Energypedia - Quality matters

From energypedia
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Quality matters! Only if the information contained in energypedia's articles and databases is as accurate as possible, users will benefit from this wiki platform and will contribute to true knowledge exchange and a more sustainable future.

Nonetheless, we are aware that this approach of publishing content without a formal editorial process comes along with the risk of quality deficiencies. The following points will give you information and tools to help keeping the quality high.

Wiki Gardening

Wiki Gardening is the process of incrementally editing a wiki space to preserve continuity, make additional connections and links, and otherwise clean it up to be more consistent.


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Wiki Gardener

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Do's and Dont's

Although energypedia is an open Web 2.0 platform without strict regulations, we think that some user guidelines are useful in order to increase quality and to ensure a peaceful collaborative working atmosphere.

Do's and Dont's Click here to find out more about our "Do's and Dont's"!

Maintenance Boxes

Have you ever thought that an article is missing proper references or that two articles are redundant? Than you can now help to improve energypedia by telling other users about your observation: simply include one of the five new maintenance boxes in the article in question!

Click here to find out more about maintenance boxes!

Write good Articles

How to write an good articles and actually how can I use all these features in a wiki?

Energypedia priveds a help page that has a lot of good answer to these question.

Please come and visit our help page.

Copyrights and Plagiarism

One of the most important topics for an open online platform are copyright issues and plagiarism. Energypedia respects copyrights and tries to protect intellectual property to the best of its knowledge and ability! However, energypedia is partly reliant on its users to report possible violations.

Report us suspicious articles or files by using a maintenance box or by writing an email to the energypedia team!