Expert to conduct Mozambique Investment Academy

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Expert to conduct Mozambique Investment Academy

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Job title
Expert to conduct Mozambique Investment Academy

  • Mozambique

Type of job
temporary contract

Financing and Funding
Language of description
Job description
Mozambique Investment Academy is supporting at least early-stage 10 SMEs active in the DRE sector across Mozambique that will receive a targeted, finance training program, providing in-depth project development training, pitching exercises and guidance on how to access financing for their businesses and projects.

In the context of the training, ARE is seeking an expert to deliver the training in Portuguese. The training activities will take place from beginning of December 2022 to end of March 2023.


The objective of this activity is to, over a range of 4 modules, train a group of at least 10 selected DRE SMEs on a broad range of business development and access to finance-related topics; theoretical training units and practical exercises, case studies and problem-solving exercises in small groups.

Scope of work

ARE is seeking an expert (with Portuguese and English proficiency) to develop training materials and deliver the training to 10 selected Mozambican DRE SMEs across the following modules (all in Portuguese):

Module 1: Business Plan Development (in-person, Maputo, 9th Dec 2022)

   How to structure and develop a good business plan
   Work on different sections of business plan, incl. practical exercises, group exercises
   Financing plan & Financial Model
   Case studies, practical exercises + discussions with domestic finance institutions

Module 2: Business Model Development (Virtual, 3rd week of Jan 2023)

   Introduction and general considerations
   The Logical Framework
   Different DRE business models and key considerations
   Maybe split in two groups: SHS – GMGs
   Case studies, practical exercises

Module 3: Pitch Deck writing (Virtual, end of Feb 2023)

   General considerations
   Structure and content of a good pitch deck
   Practical exercises
   Pitch deck to prepare for next session

Module 4: Exercise: presenting pitch deck developed by participants (in-person, Abidjan, 20 Mar 2023)

   Review and improve pitch decks prepared by participants
   Matchmaking & Pitching, including
       Participants pitch their investment projects to Jury/group of ARE Financier Members/GET.invest experts 
       Jury selects best pitch
       Winner(s) receives an award during EAIF 2023 (exact day tbc)

The expert delivering the training should deliver up to 8 hours in-person and 8 hours of online training.

   Module 1 – 4 hours (in-person)
   Module 2 – 4 hours (virtual)
   Module 3 – 4 hours (virtual)
   Module 4 – 4 hours (in-person)
The trainings will be delivered in Portuguese so the expert must be fluent in both Portuguese and English.
Application deadline
  • Mozambique

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