Thailand - Energy efficiency revolving fund: case study

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Thailand - Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund: Case Study

Title of Document Thailand - Energy Efficiency Revolving Fund: Case Study
Abstract The Thailand energy efficiency revolving fund (TEERF) was established by the Government of Thailand and managed by the Ministry of Energy, Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE). The objective of the TEERF is to provide access to capital for energy efficiency projects, increase awareness of energy efficiency opportunities and improve procedures and implementation of the projects. The TEERF provides credit lines to participating Thai banks on a full-recourse basis and at zero interest rate, with the requirement that the funds be on-lent to project developers and borrowers at an interest rate of no more than 4 percent. The TEERF has successfully funded a number of energy saving projects since its commencement. The graph shows the total investments in energy efficiency projects leveraged by loans from the fund and the projected total financial savings that will be achieved over the life of the equipment installed in the projects.
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Original Source World Bank
Year 2012
Region/Country East Asia & The Pacific - Thailand
Language(s) English
Document Type Case Studies - Project Financing
Sector Multisector