Semantic Sandbox

From energypedia
Revision as of 15:20, 4 August 2015 by ***** (***** | *****)


In an effort to better understand the needs as well as the user satisfaction of the energypedia community, we recently conducted our first Energypedia User Survey. The survey was launched on 30th June 2015, with a survey link on our website, survey request sent via emails to all our registered users as well as a survey link on our communication channels like newsletter, Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. The survey was closed on 13th July 2015. The survey covered three main aspects

  • information on energypedia users and their level of satisfaction with energypedia
  • quality of the information on energypedia
  • Energypedia community (does the community know about all the resources on energypedia, how do they use it)

A total of 185 users responded to the survey and the key outcomes of the survey is highlighted below.

User Demographic

  • Out of the total 185 users who responded to the survey, around 145 already have an energypedia user account.
  • Most of the replies came from users based in Europe and Central Asia followed by South Asia and Latin America.
  • The users were also mostly working in private sector/business.
  • About 38% of the respondents came to know about energypedia via colleague/friends recommendation and 21% came via the search engine
  • 74% of the participants said that they use energypedia to keep themselves updated with the latest developments in renewable energy.
