Opportunity - Thematic Call

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Thematic Call
Financial: (Other Funding Opportunities)
  • Other
  • Climate Change
  • Germany
The IKI Thematic Calls address current challenges in climate action, adaptation and biodiversity conservation on an annual basis. For these challenges, the respective IKI ministries define new thematic priorities as a basis for submission of project outlines. The financing volume provided by the IKI can range from 5 to 20 million EUR per project depending on the thematic priority.

Who can participate in the ideas competition?

Participation in the ideas competition of IKI Thematic Calls is open to the following organisations:

  • Non-governmental organisations;
  • Universities and research institutions;
  • International intergovernmental organisations and institutions such as development banks;
  • United Nations organisations and programmes;
  • Implementing organisations of the Federal Republic of Germany;
  • Commercial enterprises.

Partner country governments and individuals cannot participate in the ideas competition.

How are the projects selected?

The project selection procedure takes place in two phases. In the first phase (outline phase), interested implementing organisations are invited to submit project outlines within the framework of an ideas competition. The three ministries involved in the IKI usually select one or two project outlines per thematic priority from all submissions. In the second phase (proposal phase), the organisations whose project outlines have been selected (from the first phase), are invited to submit a detailed proposal.

Further information and application: https://www.international-climate-initiative.com/en/find-funding/thematic-call/