned distribution and transmission systems.
- Number and type of companies, regions that each supplies, voltage levels, number of customers, private or public ownership.
If this chapter seems too long, it could be transferred into a separate article and be linked in this section.
7 Policy Framework, Laws and Regulations
- Electrification Planning
- General Energy Policy, Energy Strategy
- Important Laws and Regulations
- Specific Strategies
- Is there a master electrification plan in your country? Describe its main features and if are they being followed?
- Does the master plan include both centralized and decentralized electrification?
- Are there specific strategies and targets for: 1. Energy Access 2. Renewable Energy 3. Rural electrification? What are the main features and are they being followed?
- Are there specific support schemes/subsidies for: 1. Access 2. Rural electrification 3. Off-grid electrification? Please describe these. Are any of these associated to using Renewable Energies? Are subsidies for diesel or kerosene subsidies available?
- Are there specific strategies / policies for different technologies? (Renewable Energies, Microgrids, Stand Alone Systems etc) and is current regulation compatibility between these?
- Is energy part of Poverty reduction strategy papers, NDCs, etc?
- structured by year or by technology
8 Power Sector Regulation
Identify and describe the major pieces of regulation addressing the following elements:
- Electrification
- Renewables
- Off-grid developments
- Public/Private Partnerships
- Industry privatization
- Wholesale electricity generation (Planning, investment, ownership and remuneration)
- Distribution (Remuneration, quality of service, ownership)
- Transmission (planning, charges, ownership)
- Retail (tariff structures, customers categories)
- Quality of service
If this chapter seems too long, it could be transferred into a separate article and be linked in this section.
9 Institutional Set up in the Energy Sector
- What institutions are in charge of preparing the electrification plan? Who is responsible for implementing the plan? Describe the role and responsibilities of each institution.
- Private sector: who is involved? Utilities?
- list agencies, abbreviation, web links, and roles (in a table)
10 Other Key Actors / Activities of Donors, Implementing Agencies, Civil Society Organisations
- Are there any associations for certain energy topics and companies? Since when? What role do they take?
- Development cooperation: Who are the major players in the field? What is their share in contributing? What type of activities do they do?
- Are there important research institutions?
11 Business models and Financing
- Describe the kind of business models that are emerging and if the ownership of these are public or private.
- Does your country have a well-defined PPA? Please describe.
- Describe the main financing instruments used to promote electrification and financial risk measure taken by private or public companies
- Identify the main challenges to activating a market for the provision of electrification access
- How is the cost of grid-extension covered and is it being extended to rural areas?
- Describe the level of microgrid penetration and how it is financed
- Describe the level of Stand Alone System penetration and how it is financed
12 Further Information
- List of other energypedia articles; other external links
- learn how to set a link here.
13 References
- Please make sure to always cite relevant sources!
- e.g. IEA, WB, ESMAP, CIA factbook, UNEP, etc.