Publication - Country Priority Plan and Diagnostic of the Electricity Sector - Mozambique

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Country Priority Plan and Diagnostic of the Electricity Sector - Mozambique
Published in
December 2021
The Mozambique Country Priority Plan (“CPP”) will be the reference document

adopted by the Government of Mozambique (“GoM”) and the African Development Bank (“AfDB”) to summarize the priority reforms and projects that will be presented during the fifth edition of the Africa Energy Market Place (“AEMP”). The AEMP is a flagship AfDB forum that is held every year and to showcase investment opportunities in the energy sector of selected African countries and facilitate dialogue on key policy and regulatory challenges. AEMP is an output focused event which leverages AfDB’s convening power to bring together the public and private sector along with development partners to propose solutions and advance funding to deliver priority investments and reforms. In preparation for this event, the AfDB have asked the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (“TBI”) to coordinate the development of Priority Plans for the selected countries. These plans consist of two parts: 1. The identification of AEMP Priorities (investments and reforms) to be advanced through the AEMP process. 2. A Sector Diagnostic providing background on the sector including statistics, successes and challenges to ensure a common understanding across AEMP

participants and provide for richer dialogue during the AEMP event.
