Welcome to the biogas section
featured articles
recommended articles to read and/or edit
- Turgo Turbines from China
- Run-of-the-River; the natural flow and elevation drop of a river are used to generate electricity
Information about ended programs related to MHP and additional information...
Project archive
ended projects; proposals; outcome; impact; lessons learnt
Manuals on Hydro issues
Tender documents
Tender docs from Nepal; Micro Hydropower debt fund
Further Information
further information and links from inside EnDev
detailed information about the projects related to MHP...
Cooking, Lighting and HH, Social Inf., Prod. Use - Approaches and Experiences; mini-hydro power plant (MHP)s for remote areas
Grid, MHP, PV - Market Situation, Activities, Tech. Aspects Financial and socio-economic aspects - Outcome and Impact
Lighting and HH, Social Inf., Prod. Use - Approaches and Experiences
Lighting and HH, Social Inf., Prod. Use - Approaches and Experiences
brief description
External Links
Feel free to add relevant links here with a brief description of its content. Any input will be appreciated.
MHP Portal
List of experts, organisations and manufacturers of MHPs in different countries; Manuals, books, and software to download; Case studies; Discussions.... and the option to participate